Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

I don't think there are Devil Worshipers around much? I mean, now a days they probably play WOW or something instead... and it's more fun :)

What about Shinto who worship a River God? Are they Devil Worshipers?

We live and we die. Sadly that's it.
When there is a clear historical track record of dumping mosques on another peoples' most sacred site, then denying it openly and blatantly - the term of intolerant must be applied correctly where it belongs. This is the message to a mosque in NY.

But look behind the curtain: Christianity remained silent of a mosque in Jerusalem - because Christianity wants a church there - the mosque destroyed a church dumped there immorally. So both Christianity and Islam are hellbent on negating another and I wonder why - intollerance - or garden variety genocide wth a track record, made to look like saving their Pretend Pals, serial 2-state demands and fulfilling away the 10 C's: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL, THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS, THOU SHALL NOT COVET, ETC, ETC, ETC!
I'm really not sure which is the most intolerant - haven't made my mind up yet. Of course, some people see intolerance as a virtue. :shrug:
I'm really not sure which is the most intolerant - haven't made my mind up yet. Of course, some people see intolerance as a virtue. :shrug:


Genocidal demands by hordes who have no right of the lands they stand on - made on a small nation which does have rights of the land they are on.

Those who don't know are telling fibs. Like the EU and all Christians. The corruption of the Balfour was the worst crime post W.W.II and it was nothing short of a genocidal aspiration. This was affirmed when a deathly 3-state is now accounted as a 2-state. At least the Nazis were honest about it.

Genocidal demands by hordes who have no right of the lands they stand on - made on a small nation which does have rights of the land they are on.
since when did you become a palestinian supporter? and the Israelis aren't a horde though they do have a ton of bigoted suypporters

Those who don't know are telling fibs. Like the EU and all Christians. The corruption of the Balfour was the worst crime post W.W.II and it was nothing short of a genocidal aspiration. This was affirmed when a deathly 3-state is now accounted as a 2-state. At least the Nazis were honest about it.

still ignoring history to push your fantasies i see.
since when did you become a palestinian supporter? and the Israelis aren't a horde though they do have a ton of bigoted suypporters

My history lessons say the term Palestinean was placed on the Jewish soveriegn land of Judea [aka not any Arab or Islamic sacred soil] by the ancesters of today's christians [the Romans], then they fastediously barred the Jews from returning to their land when Christianity begat power. In the 1960's one Egyptian born terrorist shaked hands with the Pope - and walla! This name was re-dumped on those hordes panting and chanting death to the Jews, accusing them of robbing Palestinean land. Sounds absurd but its a true story.

still ignoring history to push your fantasies i see.

Is this fantasy, or does it tell Americans what happened when a mosque was dumped on the real ground zero - zip coded Jerusalem:

Islam center's eerie echo of ancient terror

September 10, 2010

Should there be a mosque near Ground Zero? In fact, what is pro posed is not a mosque -- nor even an "Islamic cultural center."

In Islam, every structure linked to the faith and its rituals has a precise function and character. A mosque is a one-story gallery built around an atrium with a mihrab (a niche pointing to Mecca) and one, or in the case of Shiites two, minarets.

Other Islamic structures, such as harams, zawiyyahs, husseinyiahs and takiyahs, also obey strict architectural rules. Yet the building used for spreading the faith is known as Dar al-Tabligh, or House of Proselytizing.

TOWER: The Ground Zero project doesn't fit the traditional minaret. This 13-story multifunctional structure couldn't be any of the above.

The groups fighting for the project know this; this is why they sometimes call it an Islamic cultural center. But there is no such thing as an Islamic culture.

Islam is a religion, not a culture. Each of the 57 Muslim-majority nations has its own distinct culture -- and the Bengali culture has little in common with the Nigerian. Then, too, most of those countries have their own cultural offices in the US, especially in New York.

Islam is an ingredient in dozens of cultures, not a culture on its own.

In theory, at least, the culture of American Muslims should be American. Of course, this being America, each ethnic community has its distinct cultural memories -- the Iranians in Los Angeles are different from the Arabs in Dearborn.

In fact, the proposed structure is known in Islamic history as a rabat -- literally a connector. The first rabat appeared at the time of the Prophet.

The Prophet imposed his rule on parts of Arabia through a series of ghazvas, or razzias (the origin of the English word "raid"). The ghazva was designed to terrorize the infidels, convince them that their civilization was doomed and force them to submit to Islamic rule. Those who participated in the ghazva were known as the ghazis, or raiders.

After each ghazva, the Prophet ordered the creation of a rabat -- or a point of contact at the heart of the infidel territory raided. The rabat consisted of an area for prayer, a section for the raiders to eat and rest and facilities to train and prepare for future razzias. Later Muslim rulers used the tactic of ghazva to conquer territory in the Persian and Byzantine empires. After each raid, they built a rabat to prepare for the next razzia.

It is no coincidence that Islamists routinely use the term ghazva to describe the 9/11 attacks against New York and Washington. The terrorists who carried out the attack are referred to as ghazis or shahids (martyrs).

Thus, building a rabat close to Ground Zero would be in accordance with a tradition started by the Prophet. To all those who believe and hope that the 9/11 ghazva would lead to the destruction of the American "Great Satan," this would be of great symbolic value.

Faced with the anger of New Yorkers, the promoters of the project have started calling it the Cordoba House, echoing President Obama's assertion that it would be used to propagate "moderate" Islam.

The argument is that Cordoba, in southern Spain, was a city where followers of Islam, Christianity and Judaism lived together in peace and produced literature and philosophy.

In fact, Cordoba's history is full of stories of oppression and massacre, prompted by religious fanaticism. It is true that the Muslim rulers of Cordoba didn't force their Christian and Jewish subjects to accept Islam. However, non-Muslims could keep their faith and enjoy state protection only as dhimmis (bonded ones) by paying a poll tax in a system of religious apartheid.

If whatever peace and harmony that is supposed to have existed in Cordoba were the fruit of "Muslim rule," the subtext is that the United States would enjoy similar peace and harmony under Islamic rule.

A rabat in the heart of Manhattan would be of great symbolic value to those who want a high-profile, "in your face" projection of Islam in the infidel West.

This thirst for visibility is translated into increasingly provocative forms of hijab, notably the niqab (mask) and the burqa. The same quest mobilized hundreds of Muslims in Paris the other day to close a whole street so that they could have a Ramadan prayer in the middle of the rush hour.

One of those taking part in the demonstration told French radio that the aim was to "show we are here." "You used to be in our capitals for centuries," he said. "Now, it is our turn to be in the heart of your cities."

Before deciding whether to support or oppose the "Cordoba" project, New Yorkers should consider what it is that they would be buying.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/...0zeCwXjyD[/url[/SIZE][/COLOR]][/[/SIZE]quote]
I'm really not sure which is the most intolerant - haven't made my mind up yet. Of course, some people see intolerance as a virtue. :shrug:

I'm not sure of the application of intollerance here.

Are you confused of signs in Jerusalem and Hebron which say DOGS & JEWS FORBIDDEN? What about a 3-state presented as a 2-state in the same land - confusing arithmetic? Is Jerusalem a capital of the Jewish homeland or Christians or Muslims? Was Moses a Zionist? Does a mosque dumped on the known sacred site of the Jews's most sacred site constitute a genocidal crime - or will it make allah happy? Yes - its oh so confusing! :rolleyes:
"...Who has controlled the Middle East over the course of history? Pretty much everyone..."
Animated-5,000 Years of Middle East History (in 90 seconds)

Not my opinion but some historical facts:

The Islamic regime states created by Briton have no history or historical borders - Israel does. And dumping mosques on another peoples sacred sites, then denying it - is a historical tradition with Muslims wherever they have thread - from Jerusalem to India - and now attacking NY, NY. The Jews have never occupied another peoples' land in all their 4000 years history, despite being dispersed throughout the nations - the reverse applies with Muslims.
This whole mosque thing is another staged, divisive contrivance, like the Quran burning or the Sherrod Charade.

I only hope we don't see laws being passed that limit free speech because Muslims might be offended.
This whole mosque thing is another staged, divisive contrivance, like the Quran burning or the Sherrod Charade.

I only hope we don't see laws being passed that limit free speech because Muslims might be offended.

To protect free seech, there must be conditions: there is no law without the law. Just as shouting fire in a closed theatre is not free speech - the notion that one can villify via religious beliefs and get immunity must also be overturned and made illegal.

This is inevitable for humanity's future. This will take a long time - because it impacts the two biggest religions the most - these beliefs seem cannot survive without villifications: they are 'SUBJECT TO JEWS' religions. Even when they know each contradicts the other of the same historical events their beliefs are hinged upon. Huston - we have a problem here!
Its bad enough you can't get other people history and religions right but when you fuck up understanding your own. the 10 commandments are rules for the jewish people and by saying they shouldn't have any other gods before him it implies the belief in other gods. monotheism doesn't mean worship of one god it means belief in one god which clearly the jews and the christians believe in more.

:bugeye: Eh?
Just as shouting fire in a closed theatre is not free speech - the notion that one can villify via religious beliefs and get immunity must also be overturned and made illegal.

What? Vilify?
Religions ARE ideologies and philosophies at their heart. Saying that religions should be immune from.. what? Criticism? Vilification? What degree of severity are you suggesting here and what constitutes criticism?

There is not a direct parallel between shouting fire in a theatre and criticizing a religion, whether burning a book or not. The effects may end up being the same, but I think the distinction that has been made for such things not being allowed under free speech is that one creates instant confusion and/or harm, in the same way I have seen examples used of publicly calling for people to riot or to kill someone. In that case someone is DIRECTLY calling for and thus causing the harm, rather than INDIRECTLY causing it through exercise of free speech.
This latter example (incitement to riot or cause violence) is much more likely to be seen as an after-effect of criticizing a religion or ideology from the reactionary party.

Example : Man criticizes religion/ideology by verbally denouncing its perceived errors, or perhaps burning a book which is considered important or sacred to those of the religion/ideology. In reaction, there is outrage, which may lead to leaders of the offended ideology calling for unrest or violence.
In that case, although the instigator caused some offence to the ideology, the other side reacts by causing violence.

Those who call for violence because their personal religious or philosophical ideals have been perceived as offended or violated** in some way have no excuse for their actions and should not be protected by restricting free speech. Doing so would essentially create a protected minority, above and beyond others.

Can you explain what you mean by "vilify" and making illegal?

**this does not include actions to prohibit them from practicing or voicing their ideologies by force or by law, like restricting free speech to one group over another
I guess I should have added "than one" at the end

Yes, that's what I thought you meant. I'm familiar with ye olde accusation of triunalism against Christians, but what are you talking about WRT Judaism and polytheism there?