Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

You have no idea what democracy means.The wise real democracy.
I admit, I was tired a lot, talking to such people.
But I tell those who have ears to hear and brains to think.
Democracy is not dictatorship of the majority but is the art of compromise. Everything is allowed until not disturb others.What you send those who are inconvenienced? "Fuck You!".
Do not be surprised when you will be treated equally by society with various other occasions.

You have no idea what democracy means.The wise real democracy.
I admit, I was tired a lot, talking to such people.
But I tell those who have ears to hear and brains to think.
Democracy is not dictatorship of the majority but is the art of compromise. Everything is allowed until not disturb others.What you send those who are inconvenienced? "Fuck You!".
Do not be surprised when you will be treated equally by society with various other occasions.

Really? You got all that from my post did you? :rolleyes:
For what it's worth...

Religious Advisory Committee

The CFR Religious Advisory Committee is comprised of a distinguished group of religious and congregational leaders and scholars from across the United States.

Salam Al-Marayati, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Los Angeles, CA

Madeleine K. Albright, The Albright Group LLC, Washington, DC

R. Scott Appleby, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Notre Dame, IN

Reza Aslan, University of California Riverside, Los Angeles, CA

Peter L. Berger, Boston University, Brookline, MA

Charles E. Blake Sr., The Church of God in Christ, Inc., Los Angeles, CA

Chloe A. Breyer, The Interfaith Center of New York, New York, NY

Jean B. Elshtain, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

C. Welton Gaddy, The Interfaith Alliance, Washington, DC

Marc Gopin, George Mason University, Arlington, VA

Kenneth F. Hackett, Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore, MD

J. Bryan Hehir, Harvard University, Wellesley, MA

Serene Jones, Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY

Michael A. Kinnamon, National Council of Churches of Christ of the USA, New York, NY

Antonios Kireopoulos, The National Council of Churches, New York, NY

Leonid Kishkovsky, World Conference of Religions for Peace, Sea Cliff, NY

Richard D. Land, Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville, TN

Luis E. Lugo, The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Washington, DC

Paul Marshall, Hudson Institute, Washington, DC

Ruth Messinger, American Jewish World Service, New York, NY

Joel Meyers, Rabbinical Assembly, New York, NY

Mark A. Noll, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

Eboo Patel, Interfaith Youth Core, Chicago, IL

Feisal Abdul Rauf, Cordoba Initiative, New York, NY

Olin C. Robison, Oxford University, Shelburne, VT

David Saperstein, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Washington, DC

Arthur Schneier, Appeal of Conscience Foundation, New York, NY

Chris Seiple, Institute for Global Engagement, Arlington, VA

Donald W. Shriver Jr., Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY

Suhag A. Shukla, Hindu American Foundation, Minneapolis, MN

Richard Stearns, World Vision, Federal Way, WA

Peter Steinfels, Fordham Center on Religion and Culture, New York, NY

Robert A. F. Thurman, Columbia University, New York, NY

William F. Vendley, World Conference of Religions for Peace, New York, NY

Jim Wallis, Sojourners, Washington, DC

Peter D. Weaver, United Methodist Church, Lawrence, MA

Gloria E. White-Hammond, My Sister's Keeper, Jamaica Plain, MA

Robert S. Wood, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City, UT

The Imam of the now infamous "ground zero mosque" is a member of the ultra elitist Council On Foreign Relations and receives financial backing from powerful globalist sources including the Rockefellers and the Carnegie Corporation.

This information provides a compelling backdrop to the theory that the move to establish the mosque is a deliberate attempt to further stoke religious tensions and divert attention away from the real enemy of free humanity, the corporate globalist elite who continue to profit from global war and division.

The proposed mosque, to be known as Cordoba House is the project of the Cordoba Initiative, an organisation founded by ‘Imam’ Feisal Abdul Rauf (pictured above), who, in addition to being a member of the World Economic Forum’s Council of 100, is an active member of the Council on Foreign Relations’ Religious Advisory Committee.

The Cordoba Initiative’s website cites "Christian support for the Cordoba House" in the form of Christian publication, "Sojourners", which is owned by evangelical Christian writer and political activist Jim Wallis, also coincidentally a sitting member of the CFR’s Religious Advisory Committee.

The CFR, as regular readers know, is populated exclusively by major players with the biggest corporations, banks and defence contractors in the world - all of whom are making vast profits and securing more power from continued global conflict. The CFR also exerts far reaching influence over the U.S. government.

Tony Cartalucci at landdestroyer blog breaks down the fact that every single leading player in both the neocon infested Bush administration and the "change" gang under Barrack Obama is a CFR luminary. Cartalucci also provides further stunning research relating to Cordoba House and its CFR Imam, which breaks down as follows...

My first thought upon hearing about this was that it was probably politically inappropriate, but inconsequential. However, upon learning of who is behind it, it may well be a stab at divisiveness, to get people outraged over trifles. There seems to be a lot of circus antics in the U.S. lately..
Actually, it's really funny how the conservative media was in a tizzy, but all their neocon idols are bedfellows with the very backers of this mosque.

*I'm* not surprised.
Well, he was all over CNN tonight, interviewed by Soledad O'Brian. I found him kind of disturbing. His smooth manner of speaking and his insistence that this could be "dangerous" if not handled properly (as well as indirect answers to some of the questions), combined with knowledge of his CFR membership, does nothing to bolster my confidence in this imam or whatever he is.
Indonesia church row raises fears of sectarian conflict

Murhali Barda, the local leader of the hardline Islamic Defenders' Front, has taken up the Muslims' cause. The Christians believe the group is behind the clashes in the area, inciting hostility between the two communities. "There is no problem with praying. But when they are there with a mission to build a place of worship, it is unacceptable," he told me as he showed me around Bekasi's oldest mosque. I asked him what he would do if the Christians paid no attention to his warning. "If we start calling for Holy War, it doesn't matter if we live or die," he said, smiling. "If there is violence that results from this, then the Christians only have themselves to blame."
Basically it's the same thing. One group of monotheists don't want the other group to build a place of worship. Another example of why monotheism leads otherwise peaceful people to violence and intolerance. We're not even talking about migrants here. These are Indonesian Citizens, same language, same culture, same lifestyle, etc... the only difference is they are Christian and the other people are Muslims. Just some small slight differences in their overall superstitious outlook.

I think it is up to those of us who are liberal minded to push to change these two people's tradition and faiths for them - which is a lot easier than you would think. One generation of proper education and I am sure we could make some huge changes. But, to do so, we'll first have to change our K-12 educational system (which quite frankly is failing anyway).
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Rev Bob Old and Rev. Danny Allen both burned Qurans Saturday, despite the widespread outrage their actions sparked. Both men said their actions had nothing to do with whether or not a mosque was built near Ground Zero. Sorry, this was done out of pure hatred. What is this going to solve? Nothing. According to WSMV-TV, Old said, "It's about faith, it's about love, but you have to have the right book behind you. This is a book of hate, not a book of love," said Old while holding up a Quran. Both men claimed they burned the books to defend the United States Constitution and the American people. Why am I not surprised that two white men from the Deep South did this?

Let me see here,
- we have Christians burning Qur'ans.
- we have Muslims burning Christians.
- we have Jews killing Muslims.
- we have Muslims killing Jews.

Gotta love that monotheism!

Amrika better be very afraid. The 9/11 Imam has warned that stopping the Mosque will result in radical beheadings, car bombing, hostages, plane crashes, etc, etc. And one nation of islam has also backed this warning. And don't even think of an infidel church in an Islamic land - hear!?

America is not innocent here - being silent of the desecration of a mosque in Jerusalem does not result in credible objections for a mosque in NY. London's horizon is already changed forever by a huge mosque which dwarfs Big Ben. Same for Eurostan and Australia soon. So be very afraid - America is hijacked by YES WE CAN bytes embedded in the core of the oval office. This applies to those who say FK THE JEWS:

- we have Jews killing Muslims.

Gotta love that monotheism!


I humbly apologise for the bad Jews still existing and killing. It just happened that all were not killed off in Europe, and Islam is now helping. Yes, Jews - not Muslims and Christians - have done all the killings, genocides, holocausts, land robbings, history denying deeds throughout this planet's history.

Yes, its a crime to resist unconditional death to Jews doctrines in Jewish Palestine [Remember Judea?], Jerusalem and Hebron. Pity you have no other examples of Jews killing Muslims!

Equivalences will get you wherever you want to go.

Let me see here,
- we have Christians burning Qur'ans.
- we have Muslims burning Christians.
- we have Jews killing Muslims.
- we have Muslims killing Jews.

Gotta love that monotheism!


well technically only one of those is monotheistic.
Not the same Muslims. You know some Muslims destroyed the twin towers and now we give other Muslims millions of dollars and weapons to fight the Taliban and Al Quida, did you know that? Or do we have to hate all Muslims now because you are too much of an idiot to know the difference?

you've hit on a key thing. that if we take away a groups rights and liberty out of fear we start down the path of the destruction of the republic.
Clever boy! Only one does not attach monotheism to localized preferred names. Only one of them can prove biological and historical connection to Abraham - the originator of Monotheism. ;)

actually only Islam may truly be monotheistic jews and christians believe in the existence of other gods as implied in the 10 commandments. I have no idea where you pulled your garbage from but put it back.
actually only Islam may truly be monotheistic jews and christians believe in the existence of other gods as implied in the 10 commandments. I have no idea where you pulled your garbage from but put it back.

The 10 C's is directing the forbiddence of other gods to the Pharoah and also your kind: the pre-islamic people were totally polytheistic - not to be confused with other gods existing. Unlike Islam, the Jews were totally Monotheistic - Moses' name does not appear attached to any law as a condition of belief. The text also says:


Islamic blasphemy: No god w/o Mohammed. :D
The 10 C's is directing the forbiddence of other gods to the Pharoah and also your kind: the pre-islamic people were totally polytheistic - not to be confused with other gods existing. Unlike Islam, the Jews were totally Monotheistic - Moses' name does not appear attached to any law as a condition of belief. The text also says:


Islamic blasphemy: No god w/o Mohammed. :D

Its bad enough you can't get other people history and religions right but when you fuck up understanding your own. the 10 commandments are rules for the jewish people and by saying they shouldn't have any other gods before him it implies the belief in other gods. monotheism doesn't mean worship of one god it means belief in one god which clearly the jews and the christians believe in more.
you've hit on a key thing. that if we take away a groups rights and liberty out of fear we start down the path of the destruction of the republic.

Stop talking BS. The world is yet to see a Muslim army or martyrs going for their terrorists - in fact no one can see even a refutation or slap on the wrist by mentioning any names of Islamic terrorists.

Hamas, Hezbullah, Bin Ladin, Iran's depraved ruler - and the Muslim Brotherhood which is a Nazi organisation - are all free and treated like neo prophets.

the 10 commandments are rules for the jewish people

No sir - its for all humanity, and the 10 C's are substantially accepted by all humanity. There was a mixed multitude of numerous nations present [the texts!] when the 10 C's were handed down. Every law in the 10 is accepted by humanity: which one is not?

and by saying they shouldn't have any other gods before him it implies the belief in other gods. monotheism doesn't mean worship of one god it means belief in one god which clearly the jews and the christians believe in more.

No sir. Its talking to those who 'believed' there were other gods. Its like telling a child not to be afraid of ghosts.

Islam is the new kid on the block, boasting a false, corrupted monotheism via robbery and desecration of another - Islam is not an original religion, having given humanity nothing. If not a single law which Islam professes is accepted by humanity - it means Islam is not Gdly derived and no revelation occured here. Rocket science! :D
I'm guessing the most intolerant of the bunch?

When there is a clear historical track record of dumping mosques on another peoples' most sacred site, then denying it openly and blatantly - the term of intolerant must be applied correctly where it belongs. This is the message to a mosque in NY.

But look behind the curtain: Christianity remained silent of a mosque in Jerusalem - because Christianity wants a church there - the mosque destroyed a church dumped there immorally. So both Christianity and Islam are hellbent on negating another and I wonder why - intollerance - or garden variety genocide wth a track record, made to look like saving their Pretend Pals, serial 2-state demands and fulfilling away the 10 C's: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL, THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS, THOU SHALL NOT COVET, ETC, ETC, ETC!

Let me see here,
- we have Christians burning Qur'ans.
- we have Muslims burning Christians.
- we have Jews killing Muslims.
- we have Muslims killing Jews.

Gotta love that monotheism!


You forgot the Devil worshipers, they are monotheistic also. Unfortunetly you won't know what I am really talking about and thats quite alright. We live and we die. Then we find out :).