Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

pandemon said:
With a billion Muslims in the world, moreover, I am sure there are some who feel mosques should never be built where there is a vocal protest over them. That doesn't change the question of whether the right to build them exists or should be respected.
I don't think the legal right is much at issue, or respect for that right much involved.

The disrespect inherent in the siting, the name, the financing, the stated goals and apparent tactics, and the various side commentary from the building's supporters,

for the large proportion of Americans - including many of the better informed ones - who regard this thing as a deliberate provocation and intentionally hostile decision - as well as the more naive or ignorant who side with the happytalk by policy

is more the issue.
I don't think the legal right is much at issue, or respect for that right much involved.

The disrespect inherent in the siting, the name, the financing, the stated goals and apparent tactics, and the various side commentary from the building's supporters,

for the large proportion of Americans - including many of the better informed ones - who regard this thing as a deliberate provocation and intentionally hostile decision - as well as the more naive or ignorant who side with the happytalk by policy

is more the issue.

how is building a facility that is designed to cater to the growing muslim population as well as being a place where people can get true information about the faith. I can see how certain people and groups would see Islam not being seen as the other as a provocation but normal shouldn't.
No it wasn't. it was based on the ideas of the enlightment.

The Constitution marks the very antithesis of medevial Europe's so-called enlightenment - which abused the seperation of state and religion, and a host of its racist doctrines. It ushered in equal justice for all, inalienable human rights and freedom of belief - lift off's of the Hebrew laws, declared so by the early writers of this sacred document.

Um untrue lefties have a long resume against terrorism. so does the right but its resume mostly conissts of committing acts of terrorism.

One is factual. Terrorism is not a virtual phenomenon - its absence with the Left view is criminal.
how is building a facility that is designed to cater to the growing muslim population as well as being a place where people can get true information about the faith.

Dumping Mosques on the known sacred sites of others is hardly catering to the growing populations of Muslims. The agenda was very varied from your portrayal when these acts were commited in Jerusaem, in India - and all over Europe - where more mosques are being built than churches.

Today, a billion Muslims deny the Jerusalem temple's existence, calling it a myth and that Jews are *OCCUPYING* their own sacred sites. What Christianity does not understand when it supports Islamic robbery is this robbery most effects Christianity: there goes the Gospels, which claims one Jesus visited this mythical, Zionist temple.

The message of an overwhelming Mosque desecrating the NY skyline is clear: remove the Mosque in Jerusalem to a more sacred Islamic soil in Mecca - rather than pretend this is anything other than the aspiring of genocide and the utter destruction of a Jewish homeland. What it ain't is the catering to the Muslim population - as much as a hidden agenda which is blatantly exposed in Palestine. One day, Muslims will even deny 9/11 and say this is an American myth.

I say - let Christians apply for Churches in Mecca and Tehran instead - even greater than all Islamic mosques combined - for the benefit of the growing demand of Christians to live in Arabia and hold their beliefs freely.
Dumping Mosques on the known sacred sites of others...
Was the WTC a "sacred site"? I guess to those who worshiped the almighty dollar it might have been.
Of course they put mosques on top of conquered religious sites. They even stole the finish stones off the sides of the Great Pyramid to build some of them.
That's nothing new. To be expected. That's why there's a mosque over the Jewish temple.
One day, Muslims will even deny 9/11 and say this is an American myth.
It's already just a myth. A story made up by a very sophisticated modern media and pulled over your eyes.
Muslims didn't bring down the trade center towers, or building #7 either.
The owner Larry Silverstein increased insurance coverage on the buildings days before the sabotage and ordered building #7 to be "pulled" himself.
It was only slightly damaged and no steel skyscraper before WTC #7 in history had ever collapsed from just a fire.
I am not saying this because I'm siding with Muslims in particular. I am a Christian.
They have many faults I'm sure as do all of us, but one thing is certain.
Muslims did not cause the collapse of any of the three WTC buildings and the resulting lose of life.
Those who are responsible should be brought to justice. Letting the blame fall on "the Muslims" will only assure that never happens.
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The Constitution marks the very antithesis of medevial Europe's so-called enlightenment
the enlightenment did not happen during medeival times?
- which abused the seperation of state and religion, and a host of its racist doctrines.
um medeival times were know because of the alliance of church and state and the enlightenment provided the ideas to undermine the moral aruments of racist thought
It ushered in equal justice for all, inalienable human rights and freedom of belief -
which were the ideas of the enlightenment.
lift off's of the Hebrew laws, declared so by the early writers of this sacred document.
the constitution had nothing to do with the hebrew bibles laws.

One is factual.
your staement was not factual.
Terrorism is not a virtual phenomenon - its absence with the Left view is criminal.
the left has a long resume of fighting terrorism.
Dumping Mosques on the known sacred sites of others is hardly catering to the growing populations of Muslims. The agenda was very varied from your portrayal when these acts were commited in Jerusaem, in India - and all over Europe - where more mosques are being built than churches.

so a abadoned building is sacred ground?
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so a abadoned is sacred ground?

There is nothing sacred about robbery - conducted with 20/20 vision. Hiding behind religion, Muslims are clearly inculcating the negation of a 4000 year nation and religion. There is nothing Gdly about a racist PC Genocide.
the enlightenment did not happen during medeival times? um medeival times were know because of the alliance of church and state and the enlightenment provided the ideas to undermine the moral aruments of racist thought which were the ideas of the enlightenment. the constitution had nothing to do with the hebrew bibles laws.

I know my history. America was discovered when a ship left the shores of Spain and during Isabela's decree proclaiming all who refuse to convert must leave or be killed by a specific date. That is hardly enlightenment nor representing the American Constitution.

your staement was not factual.
the left has a long resume of fighting terrorism.

BS. Their resume is totally blank, representing only Europe's shameless record.
There is nothing sacred about robbery - conducted with 20/20 vision. Hiding behind religion, Muslims are clearly inculcating the negation of a 4000 year nation and religion. There is nothing Gdly about a racist PC Genocide.

how is buying a piece of land to build a community center robbery?
I know my history.
the following sentence belies that.
America was discovered when a ship left the shores of Spain and during Isabela's decree proclaiming all who refuse to convert must leave or be killed by a specific date.
I didn't know the vikings had a queen Isabella. and the ships were columbuses which had nothing to do with any decrees from the spanish throne.
That is hardly enlightenment nor representing the American Constitution.
Huh. I fail to see what any of that has to do with the constitution being based on the ideas of the enlightenment?

BS. Their resume is totally blank, representing only Europe's shameless record.

the only BS is what your spouting. the left has done more to stop terrorism than the right in europe and in the states. just because you delusional(which your posting history suggests) doesn't mean they didn't do anything.
Taken from the CI website:

"The divide is rooted in misunderstanding. Despite what many think, Islam and the West have a long history of coexistence and harmony. For nearly 800 years, the city of Cordoba in Spain endured as a shining example of tolerance among the three monotheistic religions. Muslim, Christian and Jew cohabited in prosperity during a period known for its outstanding literary and scientific productivity."


Generally speaking, this is how a lot of Muslims would view this reference, whether or not you agree with this assertion about said historical period is irrelevant as far as this group and conversation are concerned because this is what it means for CI and so on. It doesn't in anyway reflect the interpretation that was previously stated by you and really, this just backs up my comments in the previous post.

So the forceful conquest of Hispania, classifying the non-Muslim residents as second class citizens, erecting the so-called state of dhimmitude, in which instance non-Muslims were considered the bottom of society and held in contempt, turning a Visigoth Christian Cathedral into a mosque, being persecuted and executed for displaying one's non-Islamic religious orientation too openly, the looting of the 'dhimmis' holy buildings was a daily thing, where one who didn't plan on dying any time soon was forced to acknowledge Islamic superiority represents for the supporters of the Cordoba Initiative (Cordoba House) a peaceful and harmonious coexistence between Muslims and 'dhimmis'? The mindset behind this initiative can't become any more apparent, really.

Sorry, but the rest of your post was worthless whinging not worthy of consideration, and reply. Evading direct questions with worthless evasive gibberish is really unworthy of recognition.
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So the forceful conquest of Hispania
which wasn't ruled by people native to anywhere near it. the muslim invasion took it from the visagoths who took it from a collection of germanic tribes who took it from the romans who took it from the carthagenians who took it from the greeks. complaining about the muslim conquest when the past 5 rulers came about from foriegn invasion seems me your problem isn't the conquest but the people doing it.
which wasn't ruled by people native to anywhere near it. the muslim invasion took it from the visagoths who took it from a collection of germanic tribes who took it from the romans who took it from the carthagenians who took it from the greeks. complaining about the muslim conquest when the past 5 rulers came about from foriegn invasion seems me your problem isn't the conquest but the people doing it.

You're missing the point, really. Maybe re-reading some things, and understanding what the actual issue at hand is would do you good.
the following sentence belies that. I didn't know the vikings had a queen Isabella. and the ships were columbuses which had nothing to do with any decrees from the spanish throne. Huh. I fail to see what any of that has to do with the constitution being based on the ideas of the enlightenment?

Columbus and all his mapsters were morano Jews. Isabela's prime target were Jews. :cool:

the only BS is what your spouting. the left has done more to stop terrorism than the right in europe and in the states. just because you delusional(which your posting history suggests) doesn't mean they didn't do anything.[/QUOTE]
the following sentence belies that. I didn't know the vikings had a queen Isabella. and the ships were columbuses which had nothing to do with any decrees from the spanish throne. Huh. I fail to see what any of that has to do with the constitution being based on the ideas of the enlightenment?

Columbus and all his mapsters on the ship were morano Jews. Isabela's prime target were Jews - there was no enlightenment in Europe - only in America. :cool:

the only BS is what your spouting. the left has done more to stop terrorism than the right in europe and in the states. just because you delusional(which your posting history suggests) doesn't mean they didn't do anything.

The left does not understand the meaning of a mosque near 9/11. They pretend and make up their own neo history, as do Muslims. The left does not demand that dumping mosques in another peoples' sacred place is an attrocity and a genocidal aspiration. America must open her eyes about the Left and the agenda behind a mosque in ground zero by this lesson in history:

Jewish group rips church plans for Temple Mount replica
'This mockery stands in diametric opposition to everything the holy site represents'

August 08, 2010
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Temple Mount

JERUSALEM – A Jewish Temple organization has slammed as "a hubris-inspired act of self-aggrandizement" controversial plans by a Pentecostal church to reportedly build a $200 million replica of the First Temple in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

"This planned church is a mockery which stands in diametric opposition to everything that the Holy Temple of Jerusalem represents," Rabbi Chaim Richman, director of the international department of the Temple Institute, stated in a press release.

"The Bible, bequeathed to the world by the Jewish people, emphasizes the preeminence of Jerusalem and its spiritual and prophetic role in the future of both Israel and all mankind," Richman said.

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"We are witness today to the phenomenon of nations that seek to de-legitimize Israel's connection to Jerusalem. This planned mega-church represents the next logical step, the de-legitimization of the significance of Jerusalem altogether," he said.

Richman slammed the reported plans by the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God as a "cynical and manipulative attempt to morph the Bible's universal message into its own self-serving agenda."

According to the UK Guardian, the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God will construct a church in Sao Paulo based on King Solomon's Temple, including a replica of the Ark of the Covenant at its center.

"We are preparing ourselves to build the temple, in the same mold as Solomon's," Bishop Edir Macedo, the church's leader and founder, was quoted as saying in the report.

"[Solomon's] Temple … used tons of gold, pure gold ... .We are not going to build a temple of gold, but we will spend tons of money, without a shadow of doubt," said Macedo.

Macedo told the British newspaper his church had signed an $8 million contract to import stones from Israel.

"We have signed the contract and commissioned the stones that will come from Jerusalem, just like the ones that were used to build the temple in Israel; stones that were witnesses to the powers of God, 2,000 years ago," he said. "It is going to be a knockout, it is going to be beautiful, beautiful, beautiful – the most beautiful of all. The outside will be exactly the same as that which was built in Jerusalem."

Rebuilding Third Temple

While the Temple Institute criticized Macedo's plans, Richman's group, based in Jerusalem, focuses on preparation for the rebuilding of the Third Temple in its biblical location - the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Institute has been preparing ritual objects suitable for Temple use. Many of the more than 90 ritual items to be used in the Temple have been re-made to the highest standards the Temple Institute.

The First Temple was built by King Solomon in the 10th century B.C. It was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C. The Second Temple was rebuilt in 515 B.C. after Jerusalem was freed from Babylonian captivity. That temple was destroyed by the Roman Empire in A.D. 70. Each temple stood for a period of about four centuries.

The Temple was the center of religious worship for ancient Israelites. It housed the Holy of Holies, which contained the Ark of the Covenant and was said to be the area upon which God's presence dwelt. All biblical holidays centered on worship at the Temple. The Temples served as the primary location for the offering of sacrifices and were the main gathering place for Israelites.

According to the Talmud, the world was created from the foundation stone of the Temple Mount. It's believed to be the biblical Mount Moriah, the location where Abraham fulfilled God's test to see if he would be willing to sacrifice his son Isaac.

The Temple Mount has remained a focal point for Jewish services for thousands of years. Prayers for a return to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the Temple have been uttered by Jews since the Second Temple was destroyed, according to Jewish tradition.

The Al Aqsa Mosque was constructed in about A.D. 709 to serve as a shrine near another shrine, the Dome of the Rock, which was built by an Islamic caliph. Al Aqsa was meant to mark what Muslims came to believe was the place at which Muhammad, the founder of Islam, ascended to heaven to receive revelations from Allah.

Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Quran. It is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible 656 times.

Islamic tradition states Muhammad took a journey in a single night on a horse from "a sacred mosque" – believed to be in Mecca in southern Saudi Arabia – to "the farthest mosque" and from a rock there ascended to heaven. The farthest mosque became associated withJerusalem about 120 years ago.

According to research by Israeli Author Shmuel Berkovits, Islam historically disregarded Jerusalem as being holy. Berkovits points out in his new book, "How Dreadful Is this Place!" that Muhammad was said to loathe Jerusalem and what it stood for. He wrote Muhammad made a point of eliminating pagan sites of worship and sanctifying only one place – the Kaaba in Mecca – to signify the unity of God.

As late as the 14th century, Islamic scholar Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyya, whose writings influenced the Wahhabi movement in Arabia, ruled that sacred Islamic sites are to be found only in the Arabian Peninsula and that "in Jerusalem, there is not a place one calls sacred, and the same holds true for the tombs of Hebron."

A guide to the Temple Mount by the Supreme Muslim Council in Jerusalem published in 1925 listed the Mount as Jewish and as the site of Solomon's Temple. The Temple Institute acquired a copy of the official 1925 "Guide Book to Al-Haram Al-Sharif," which states on page 4, "Its identity with the site of Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute. This, too, is the spot, according to universal belief, on which 'David built there an altar unto the Lord.'"

No prayer zone

The Temple Mount was opened to the general public until September 2000, when the Palestinians started their intifada by throwing stones at Jewish worshipers after then-candidate for prime minister Ariel Sharon visited the area.

Following the onset of violence, the new Sharon government closed the Mount to non-Muslims, using checkpoints to control all pedestrian traffic for fear of further clashes with the Palestinians.

how is buying a piece of land to build a community center robbery?

Do Americans have a right to erect a gigantic church in Mecca and Medina - why not - they will pay the price for buying a piece of desert land? Your question cannot in any way be serious or naive. :D
Do Americans have a right to erect a gigantic church in Mecca and Medina - why not - they will pay the price for buying a piece of desert land? Your question cannot in any way be serious or naive. :D
??? no but its american making this mosque.
??? no but its american making this mosque.

Your getting smarter - but not quite. You forgot that while Muslims can be citizens in America - Americans are barred from citizenships in Saudi Arabia. Muslims perpetrate this same guile in Kashmir. Was that an unintended glitch or a computer mal function? :D