Unf**king Believable, A mosque to be built at Ground Zero

Your getting smarter - but not quite. You forgot that while Muslims can be citizens in America - Americans are barred from citizenships in Saudi Arabia. Muslims perpetrate this same guile in Kashmir. Was that an unintended glitch or a computer mal function? :D

And you are interchanging faith and nationality to suit your agenda.

It's apples to oranges, and dishonest debate.
And you are interchanging faith and nationality to suit your agenda.

It's apples to oranges, and dishonest debate.

No sir. I am talking about unfair exploitation. If Muslim states bar non-muslims from their belief and forbid churches and temples - why should you want a mosque in non-muslim countries?
Muslims didn't bring down the trade center towers, or building #7 either.
The owner Larry Silverstein increased insurance coverage on the buildings days before the sabotage and ordered building #7 to be "pulled" himself.
It was only slightly damaged and no steel skyscraper before WTC #7 in history had ever collapsed from just a fire.

I am not saying this because I'm siding with Muslims in particular. I am a Christian.
They have many faults I'm sure as do all of us, but one thing is certain.
Muslims did not cause the collapse of any of the three WTC buildings and the resulting lose of life.
Those who are responsible should be brought to justice. Letting the blame fall on "the Muslims" will only assure that never happens.

Shhh! Not so loud...
-phlogistician said:
Oh, and to all the right wing hardons who think there's any relevance to the cultural centre's location, how about this for a story;

If that mosque had been built by the Cordoba Initiative with Saudi financing as a large and prominent missionary "cultural center", to provide a central attraction and celebratory focus for Muslims from around the world, on land made available by the success of the 9/11 project, I would object to it on the same grounds.

As you have just demonstrated, those of us who object to this building are not (necessarily, there's always a few bigots) objecting to its being a mosque, or Muslim in general, or merely near the location of a 9/11 target. An ordinary place of worship, meeting the needs of local Muslims, is not the issue. There are a lot of them in New York, on military bases, and all over the US, that have not made headlines or drawn loud protests.
thevisitor said:
The secret's safe. There ain't nobody listening.
We've heard it before. Many times. It's not improving with age. It is an annoyance, as Assange observes, which repetition will not convert into plausible contribution - quite otherwise.
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We've heard it before. It is an annoyance, as Assange observes...
Well, you and the 99.9% that makes up the "we" in your pocket should go right ahead and continue observing your Assange.
No one expects you to pull your collective heads out of the "sand" and listen to ordinary people.
Not with the multitude of experts on their payroll available to keep your heads full of their fairytales.
You aren't expected to look up from whatever distraction your occupied with and even see it coming.
I regret to have wasted some of the little time you have left and bother you with such an annoyance.
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Of course, Americans on your side in this debate aren't always in favor of that either:


I'm sorry: am I on that side? Please define explicitly. And should Muslim-Americans opposed to the mosque be taken seriously also?

At least, with the project clearing the Landmarks Commission, the last significant legal barrier to this project has fallen.

Actually, a minor snag has seemingly occurred: the developer of the site only owns half the proposed site. The other half is owned by Con Edison.

The sale proposal will go to the Public Service Commission, where it could possibly face a vote by a five-member board controlled by Gov. Paterson.


Paterson might well pass it, obviously.

The Constitution has won, and by extension, so have all Americans--even the ones too biased to know it.

One might also argue that the full exercise of the American legal system is a validation of the Constitution; I would think that this case in particular would be such an example.

how is building a facility that is designed to cater to the growing muslim population as well as being a place where people can get true information about the faith.

But is a project pushed by Rauf and likely financed by Saudi Arabia - since I'm given to understand that domestic donations for the project top out at a staggering $200 - likely to promulgate "true information about the faith"? Or do the Saudis have it right?

I can see how certain people and groups would see Islam not being seen as the other as a provocation but normal shouldn't.

Normal no understand. People rephrase to seen should?

??? no but its american making this mosque.

This isn't certain at this point. Call me a cynic. No, go ahead: call me one.
If that mosque had been built by the Cordoba Initiative with Saudi financing as a large and prominent missionary "cultural center", to provide a central attraction and celebratory focus for Muslims from around the world, on land made available by the success of the 9/11 project, I would object to it on the same grounds.

So what's your problem exactly?

The Cordoba Institute? Their mission statement sounds quite laudable;

"Cordoba Initiative (CI) aims to achieve a tipping point in Muslim-West relations within the next decade, steering the world back to the course of mutual recognition and respect and away from heightened tensions.

But it seems you want to keep the tensions? Why can't you be accepting of their culture?
phlogistician said:
The Cordoba Institute? Their mission statement sounds quite laudable;
They've got a laudable "mission statement"? Cool. Is it going to be in a nice frame on the lobby wall?

Is it going to carry the names and affiliations of the major financial backers of this center? Because I would like to know who they are.

phlogistician said:
But it seems you want to keep the tensions? Why can't you be accepting of their culture?
What culture would that be? Saudi Arabia's? I'm not going to be accepting of that culture in my country, no.

And if they don't know any better than to site something called the Cordoba House on the erstwhile location of a building destroyed by self-identified Islamic jihadist terrorism, while describing the circumstances of their acquisition as the workings of a "divine hand", tension seems a likely feature of their future for many years.
In latest news the court has denied the landmark bla bla claim and hence [to Abe Foxman's utter chagrin] the construction of the Cordoba Mosque will proceed as planned.
Actually, they don't own all of the site. Coitus interruptus, but without the rhythm.
I had an argument with my cousin about this.

It's insane to see/hear usually strict constitutionalists suddenly descend into religious authoritarians when the question comes to that mosque.


that's probably most strict constitutionalists they are that way right up until it interferes with what they want. and most get hung up because of religion the morality BS.
They've got a laudable "mission statement"? Cool. Is it going to be in a nice frame on the lobby wall?

Well, you can go and see, once it's built, 'cos you aren't going to stop it.

Is it going to carry the names and affiliations of the major financial backers of this center? Because I would like to know who they are.

So you are against the centre because YOU DON'T KNOW who is paying for it?

What culture would that be? Saudi Arabia's? I'm not going to be accepting of that culture in my country, no.

Islamic culture, and you're just going to have to bite that one, Muslims are just as much American citizens as you are. It's guaranteed by the constituion. Unless you're some un-American and don't like the constitution, of course.

And if they don't know any better than to site something called the Cordoba House on the erstwhile location of a building destroyed by self-identified Islamic jihadist terrorism,

More Muslims died in the towers than in the planes. Muslims were victims too. I don't get your point.

Oh yes I do. You're a bigot.
Islamic culture, and you're just going to have to bite that one, Muslims are just as much American citizens as you are. It's guaranteed by the constituion. Unless you're some un-American and don't like the constitution, of course.

Saudi Arabian culture is Islamic culture? Inherently?

Tell a few reasons,why muslims want to build at Ground Zero and not elsewhere a muslim cultural center?
I'm sorry: am I on that side? Please define explicitly. And should Muslim-Americans opposed to the mosque be taken seriously also?

I did not say that you were on their side in the push to ban mosques more generally, but you do shae the same high quality thinking when it comes to ascertaining the legal rights of those building the the Park 51 mosque. Also, as I said, they are clearly on your side (even if you are not on theirs).

Actually, a minor snag has seemingly occurred: the developer of the site only owns half the proposed site. The other half is owned by Con Edison.

This is a legal issue I was not expecting. My side will still win, of course, but I do agree that if a private company owned the land and was not willing to sell it to them, they'd be SOL. But, in reality, this is only a delay. The Muslims have a valid purchase option and ConEd isn't argung it has the right to breach it.

The Public Service Commission is a government body. As such they cannot discriminate against the sale on the basis of the speech or the religion that will be practiced on the new site...again, it's the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution...and the fact that the land is already leased to this SoHo Properties means that the land isn't being used for a public purpose. The Public Service Commission only has grounds to block it if the sale would interfere with public utility services. If that were the case, they should have blocked the lease of that land in the first place.

Besides, if you believe the Cordoba Institute is a bunch of terrorists...if they get denied the sale they will sue NYS for millions and win...and by your logic, that money will no doubt fund terrorism. So you should let them build their mosque.

One might also argue that the full exercise of the American legal system is a validation of the Constitution; I would think that this case in particular would be such an example.

It can be if the claims are legitimate, but what we actually saw was a bunch of bigots browbeating the Landmarks Commission hoping they would decide to protect the Burlington Coat Factory *not* because it is particularly historic, but because people don't want Muslims to have a mosque near ground zero.

They wanted the commission to set aside that pesky First Amendment and vote against a particular point of view (whether the Cordoba House holds to that particular view or not), and a strong sense that the minority's rights are conditional on the majority agreeing to honor them. When that is the argument, the only victry for the Constitution is when that kind of bigotry is rightfully dismissed.

You certainly have the right to ask questions, but no right to compel others to answer. Feel free to learn what you can from those who want to answer you, but you don't get a private subpoena power just because you fear the effects of radical Islam and you believe based on limited evidence that Rauf is a radical.

Even if you did have a right to have all your questions answered, I strongly suspect your side, if not you personally, would never be happy. If the answers they gave made the project seem benign, they would be accused of lying and fabricating the evidence. And, more likely, if these Muslims had even one however tenuous connection to a radical, then your side would declare the desire to see their rights to be suspended even more.