understanding delusion

Perhaps 'delusion' can be described as the 'belief' that 'illusion' is 'Reality'.
The closer to 100% 'sure' one is (about anything), the more 'delusional'.
A 100% 'conviction', if possible, or thereabouts, is the extreme form of delusion, manifesting as 'zealotry' ...'fanaticism' ...'fundamnentalism' ... and an advanced case of 'craneo-rectal inversion'...
geeser said:
And I try to talk about it with you and convert you to believe it as I do.
The problem (for me) seems to arise when, all of a sudden, you, for some reason, want me to believe in the same thing as you (they) do. All was fine up to that point. If your reality includes Santa Claus and Euel Gibbons, so what? Fine with me. You certainly have the 'right' to define your own 'reality'. What is with this sudden need (this 'caring' what I 'believe'..), to have me believe as you do? I don't understand where this comes from...
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nameless that comes from example 1, there are several examples, it's a metaphorical/illustrative statement. it's a what if, not what I'd do, read it again.
geeser said:
nameless that comes from example 1, there are several examples, it's a metaphorical/illustrative statement. it's a what if, not what I'd do, read it again.
I re-read it and still hear that one man's delusion is superior to another man's delusion. The definition of 'delusion' that I like is "the belief that illusion is Reality, is delusion." I have found that any sure beliefs are delusional. Everyone seems to be delusional to one extent or another. Everyone lives in 'glass houses'!
Again, what I find interesting is that it appears that the closer to 100% delusional one is, the more that one seems to require others to share his 'beliefs'.

What would you think of me? You would think that I am delusional, and rightly so.
Don't ask me a question like that and presume to answer for me. Thank you. I accept as a given, that if you 'suck wind', you are deluded to some degree. I wouldn't hold it against you though, and who am I to 'correct' your delusional beliefs. Do you consider yourself deluded (according to the definition that I offered)? Does anyone? Could ego stand such a thing?

So, if the purpose of your post was to point out that 'True Believers' are deluded, I would say, "Of course! Like everyone else."
And then run for cover...
Thankyou for sharing that link with us geeser, its brilliant.

As for you adstar, satan isn't real. We are however, and we are laughing at you.
Now excuse me, i have to go put my tooth under my pillow, i believe the tooth fairy may be coming tonight.
charles cure said:
honestly, i want to reply to your post, but i have no idea what the fuck youre talking about at all. i dont understand whether you are asking a question or responding to me, hell i cant even decipher some of the words. sorry.
i take it yo can see paragraphs whih are prefaced with 'me::'?...tat means it's me spaking. then there is a paragrph without 'me' at the front of the first sentence of said paragrph. thatmeans itis YOU speakin....shit. you cnt dig that and yer askingg all about this shit?????

let me ask you a simple question....please DEFINE what you mean by 'GOD'?
GOD = imaginary character, attributed as having supreme power and benevolence (lol) despite "his" apparent inability to do anything to help anyone or do anything... at all...
(see the link in geesers first post)

Also "god" is attributed as having male characteristics, which translates into a huge penis - craved by those who "believe" in the lie.
Huwy said:
GOD = imaginary character, attributed as having supreme power and benevolence (lol) despite "his" apparent inability to do anything to help anyone or do anything... at all...

It is because he respects our free will. If you did everything to your children, they would never learn anything. How free would they be? God wants us to become independent, he wants us to do his will by our own free will. That's why Jesus left us alone: "If I do not leave, the holy spirit will not come."
Ha - another excuse. How convenient.

Even if they are starving children? Living on less than $1 a day (25% of the worlds population)? With no chance of ever escaping poverty - except turning to crime?

What about children sold in the child-sex trade? Are you even aware it exists?

Even the most neglectful of parent would intervene.
Huwy God will interviene when the time is right. Also there is no point in telling me that your laughing at me. I already know that. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why didn't he intervene on September 11?

Oh thats right, because the (Christian) project for a new american century http://www.newamericancentury.org/

...planned and executed those hijackings and attacks, the defense standdown, the demolitions, and the lie that men from CAVES were behind it all.
Huwy said:
Why didn't he intervene on September 11?

Why should He have intervened?

Oh thats right, because the (Christian) project for a new american century http://www.newamericancentury.org/

...planned and executed those hijackings and attacks, the defense standdown, the demolitions, and the lie that men from CAVES were behind it all.

What do i care about the powers that be in this world. I already know they are servants of satan.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: satan also controls the men in the caves my friend. If you want a plan to succeed you need to control both sides. Nothing should be left to chance.
if i get it right ...your referring to the Luciferian cabal, and how they secretly and connivingly manipulate two etc seemingly opposing groups so as to reap the forthcoming for their profit?
All for their total control

BUT you seem to imagine your Christianity is not in anyway connected with this? that is an escape route from tha evfil?

explain how please?
if i get it right ...your referring to the Luciferian cabal, and how they secretly and connivingly manipulate two etc seemingly opposing groups so as to reap the forthcoming for their profit?
All for their total control

BUT you seem to imagine your Christianity is not in anyway connected with this? that is an escape route from tha evfil?

explain how please?

Well you have some idea what i am talking about. Why do you think i do not belong to any recognized denomination? I came to believe from reading the bible. No one converted me. I have not been baptized in water. Nor have i said any replacement prayer. I do not align myself with any organized group. Now if i am part of the luciferian crowd then I belong to a sub group of one. I have said before i trust no man.

Now duendy the same question can be reflected back upon you. How do you know the group You belong to or the people You get your information from is not playing their part in satans plans?

Remember that the deception in the end days is very very great. Do you know what the bible says about the harlot of Babylon duendy? It says the Beast will destroy her. Remember duendy satan controls both sides.

Let me talk more plainly duendy not in riddles.

What if satan set up the "luciferian cabal" . A group dedicated to serving Him and preparing the way of the anti-christ, being rewarded with worldly power and riches for their service. Now bring on the anti-christ, wanting to be seen as the returned Messiah Jesus. What better deed to give credence to his claim of being the returned Messiah than to use the beast to destroy the harlot and thus save the world from the evil "luciferian cabal". What if the only real service satan wants from them is to be a sacrifice for him by fire? Do you think lucifer loves those that serve him? Of course not. The anti-christ needs to win his battle of Armageddon you know. What better way to achieve this then to set up a great nation to falsely play the part of beast.

Remember both sides must be controlled to ensure a plan does not fail.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
satan controls both sides. What if satan set up the "luciferian cabal"

You're quite a funny guy, adstar. There is you, the self-righteous loner, and everyone else, servants of satan. Every problem in the world has a very easy answer for you, although not one of your answers offers a solution.
(Q) said:
satan controls both sides. What if satan set up the "luciferian cabal"

You're quite a funny guy, adstar. There is you, the self-righteous loner, and everyone else, servants of satan. Every problem in the world has a very easy answer for you, although not one of your answers offers a solution.

Solution? The only solution is to believe in Jesus and be personally saved. This world is doomed. Prophesy tells me not to waste my time trying to save this world. I am interested in the salvation of individuals not this world.

I know some "christians" are trying to patch the hole in the titanic while others are trying to take control of the bridge, They are wasting their time.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Selfish, typical christian.
Not concerned with this life, trying to help anybody, anyone, or anything.

Only concerned with his ticket into heaven.
As a 'science forum' I'd hazard a guess that most people here sport some form of 'scientific' bent. It is very easy (and yes, sometimes downright fun) to poke fun and derision at our more 'challenged' brethren and sistren. The ego loves it. Perhaps this thread, at least this part, points out that 'science' perhaps cannot 'cover all the corners'. For instance, from what branch of science, folks, do we learn COMPASSION? To tell you the truth, I'd rather that all my neighbors 'knew' and practiced 'compassion' then 'particle physics' (if it were an either/or proposition, of course..). Wouldn't you?

Perhaps truly 'understanding delusion' (which the ego would make very difficult! A show of hands folks, 'who has delusions'?? ...See what I mean?;) would inspire 'compassion' (as the 'battle', maybe, would be on 'home' ground?)?
Just a thought..

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Yes compassion is most important.

But shouldn't we be taught to practice compassion, and learn to practice compassion, and do so throughout or lives, because we choose to? That's what I believe as a humanist.

Not because some fictitious supreme being "tells us" to be compassionate?
Not because of the incentive of being good in the eyes of "god" or getting into "heaven"?

My study of psychology / neuroscience is just the particular path i have chosen to be altruistic, and also I find it interesting.