Unanswered Questions


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First Post.
Look at that tiny 1 digit number over there, cute, isn't it?


I have a troubled mind. I am desperately seeking Chritianity to make sense, to somehow answer all of my questions. I want to believe that the Lord created all of the world and that Jesus was sent to give us all a way to heaven, but my mind is full of questions. Unanswerable questions. I need something to set aside my queries - something bigger then an answer. I dont want to know why God allows Satan to exist, or where Satan draws his power from, i want to have something that makes me spiritually complacent. I think i need Divine Intervention. Any thoughts?

Sorry for making my first post such a heavy load.

Originally posted by UNCStudent
I am desperately seeking Chritianity to make sense, to somehow answer all of my questions. I want to believe that the Lord created all of the world and that Jesus was sent to give us all a way to heaven

Any thoughts?

Instead of desperately trying to make Christianty answer these questions, why not just looking for the truth?

You are asking questions with the answer in your mind already.

That is not looking for truth, it is looking to make something fit, whether it is true or not.

The truth MAY BE in Christianty, but if it isn't, and you refuse to look elsewhere, then you will never find it.

Do you see what I mean?

Do you want your questions answered?
Do you truly want truth?
Or are you looking for someone to convince you that Christianty is right?

Why are you insistant that the answers have to be in Christianty if you don't know what the answers are?

Why not open your mind rather than closing it off to what may be there?
One Raven,

I do see what you mean, my beliefs are very far away from the christian dogma, and i am content with them. It is frusterating to me to see so many blindly following something that i deem as ignorance and foolishness. I suppose that I posted the thread as a chance that i may understand this ignorance.

Originally posted by UNCStudent
One Raven,

I do see what you mean, my beliefs are very far away from the christian dogma, and i am content with them. It is frusterating to me to see so many blindly following something that i deem as ignorance and foolishness. I suppose that I posted the thread as a chance that i may understand this ignorance.


*feels your pain*
<i>I want to believe that the Lord created all of the world and that Jesus was sent to give us all a way to heaven...</i>

Why do you want to believe that? Because it would make you feel good?

What if it isn't true? Would you rather know the truth, even if it was less enticing, or would you be happier believing a fantasy?
Originally posted by UNCStudent
I have a troubled mind. I am desperately seeking Chritianity to make sense, to somehow answer all of my questions. ...
Sorry for making my first post such a heavy load.
And you are doing “sociology Major”? ..Oh boy, talking about self inflicted pain!
Heavy Load? ..No problem, here at sciforums there’s hardly anything we can’t handle.

Well my son, hold onto your seat and listen carefully.
There is no point to trouble your mind seeking Christianity to make sense. And in deed, the Lord created everything. …Who else could have done all that?

You are in need of something bigger then an answer, you are in need of Divine Intervention?
My son, I am what you are searching for and the answer and only divine answer to your troubled quest for answers is FAITH! ..Yes, FAITH F-A-I-T-H!

What, you were expecting something else? Well sorry, unless you begging to question Faith itself, it is pointless to move one inch in any direction!!

Bless you my son,


Maybe you should rather try to ask those questions than dismiss religion as the problem.

What is more important? You doing what you like, or earnestly seeking God's will? It might not be the same thing.

Look for the truth, but don't fall into the trap that the truth is whatever makes you feel the most comfortable... It won't help if you're comfortable in a world where everything is hard to understand, and end up uncomfortable when everything is made clear. Jesus didn't come to take you out of a world with problems and questions, but to deliver you from it so that you don't have to be a slave to it. What is everybody else saying? To let go and stop worrying, because it doesn't matter? What would Satan say?

Keep your faith - you will be rewarded with understanding. In the meantime, put those questions out in the open.
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"To rest one's case on faith means to concede that reason is on the side of one's enemies- that one has no rational arguments to offer."
~Ayn Rand~
Nice quote raven. Except that our faith is not the same as 'faith in your car', it is a gift that has been guarded since Abraham. I know what I have faith in. I trust it more than I trust my eyes.

***you probably need more than that. We were saved by the death and life of Christ, who has made our faith complete. God has come so near us though His Spirit, that nothing can come inbetween. Not even doubt.

Since when is reason exclusive, anyway? The way to God is not through reason, but my faith is based on a history with God which is makes it reasonable. It's everything but blind. Justice is blind, not faith.
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Originally posted by UNCStudent
One Raven,

I do see what you mean, my beliefs are very far away from the christian dogma, and i am content with them. It is frusterating to me to see so many blindly following something that i deem as ignorance and foolishness. I suppose that I posted the thread as a chance that i may understand this ignorance.


just because YOU deem it ingonarant and foolish does not mean it is, nor should you be judging the followers of Christ.

I agree with the rest, dont try to make christianity fit, open your heart to the truth and to God and see where He takes you!
Look upon your questions as a quest for growth and understanding as opposed to a search for concrete answers.

"Walk with those seeking Truth. Run from those who think they've found it. "
Deepak Chopra

The knowledge you seek will be found when you start to look inward as opposed to outward.
Originally posted by one_raven
I made it my signature, but for some reason it's not showing up.

Yeah that happened to me too, weak,
my signature was supposed to be this sweet onion quote:
"How many more people need to die before no one ever dies again"
I place MY faith in reason. I think that's the only reasonable place to put it. It does a lot more for me that fictional sadists in the sky.
Originally posted by New Life
just because YOU deem it ingonarant and foolish does not mean it is, nor should you be judging the followers of Christ.

I never ment to judge the followers of Christ. Do you, in your Christian faith believe that followers of Islam or Buddah are ignorant and foolish? I have high respect for any who hold their beliefs as a high value in their life. I just wish i could share in the Christian beliefs instead of dismissing them as ignorant and foolish. Sorry for the misunderstanding

I reserve my right to judge people based on what they believe. And I judge all religious people. After all, you gotta have an opinion, don't you?
Originally posted by Balder1
I reserve my right to judge people based on what they believe. And I judge all religious people. After all, you gotta have an opinion, don't you?

I personally dont feel that i have the right to judge anyone's actions unless their actions directly interfere with my life. I dont care if someone believes in the christian God or if they believe in the omnipotent Ceese God. That descision has no baring on my life.

Having an opinion is different the judging, however. To me, judging is telling someone they are wrong in their actions. Having an opinion is determining whether those beliefs and actions are right/wrong for oneself.

Outside ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is
a field. I'll meet you there.
~ Rumi

I think once we begin to realize and understand where the path begins...we can then accept the journey is our own and that will develop an acceptance and tolerance for others. As opposed to judgeing others, wich implys determining rightness and wrongness; we can learn from and draw an appreciation for others.
Opinions are a given...we feel the way we do based on our point of reference, the wonderfull thing is that those opinions change and evolve as we grow and our point of reference evolves.