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I've just had this weird Idear: wouldn't it be possible to warp a signal instead of material,...

hmm,..light,...itself is a carrier,....can we warp light?
or any other carrier of information,...
What about SEAGULLS?? The only "genuine" UFO I've ever seen was a seagull, but birds are apparently too exotic/far-fetched/alien for this poll.

I say "genuine" because for at least 4-5 seconds it had me truly mystified - here was a bright, grey/white "vehicle" of indeterminate size travelling at truly spectacular speed, at least as fast as a fighter jet, from the zenith downwards to the horizon, but completely soundless....

It stopped me dead in my tracks & I was surprised no-one else on the crowded street seemed to notice it - & then I spotted the other grey/white flying objects, zipping across the sky at more moderate pace & clearly gulls....

Why was the UFO gull flying so fast?? I don't know but it may have been some kind of wind-assisted death plummet.

The only other beasts from the UFO menagerie I have seen are lenticular clouds (very common in Northern Tasmanian skies) which are really cool saucer, cigar or spinning-top shapes, but very slow-moving critters....
Originally posted by kmguru
One thing you may want to consider: As the earth revolves, she spewes out radio emissions in all directions. A civilization ten light years away have already received the signal and can reply by scanning their sky like we do for SETI. The problem is if they are less advanced than us in nearby star systems, we wont hear from them for a while (50 to 100 years). If they are more advanced to say another 200 years to our progress, they may be using other technology that we can not understand...and so on...

I have a feeling that soon, we will be able to discover new communication technology that can communicate over 10 light years without losing much signal. When that happens, we will discover all types of civilization out there. Until then we are in a valley that can not see any smoke signals in other valleys....

Fine, let's assume they are listening to the sky. They have a program something like our own SETI program. The first television programs with any power were broadcast in the 30s. Radio broadcasts before that time did not have the power to penetrate out of our atmosphere. Therefore, our signals have been flying outward from us for, let's choose a nice round number and say 80 years. Therefore, for an extraterrestrial civilization to pick up our signals, it must be, or at least have a "listening station", within 80 light-years of earth. The Milky Way Galaxy is over 100,000 light years in diameter.

This gives us an area of the galaxy just over 5000 square light years in size that our signals have penetrated. The galactic disk is 785,000 square light years.

This means that the area of the galaxy penetrated by our broadcasts is about %0.006 of the galactic disk. this ignores the galactic corona (which includes the globular clusters), which is 600,000 light year in diameter!

The graphic below should put it into perspective.


It is a big damn galaxy we live in. Even if someone out there is listening, it is unlikely our signals have reached them yet.

That's why we invented radars...

All they need is to find out a star is most likely to have life and find out with there's a rational source of radio or a more advanced one... it's pretty easy, actually...

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

That's why we invented radars...

All they need is to find out a star is most likely to have life and find out with there's a rational source of radio or a more advanced one... it's pretty easy, actually...


You just don't get it, do you? The Galaxy is 100,000 light years across! Say we do find some system that we think looks likely. If it is just a quarter of the way across the galaxy from us, and even if it has been broadcasting radio or TV style signals for 10,000 years we still have to wait 25,000 years for those signals to get here.

And all of that assumes they are even bothering signals that our radio telescopes can detect. If they are using something more advanced, we won't even have the equipment to detect it. If they discovered radio 1,000,000 years ago, they have almost certainly gone beyond it by now, and their original radio signals have long since passed us by, well before we could detect them. On the scale of the Cosmos, RADAR is slow
All they need is to find out a star is most likely to have life and find out with there's a rational source of radio or a more advanced one... it's pretty easy, actually...

Truthseeker - You give new meaning to the word 'clueless' each time you post.

With your reasoning, if we add the Universe (ie all the galaxies combined including all the superclusters) we wont even see the dot in the picture.

I agree with you. That is why, we have to find alternate technology or hope someone out there is more advanced than us to open up a data wormhole to do a looksee at us using a 128 qbit quantum computer...

On the otherhand we may have a planet just for you within 20 light years...just a wishful thinking....
Originally posted by kmguru

With your reasoning, if we add the Universe (ie all the galaxies combined including all the superclusters) we wont even see the dot in the picture.

I agree with you. That is why, we have to find alternate technology or hope someone out there is more advanced than us to open up a data wormhole to do a looksee at us using a 128 qbit quantum computer...

On the otherhand we may have a planet just for you within 20 light years...just a wishful thinking....

Actually, I had to make the dot bigger than it really would be to proper scale so that it could be seen. The actual area on that scale is about half that size.

That is my point, it is just wishful think that there is an intelligent civilization that close by. It would be nice, but the universe does not have to be nice to us.

And then there is there question of whether an extraterrestrial civilization would bother to look for us, or anyone, at all. Hmmm...maybe I will start another thread on that....
And then there is there question of whether an extraterrestrial civilization would bother to look for us, or anyone, at all. Hmmm...maybe I will start another thread on that....

That would depend on how much religion has tainted their civilization. :D

Good idea for a new thread.
Just some thoughts. (Fiction, for skeptics of course as this is just simple guessing)
Think about how have we changed in past 10 000 years. What if those ETs have been there for 10 000 million years, lets imagine they are like us but more peaceful, less egoistic, more oriented towards looking for answers than us, as most of just watch TV, go to work, live normal good family life and have already thought about universe and figured out that can't realise it so they let others more intrested in such things tell their version of it through science magazines etc.

What have their(ET) dream yogis, shamans, telepaths, scientists, philosophists, skeptics :p and messiahs might have achieved in past 10 000 million years? (even if they are like us, which i doubt, hopefully they are a lot smarter and less aggressive ;))?

And now think about us. You think we could make contact with our radio broadcasts and other such simple communication equipment? Why would those ETs be close to our primitive age, we just got out from middle age. :) It's meaningless to look that galaxy searching from our primitive view. Maybe they don't have to look through solar systems like us. Maybe they can just astral project at will but so that it is beyond human imagination(or at it's not yet found borders :)).

Maybe they have figured out time so it's no problem to them, maybe they are future us. Maybe they have gone beyond material world long time ago. Maybe they are so high above our material world that it's hard for them even exist here. Or maybe they are respecting our free will and just watching us from their flying saucers and wondering how long they can keep their hands off without us totally ruining beautiful planet earth and having mass extinction of all species here including ourselves.

Or maybe the only ETs that exist in this infinite space we are living in are just some simple bacters and amoebas in some earthlike planet and maybe huge comet hit that planet and destroyed all those tiny cute little amoebas a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
*enter Star Wars theme*

Sorry for long post. Just nice to train my English essay writing skills. :D
Think about how have we changed in past 10 000 years. What if those ETs have been there for 10 000 million years, ....

I can not even think about it with my super duper brain....if you can extrapolate our technological and computer advancement for the last 50 years to another one million years, We may not even remain humans at all - it is so limiting....

I would love to read your extrapolation of human or the life form that was human today, in 9.9 billion years...please try that....
Northwind and (Q),

Considering that more that half of the stars of the Universe are like the sun (our star is really common in the Universe, if you don't know...), then, the probability for the existance of extrasolar "intelligent" life is much highter then you actually expect.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Northwind and (Q),

Considering that more that half of the stars of the Universe are like the sun (our star is really common in the Universe, if you don't know...), then, the probability for the existance of extrasolar "intelligent" life is much highter then you actually expect.


Did you actually read anything that was written, you preposterous putz?

Nowhere in my posts did I doubt the existence of extra-terrestrial life. In fact, I assumed that extra-terrestrial life was a given for the sake points I made.

However the type of star we run around has very little to do with the question of the chances of extra-terrestrial life. For life to develop, not only is a long-lived, steady star needed, but also an initial cloud of dust and gas for planets to coalesce from, plus enough time for the evolution of life to occur and reach intelligence. There are probably lots of stars like our sun in this galaxy that have no planetary system. There will be still others with a planetary system, but without a planet that supports life. Still others will have life that will have been demolished by a natural catastrophe such as cometary impact or the approach of a large stellar body who's gravitational influence will have made the planet uninhabitable in some way.

You are ignoring most of the variables, you ignore the fact that the galaxy, like this planet, is a dangerous place.

That aside, I think there probably IS intelligent life out there, because there are so many stars that even with the horrible bad odds, we probably get some results.

What I am unsure of is if there is intelligent life in this forum.
Considering that more that half of the stars of the Universe are like the sun (our star is really common in the Universe, if you don't know...)

Nope. Not 'more than half' at all.


Scroll down, our sun is spectral class 'G'.

Note that the sun is also unusually luminous


Oh yes, and I'd bet money that Q admits the possibility of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Your attack proves to be a straw man

Try again.
Although there are several types of stars which would be suitable for system-habitation. Maybe TS was referring to all those types of stars together as being of the suitable type.
Possibly. Depends on how widely you define 'suitable for habitation'....some believe that hotter stars could support silicon-based life forms.

I personally think that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe (elsewhere?:rolleyes: ) but I do not have any evidence one way or another, save the very, very speculative Drake equation.