UFOs in WTC!!

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Dude, they're posted on the site under the picture thread. Check the 16th page I believe it is.
She actually looks quite good in that leather outfit in the picture...

Don't make me hurt you, Adamski. :p


Fine, fine I'll post somthing. Eventually. Like in a few months ;)

Can anyone answer the public?
We want to know!

Umm, I did.
Dude, they're posted on the site under the picture thread. Check the 16th page I believe it is.

Well, dude I've like, looked there maan, and like, I found the pic but since my connexion is being, like, a major bummer, I, like had to stop waiting for like, the pictures to download [dude]. I have to like, wait until I can like, get to school tomorrow, cause like, they have these RAD T1 connexions that are like so incredibly awsome, totally duderiffic...

Yousetyourselfupyousetyourselfup lallalallaa! This is payback for your little comment in my philosophy thread (notice the connexions)
Hahahaha, okay you had your laugh. As Han said; laugh it up, furball.

My 'right' comments weren't even in mockery of you. I just use them to prove a point when I'm in a bad mood!

But dude, come on, like, you don't have to do a bad joke just to get, like, back at me....right?
Oh, and to get the pic to work you can't just click the link. You need to copy and paste the address into an Internet Explorer window.
Hahahhahahahahha to the second-to-last-post.

That's what I did (I am a tech-savvy one, forget not!), my connexion is just very slow, I believe we have at least one virus and we also lack a working cd drive (so we can't install antivirus software! ha isn't that funny?!?)

BTW Han said 'fuzzball' methinks. I've got to start a movie quote game somewhere. Off to free thoughts then!

You probably missed it:

Okay, I watched the fucking videos. Firstoff, there is no way that is a actual 'craft'. I see a lot of dust associated with it....which we would expect from impact debris. If you note the point of impact, relative to our little blur, the hypothesis that it is impact debris gains strength. That looks to be about where the force of impact, the 'action' would have its equal and opposite reaction.

Simple Newtonian physics dispells any mystery.

Also, if it's a craft, why is it moving as if to crash into the ground?

Hey, guys, you don't tease Nelson for not posting anything! Why? Because you're just hoping I'm cute, and you want to ogle.


Don't make me hurt you, Adamski.
First the leather and now this! I'm flattered! :p

Hey, guys, you don't tease Nelson for not posting anything! Why? Because you're just hoping I'm cute, and you want to ogle.

Well, duh!

Cheers Pollux, it's great to finally take the plunge and post...I've been reading various forums here for about a month now and you guys all seem so friendly *gush*.

Anyway I'll be sure to check out the pix.....
Welcome to sciforums, passout. Glad you saw fit to post. Don't be a stranger.
If you have not discovered it, passout, there is a blue bar at the bottom of the opening page where all the threads are listed for each forum. Right next to the go button it says "last page". Change that to read "the begining" and you will find a lot more threads. There is also the archives on the home page.

I will now get out of the thread so that it may return to the topic...

What about this:

If you compare both videos, you might find out that they fit together, the UFO appear in the same position, at the same time, but in different angles... Coincidence...?

And why the craft (or dust...) comes from behind the tower? It seems that it was distant, so this means that it mihght be pretty big...


And why the craft (or dust...) comes from behind the tower? It seems that it was distant, so this means that it mihght be pretty big...

Yes, simple action-reaction. Newton's third law.

Dust or debris, I'm not sure which.

"First the leather and now this! I'm flattered"

Flattery is 7,500 USD. Pay now or I have security rough you up. :p
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"I have the feeling tht you can't be convinced tht it was a hoax"

Some people need to believe in something greater than themselves. A weakness I think. He believes in God too, and bigfoot i expect ;) Try to think about things the governments tried to cover up over the years - and failed! You think that all the alien technology just happens to fall into nevada? There would be proof by now of ANYTHING. But there isn't.

"For the record, I do feel the same revulsion to swasticas, as well as pictures of the camps."

Personally the swastikas don't bother me at all. I sort of remember that the buddhists used it as a symbol of something (and not ethnic cleansing), so i'm not going to let the nazi's perverse it. It still does, of course, remind me of WWII though.

"biggest guns, toys and toughest cowboy attitude. "

It does seem like Bush is a cowboy. The USA's war on the terrorist countries seemed like a quick revenge thing - or a front for the oil. Bush is a capatalist bastard! Someone mentioned in another thread that smoking kills more americans per week than the number of people who died in the WTC. It would have been better to use a fraction of the 'war' money for that instead. 'war' because the USA isn't actually at war, according to their 'alert status' thing.

"I just love highly patriotic people. God bless them and the most FREE and DEMOCRATIC country in the world, USA!
You are so noble and wise that of course you can be world police and decide for others even if it ends up the way that benefits USA the most. "

Ah, sarcasm ;) It is quite funny that the American's think they can police the world just because they think that they're the best, but in reality there are just as many problems with them as anyone else. The american's were so against communism in the 50's. But communism works! If done right. Canada has a communist medical care system. It isn't perfect, but I'd give up every penny in taxes to keep it!

"Then how come and whole world missed that and only few websites captured it?"

If one website captures something; every other one can too. And the web breeds bullshit, there is a lot of great stuff on the internet, probably nearly every great literary work man has created (you think?), but any idiot can say anything too, and have it published.

"Because you're just hoping I'm cute, and you want to ogle. "

I want to ogle! But image isn't important on the internet. It really frees people to be great. So post nothing and I can avoid the annoyances of erections that hamper the creative process so much.

I can't say that the WTC thing affected me much. It was just like WWII to me - just history. I don't know why. But I didn't know anybody there... so that was prolly the reason. Sad maybe, but true.

I think it's better that it didn't affect me. Stress sucks. If I did know somebody I would do the usual bottling up sort of thing I think. What good is crying over something out of my control! Either do something about it - or don't worry about it.

jjhlk, dead inside?
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