UFOs in WTC!!

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In other words, Nelson immediatly started looking for UFOs. That, I think, is Q's criticism. That instead of worrying about the people inside, Nelson worried about his prophecies.

Thank you. That is it exactly.

Also, I think that the Q's assessment of the situation is influenced by Nelson's previous anti-American ranting.

No necessarily. Although I'm not surprised that Truthseeker was the one that came up with this idiocy, I would have jumped down the throat of anyone that would have posted such thoughts, even if they were yours. Of course, you would never do such a thing and I'm sure no one else here, except Truthseeker, would have as well.

No necessarily. Although I'm not surprised that Truthseeker was the one that came up with this idiocy, I would have jumped down the throat of anyone that would have posted such thoughts, even if they were yours. Of course, you would never do such a thing and I'm sure no one else here, except Truthseeker, would have as well.

I certainly would not....however, to claim that no-one else would have is a tad naive. You know how Banshee feels about the U.S, and I think Lava has made his/her/its "thoughts" on the matter quite clear.

Our country is hardly 'liked', especially in this crowd of crystel-swingers and fuzzy "thinkers". To expect them to hold off on using this tragedy to further their bizzare little theories is, well, unrealistic.

P.S: Lava, indeed I am a materialist, a scientist and a skeptic. Thank you for noting.

The rest of your gibberish is ignored, just as I ignore the rantings of a drunken street preacher. I only ask that, the next time you are abducted by aliens, they do not return you to this lovely, little blue planet.

I certainly would not....however, to claim that no-one else would have is a tad naive.

Maybe I am being naive. I hope not.

It is interesting to note that Truthseeker posted his original "thoughts" two days ago and has yet to deny my allegations.
I don't aruge if they exists or not since I have seen them by my self. But what I saw was unkown flying object, Was there a life form in there or not? I can't say. But it was UFO. Now as far as you are concern regarding UFOs in WTC, that does sound stupid, there were too many helicopters and cameras, and they could have catch even a brid flying in the sky. There were many helicopters and camera could have cought anything. Then how come and whole world missed that and only few websites captured it? There were not only US but all over the world's media looking at that.
Only videos that I would believe would be one by the NASA, I have seen that on Discovery channel before and only the second one not the first one. I have seen two more besided them one of them was an object closing in very fast towards earth and then suddenly slows down, NASA commentator said it is impossible for an astroid to break right above horizon and then that obeject was joined by 4 more objects and they all hold still for a long time right above the horizon and they captured it all on video from shuttle. Very interesting video. Anyways, for WTC I don't see any UFOs there at all. It could be helicopter or something or just work of some nice graphics program.

Originally posted by Xev
Seriously, I cannot watch that. Is it impact debris, Northwind?

Ah, relax Q, they were just Americans. :rolleyes:

It's the anniversery, you know.....eight months ago, we were attacked by a vicious band of thugs, in the name of their perverted and despicable religious ideology.


Don't you think, it would be personal ideology, religion could be just a shield to hide behind?
Sorry Markx. I meant somthing along the lines of a personal religious ideology....I guess I didn't express that very well.

Then again, I was even patriotic. :eek:

Maybe I am being naive. I hope not.

I hope so too, although I doubt your claim that few others would have done the same as Nelson.
Wait wait wait a second, a picture of xev, the real xev, where? Or is this a joke...?

I've been following this thread a bit, and I think Marx has a point. There really is no chance in hell that only one little camera caught a UFO flying past the second airplane when it hit, by then the media's eye had focused on the city. There are videos, lots of them, from many different angles, of the second plane hitting, but with no UFO following it. This is fake or it is a bird that was in the right place at the right time, it seems.

But I did see an intriguing UFO video on scifi.com/happens, where in those golden pre-9/11 days (although I say this trust me I'm not as patriotic as most americans are depicted on tv) this pair of people was taking a helicoptor tour (a few years ago while in the city I heard one advertised for $20!!) and luckily they had a camera with them and they spotted this UFO next to one of the towers. All of a sudden it shot by them, and the guy filming the whole thing whirls around and catches this stream of air flying into the blue sky. If it was fake (which is likely, since there is no chance in hell that they were the only ones to see it if it was in the bowels of Manhattan) then it was a damn good fake, with a good close up of the flying saucer, while it was hovering.

The scifi channel advertised this on tv, and on their website, but they've taken the video off for some reason. Did anyone see it?
Wait wait wait a second, a picture of xev, the real xev, where? Or is this a joke...?

He's refering to my avatar. Why's everybody so curious to know what I look like, anyway?

Give me a reason why and I'll eventually post somthing....

Marx has a point.

Commie bastard! :p

Q will be interested to note the description of the video on the site shamen gave us:

"Very cool"

Fucking peice of shit. I hope whoever wrote that suffers even a little teeny fraction of the pain the people in the WTC felt.

Edit to add:

Okay, I watched the fucking videos. Firstoff, there is no way that is a actual 'craft'. I see a lot of dust associated with it....which we would expect from impact debris. If you note the point of impact, relative to our little blur, the hypothesis that it is impact debris gains strength. That looks to be about where the force of impact, the 'action' would have its equal and opposite reaction.

Simple Newtonian physics dispells any mystery.

Also, if it's a craft, why is it moving as if to crash into the ground?
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A: That's some 'code word' for some bizzare sexual activity (I'd expect that from you, prevert!) or

B: You are referring to an actual stamp collection, in which case, boooooring.
Xev, you've got me all wrong! It's actually C: A bizzare sexual activity involving an actual stamp collection... :p
Pervert or not. I think thats a good reason to post a pic now.........well i am interested i dunno about rest of you all. How about.....hmm........you can come and visit Big D, I can be your host?....Show you around galleria.......:p . I hope you like ice skating. ;)

Did any one else see the Discovery chanel video I mena the one from NASA?.

I am criticizing him because he didn't think about the people that died. Instead he was thinking about himself and his ridiculous prophecy. Can't you see how blatantly and viciously selfish and arrogant he is for saying that ?

There weren't UFOs in my prophecy...
I just sensed then, when it was happening...
What called my attention, of course...:rolleyes:

And who said I didn't think about those people...?
I though about them mainly after what happened, when I could control my feelings. At the time it was happening, I preferred to forget it otherwise I would certainly become crazy...:bugeye:

Besides that, I don't believe you really cared about those people... as you said...

And don't you EVER fucking agree with me again you contemptible piece of shit.

And that's because I agreed with you...
Imagine if I hadn't...

Originally posted by shaman1301:
I watched that video at least 50 times. It looks pretty real to me:better than Hollywood could do. My only doubt is why it was never reported in the news or anywhere. Can anyone who has seen this video explain how it could be a hoax?

Can anyone answer the public?:rolleyes:
We want to know!:D

shaman... I guess anyone report it because it IS real... ;)
Remember that not only the Japanese TV recorded it, but also an american filmed it...

If you compare both videos, you might find out that they fit together, the UFO appear in the same position, at the same time, but in different angles...


The Truth is out there :bugeye: :eek:

Xev: a reason. Almost every prominent member has posted a pic under the picture thread. I am at least interested in what everyone else looks like. It's your choice if you don't want to post one for whatever reason, but I think you should give it a go, like most of the rest of us.

Plus I have this collection of klingon figurines and giant swords I'd let you have a look at (hahahhahaa I'm just kidding that thing about the cards was really funny)
Pollux, don't be so eager. She sent me a pic of her, and it wasn't really the high point of my day.

Yes, I'm JOKING!!!

She actually looks quite good in that leather outfit in the picture... :p
Adam: hahaha. BTW I got oeddie back in free thoughts for logging into my account and saying I was gay. I got him REAL good!!
Yeah Xev! We all posted pics! I even scanned three pics and put them together (took me 4 hours it did......)!
Are you planning to show us these pics, Tyler? Once I get some wires for my digital camera I plan to get some updates of myself along with cactus, oedipus, lesion, and maybe potatoe.
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