UFOs in WTC!!

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Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I KNEW it! When I woke up that morning with the strange intuition that my prophecy was real, I knew that I had to look for UFOs. And so did I. In that strange morning of September, last year, I walked to the kitchen to have my breakfast when I've met my homestay parent there, staring at the TV, speachless. I looked at it. My eyes became fuzzy as the tears came to my eyes. My hair straighted up as if I've had seen a ghost: my prophecy WAS real.

As I looked, I payed attention. My eyes stared at the TV looking for them. I looked to the smoke, an object moving fast. I didn't know if it was what I was looking for. Suddenly, an object pass really fast from one side to another, I though it was only dust (later, today, I would discover it was not...). I went to school. I continued watching it. And as the two towers came down and I saw nothing I started to wonder if they know what was going on. They have already been once in that city, followed by jets, they turned off the electricity. For one day, the city was in darkness. In the second time, it was longer.

I didn't understand why would they disappear in such moment. Today, as I see those videos, I'm again speachless for the fact that I know what's really going on here. And I ask myself, how do they know what will happen and when...

Here the videos and some things about it.
Fell free to criticize... :D


Careful analysis:

New York Blackouts 65/77:

They REALLY exist...
UFO Video's taken from the Space Shuttle:
Impresive slides:

I hope you are just being funny. I can make such movies, given appropriate software.
Have you really seen the videos...?
Do you really think Japanese guys filming it at the moment it was happening could edit it so fast (while fiming it!!!)...?? :bugeye: :bugeye: :eek:
A movie showing three UFOs in the WTC...
The third one is not confirmed though...
Of course you don't edit while filming it. You film the event, then use an animation programme to draw small black shapes into each frame, or each third frame for example.

They were showing this to Japanese people while it was happening. The Japonese people saw the UFOs while they were filming it at that time. If they didn't, the whole story would already be considered a hoax. Besides that, why would the Japanese TV do such a thing like... creating this sensationalism? They wouldn't be stupid to do so, as it would destroy their credibility! And even more... many people filmed that. The American TV and others might have got the same videos... ;) How would you explain such thing? Everyone edited their films exactly in the same way? :D:D:D

To turn your argument to other side (I have the feeling tht you can't be convinced tht it was a hoax) -> Why in hell would aliens be interested in watching some pesky earthlings crushing in two rather small structures (compared to theirs). If they wanted to watch the show, they could do it from a distance.
They certainly are very interested in what's going on here... and they probably know more than us...
Again-> let them be interested in what's going on our planet, why should they watch two planes crash into two buildings other thn because it's a "spectacular" site.
Yeah Nelson, there's things like this all over the internet. There's one with supposed footage that was not edited that shows no plane even hit the Pentagon. Other ones show the Devil escaping in smoke (now, how would aliens make a devil head? or why?)......

They're set up to fool idiots.
Oh yeah, those websites are so reliable eh?

The second one you have listed contains EVERY conspiracy under the sun, including the ones that were made up using very faked photos. Like the clips from the Disney movies (if you actually have a copy at home, you can stop them at the scenes and find out they're very faked). Some picture of an apparently turned off tv with an alien head on it...A picture of a big mac with a complete chicken head in it......A jellyfish flying????

One of the sites claims to prove bigfoot, ghosts......

One is actualy called Conspiracy World

Nelson, after a short while something becomes evident of you....you'll take any source that agrees with you or helps you no matter how unreliable it is.

But if it contradicts you, it doesn't matter how reliable it is.
I will laugh a lot when they land in front of the white house... :D:D:D

One of those sites, for example:

Go to "Alien Images".
Look for the pictures... are those not true?
Besides that, most of those photographs have already been tested. I see many of those in other sites.

About ghost and bigfoots... I don't know...
Ghost... perhaps...
But bigfoot... I don't believe... even though I accept it can be true... while you don't... :rolleyes: :eek:

The most interesting is that EVERYONE describes UFOs and ETs in the exact same way...:rolleyes: :eek: :bugeye: :eek:



Do you have any idea how easy it is to fake images like the ones on that last site you posted? They actually had clips from that ludicrous Fox "Alien Autopsy" special on there! You cannot be so colossally stupid as to think that genuine. I could make more convincing images than anything on those sites. Fucking hell....
off topic---
abouth your signature Northwind:cool: there is actually a sanctuary. my site for my sciforums id is called Sanctuary:D

about Seeker, I can't get it, how can he think tht they can not be faked. I have made such pictures with my graphical progs tht adding another layer with some saucers is a kids game even for such an unprofessional like me (3d graphics and art).

You sir, are a cad. You are the lowest form of life on this planet. How dare you bring such contemptible crap to this forum. Have you no decency, no respect for the people that died that day. Are you so starved for attention you have to stoop to this level of stupidity.

You have insulted and degraded the memories of those that died on September 11. Good, decent people that didn't deserve to die. You are less of a person than those that piloted those planes into the WTC and the Pentagon.

I spit in your face, you miserable, pathetic moron.

I hope the administrator or the moderators see their way clear to deleting this thread in its entirety and banning Truthseeker.
Seriously, I cannot watch that. Is it impact debris, Northwind?

Ah, relax Q, they were just Americans. :rolleyes:

It's the anniversery, you know.....eight months ago, we were attacked by a vicious band of thugs, in the name of their perverted and despicable religious ideology.

They thought that they could stop us, that they could hit us and we would run.



How can anyone with a shred of decency say such things. Rather then feeling horror and pain watching as thousands of innocent people perished, Truthseeker was searching for UFO's in order to realize his "prophecy." Rather then shedding a tear for the families left to suffer without their loved ones, Truthseeker is paying attention to the smoke billowing from the WTC trying to catch a glimpse of a UFO. As the towers came crumbling down snuffing out the remaining lives of those trapped inside, Truthseeker did not think of those people, instead he wondered if the rest of the world was thinking the same twisted thoughts he was, as to whether we realized there may be UFO's.

In other words, he has taken the tragedy of September 11 and turned it into some kind of freak show to satisfy his unbounding ego. He chose to view the murdering of innocent people not as something about them, but instead he viewed it as something about himself. He couldn't care less if thousands of people were being slaughtered before his very eyes. He only thought of himself and his ridiculous UFO prophecy. He is a maggot.

I don't know about the rest of the members here, but the Q is truly sickened by what Truthseeker wrote. He doesn't deserve our pity.
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