UFO: Videos

Saying 'god did it' also explains alot of what we don't know. It could explain all of it in fact.

That doesn't make it reality.
zonabi said:
talk of higher densities is NOT Nancy's creation, you should read other good sources of information on ET.

I've only seen her talk about it, hence I thought it was her ideas.

you will be surprised to see talk of higher dimensions (densities) or reality amongst not only ET-related books and articles, but also within certain religions, beliefs, and ideals expressed throughout everywhere.

densities are simple. the atoms and molecular structure shift to a higher vibratory frequency. that is the mathematical/scientific way to look at it.

Then, they are dimensions. However, what do you mean to say, when Earth moves into another dimension. In fact, you will find, according to string theory, that in higher dimensions, matter would be too unstable. So if you did move to a higher dimension, you may just break apart.

u can also look at it spritualy. you rise in consciousness to higher levels of existance, since you are gaining knowledge of the true universe, you are more aware, similar to vibrating faster, in a different light.

guys- densities are actually the answers you are looking for.

a) they will explain why aliens can appear/dissapear
b) explains how entities can be without any physical body at all
c) explains other (more earthly) phenomenom, such as Ghosts, poltergeists, etc.
d) explain possibly how Aliens are able to travel the universe almost instantaneously.
e) explains how some Humans are even able to project their Astral Bodies and fly around consciously thru space
f) explains out of body experiences.

it can explain alot of what we dont know.

I personally think, higher consciousness, is not particularly moving to a higher dimension, but gaining greater control of your mind. I am not close-minded however, it maybe possible, "astral projection", "OBE, "ghosts" however there is little evidence in support of it, from what I know of. Want to point me in the right direction?
zonabi said:
densities are simple. the atoms and molecular structure shift to a higher vibratory frequency. that is the mathematical/scientific way to look at it.

You know.. I think you're on to something there. Wasn't that the explanation given in The Flash comic book back in the 1970's?

What energy "vibrates" the atoms and "molecular structures?" And what do you think the formula would be for applying that kind of energy?
"But Slim who is to say Exploding_Necquim is an earthling? Isn't that a generalization to claim all earthlings poke fun? I think you are using the word earthling to mean human?"

Well, uhh... yep, strange as it may seem, and it does seem strange, When I read a couple of Exploding's posts I was amazed at his descriptions, detail, and the simularity of Ideas I've tossed around before. He's very intellegent and articulate and I had the brief feeling that he was seriously an Alien and not From here..lol... Many of the things he posted and his descriptions fall in line with Ideas I have toyed with, and I got the feeling he wasn't lying.. hehe... No, I'm not crazy! He has done a lot of research and really gotten deep into his scam, or he is really a nut and got lucky, or he is insanely Brilliant, or he's .uh.. really a Dang Bonified Alien! I was reading and catching up on this thread and I read a couple of His posts and got interested in reading some more, But then I found that goofyfish was deleting them at the same time... Then, I REALLY got perplexed because I wanted to read more and started thinking.. Oh Shit! Just my luck, I finally get a chance to question a maybe alien, and He gets Deleted right before my eyes.. He probably got his feelings hurt and figures we aren't worth his time or we just aren't Mature enough yet and He's already Gone for Good......... across the Universe... Without me.... Thanks for Nuthin, goofy :bugeye: fish...

Skinwalker, Its odd that you mention old comic books, I remember Flash Gordon and the pictures of the spaceships.. Kinda odd that it was make believe and fiction yet many of those descriptions and pics are simular to the space shuttle, not to mention Star trek, or Jules vern's futuristic ideas.
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