UFO: Videos

who's to say this wasn't made by a professional or semi-professional animator

Exactly, and who says it can't be made by some fanatic? There have been many cases of fanatics doing drastic things to further their cause, and there is nothing drastic about this. Also, you have yet to explain to me about that "Antenna" that appears at an impossible view point. How is it that that rod coming out of the UFO would appear when you view the bottom of the UFO (when it is close to the screen) but not when you see the UFO is far away with a better angle of the top of the UFO? It should have been completely visible from the beginning towards the end of the video and should have dissapeared from view once the UFO began tilting upwards towards the last second of the clip.

in motion would not move smoothely across the sky(it would jerk and wobble)

It is not moving smoothly accross the sky. Towards the beginning of the clip we are given the illusion that is it flying very smoothly and quickly, but towards the end you can see clearly that the UFO is jerking and wobbling, like its attached to a rope.

Yet one of the most confusing things that I see is towards the end. You can see the light coming off the bottom of the UFO when it flies over the camera, yet no light apears around the scenerio untill after the clip ends. What the hell is this?

As for it gaining altitude, it is barley noticable. Again, we are given this illusion do to a very slight increase in height and the naturally uneven enviroment around the camera, but don't look at the hills (which I bet most of you have done) instead, compare the UFO with the clouds in the backround. You will see that the UFO increases in little or no altitidue.

One last thing, this camera man is in the middle of no where with a camera. Coicidence? With no body with him? I haven't heard this clip with sound (which shouldn't be considered evidence since sound can easily be imitated) but from what I read on this thread, it sounds like there's only 1 person with the camera. What in the world is he doing out there with a camera at just the right moment?
ScRaMbLe said:
mikey - I enjoy reading your posts so don't take this as an attack but merely questions.

Thank you for your gracious comments. Of course, I'm not taking it as an attack. It's not an attack - so why I should I take it as one :)

- who's to say this wasn't made by a professional or semi-professional animator with some spare time on their hands now LOTR and Star wars are finished? ;)
They would have the experience, access to the equipment and it would explain the anonymity.

I do not discount that it could be the work of a animator, or some professional hoaxer. However, at the same time, there is nothing to suggest it is a hoax either.

Besides, if its real, where is the usual EMR interference that is claimed as the reason most UFO pics are fuzzy? Or do you only use that theory for the fuzzy videos and forget about it for this one?

To be honest, I've never seen a photo or a video, where the UFO flies so near the camera. So who is to say, how clear the UFO becomes when it is so close. UFO photographs being fuzzy due to EMR interference, is only one possibly theory, it is not a fact.

Also, the voice you hear in the video is pretty casual considering what he's "just seen".

Actually I think it very natural. Had it been loud, exaggerated, like, a "WOWWWWWW" or even worse, he recited poetry - THEN I would have suspected something. If someone really see's a UFO, they would be overcome with disbelief, shocked, unable to directly express themselves. Hence, why the faint "woah" while he's concentrating on framing the UFO

...and... wouldn't it be human nature to turn around and continue videoing the saucer as it flew away?

Not exactly. As you can see, when the UFO flies over, the electronics of the camera would be affected by the EMR interference. This would cause the electronic noise we hear, and also why the frame freezes momentarily. We can actually see he was trying to zoom in on the UFO, as it flew over him, and the zoom ends after the UFO has fully passed. This would suggest there really was EMR interference.

It is a very good job but I dont think its real.

Thank you for acknowleding that. That is far more honest, than those who just point and laugh at it and call it "the most pathetic i've ever seen"
However, I still think, that the evidence of it being hoax, is too little, to make a case. Hence, I stick with my initial conclusions, that it may actually be real.
It is not moving smoothly accross the sky. Towards the beginning of the clip we are given the illusion that is it flying very smoothly and quickly, but towards the end you can see clearly that the UFO is jerking and wobbling, like its attached to a rope.

We have already covered this. It wobbles on two occasions - to change direction, and when it flies down and over the camera. As I said, if it was attached to a rope, thus involving a giant crane, it would not be able to fly smoothely at the start, and accelerate in sudden microsecond bursts, gaining sudden altitude and longitude. If you tried that, with the crane, the UFO would be all over the place - not travelling smoothely across the sky. That would defy basic laws of physics.

The rope/string theory just does not compute. If it a hoax, it can only be CGI. Now you only need to prove it is CGI. Which from what I can tell, is not even close to CGI graphics.

Yet one of the most confusing things that I see is towards the end. You can see the light coming off the bottom of the UFO when it flies over the camera, yet no light apears around the scenerio untill after the clip ends. What the hell is this?

I was also thinking, why doesn't the light, light up the camera as it passes. It actually falls to the right. This is one factor going against it, though alone, is inconclusive.

As for it gaining altitude, it is barley noticable. Again, we are given this illusion do to a very slight increase in height and the naturally uneven enviroment around the camera, but don't look at the hills (which I bet most of you have done) instead, compare the UFO with the clouds in the backround. You will see that the UFO increases in little or no altitidue.

No, if you see it in proper perspective, the UFO is actually gaining considerable altitude. Not only that, it is also flying deeper into the frame.

One last thing, this camera man is in the middle of no where with a camera. Coicidence? With no body with him? I haven't heard this clip with sound (which shouldn't be considered evidence since sound can easily be imitated) but from what I read on this thread, it sounds like there's only 1 person with the camera. What in the world is he doing out there with a camera at just the right moment?

You should hear it with sound, regardless. In fact, from the sound, you will answer this question. His wife in the background, points out the UFO, and the man gets his camera to find it, and then locks on it - the rest is what you see. We can also tell from the sound, that they are possibly outside of their backyard - from what sounds like running water in the kitchen.
If you tried that, with the crane, the UFO would be all over the place - not travelling smoothely across the sky.

If placed correctly with the right amount of rope, gravity can easily stablize the UFO and give it the appearance of riding smoothly while turning correctly once the rope reaches its end.

and the man gets his camera to find it, and then locks on it

So what your trying to say is, is that the woman points out the UFO while the man already has the camera on and he is already focusing on the UFO. The man already has his camera pointing out to where the UFO is going to come out before it even becomes visible. If it was behind the trees in the first place then how did the woman see this UFO? As seen, the UFO does not give off any light untill after it passes over the camera (which is incredibly displaced), so they could not have seen any lights coming off the UFO, instead they would have to see a black mass from through the trees, but as seen in the clip that would be impossible. Either they saw the UFO coming from behind them, and the woman, being incredibly slow, took a few minutes to point it out, giving the man time to find his camera, which he conveniantly brought out with him to the middle of no where, enough time to power it up before the UFO even comes into view...

from what sounds like running water in the kitchen.

They are at what looks like a lake, any running water you hear came from the lake or a nearby stream.

and also why the frame freezes momentarily

Unfortunely the frame never freezes, it may just be your computer.
just like scramble has just said, i believe it is not authentic for the same reasons. first time i watched it i thought it was real, but then i watched it over and also read what some of you have said (your constructive critisism, not your ramblings about maya or that you think you are george lucas ... which by the way if it was made by a professional film maker you wouldnt see any mistakes) and now i pretty certain that it is not authentic. too bad tho, it was a good clip.

the pole sticking out near the end is one concern
the sudden stop of wobble and motion in the split second before the film ends is another
shadows and illumination are a third inconsistency, although they did a good job of lighting up the ground, the shadows would have shifted when the ship darted towards the camera
lastly interference. they attempted to fake interference by putting static sound when it gets close. what they forgot is the visual interference that would probably occur in sync with the auditory interference. also i think it interfernce would have began sooner than depicted on footage

with all that said, i reccomend the same advice FieryIce gave you, and thats not to consider the footage as strong evidence. this doesnt mean to stop this thread, of course not. i would be glad to scope out some of your research and judge the footage myself. but you know how tricky and deceitfull this area is.

now, if you really want some convincing proof of a UFO on footage, you will have to look long and hard for it. there was footage shown a few years back of a UFO sighting in Mexico. i do not remember the city, but i think it might have been ... mexico city, (heh) this footage is shocking to say the least. before i go off explaining it, perhaps we can find it and show you all. crazymikey you should try to see this one. it was recent, and in mexico.

no promises fellas, as you may know the video may have been confiscated because of its authenticity.
heh. just to prove that the authentic footage is always siezed, i have here, my first attempt to get this footage:


i was surprised to find a page with the video so quickly - UNTIL I TRIED TO DOWNLOAD IT.

ERROR, page not found.

blah. onward with the egg hunt!
Dear crazymikey,

I am sorry but this video does not show any known form of standard time/space craft. I can tell this right away based of its engine system: the bottom of this ship according to the video is glowing yellow and red most likely from heat. Space time quantum flux singularity drive used on most ships in this section of the universe does not produce high amounts of heat or any light in fact it sucks heat and light due to the pulsing singularity it produces at its core. Also the ship wobbles lacking stander inertia mass control, flying without this would be illegal according to Tritreme laws supported by the department of Universal travel management! Also the shape is totally unlike the flux stream shape needed by most time/space craft. I’m afraid this is in fact a hoax. Many during this time like to make hoaxes to make fun of those of revolutionary logic. There time of redemption will come 2492AD when the time travel sanction is lifted on the Earth system.
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Is this what the cameraman says????

"Is it still there?....oh right....i got it....yeh"

Did the witnesses say anything about the video

Exploding...what the hell are you talking about? That had to be the most ridiculous load of crap I have ever heard anyone say on these forums. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you just basically say, "It can't possibly be an alien space ship since it interferes with universal law!". Oh No! We are being visited by alien bandits! RUN!! They might just have to send out the MIB right?

But forgive me, you must be an expert of alien machinery right? How could anyone possibly think that this must be a real UFO since their Space Time Quantum Flux is off! Please...stop watching Star Trek.

But lets say you are completely serious and correct. I have never heard of an engine absorbing heat, to move an object causes a certain amount of energy and the reaction occurring after the usage of this energy creates heat and friction (as simple as it gets). How could an engine which gathers heat from its environment possibly function under any circumstance?

I am sorry but this video does not show any known form of standard time/space craft.

Uhh...isn’t that why they call it a UFO?

PS - Since Exploding is living in his own dream world this is for him. UFO is short for Unidentifiable Flying Object.
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Dear Votorx,

I was saying that it can't be a space ship because it does not work like one. If that is a real space ship it’s of rather horrible construction and unknown to all time and all places in the universe! There is no place and time that a ship looking and working like that one has ever been made. Since there is no record of such a crafts existence it must be a hoax. UFO do not exist in the no object is unidentified. Temporal surveys have already map all space flights in the area though out all time all the way back to 46,000,000,000BC and this "space ship" is not registered, and temporal surveys are never wrong as they are made from 8th dimensional space beyond time and are infallible. I am sorry but the laws of physics and in fact your beliefs of logic are completely out dated in my time.
Zonabi, I hope you realize that most if not all of the links on that page don't work. Most just lead to a "Page cannot be displayed" windows.
Of Course Necquim what was I thinking?

Looks like we have another freak who thinks they are from the future where aliens roam and spaceships are created like the kirbies of the present. Someone call the police before he hurt someone or himself, I think even Zonabi will agree that he's a nutcase.
Dear Exploding Necquim,

There are many variations of medication which willl cure schizophrenia. You think about that.
Dear Votorx,

I will ignore you now as you cannot comperhend my advance logic, you should learn from some of those around you like crazymikey and zonabi.
CrazyMikey is very openminded (a little too openminded if you ask me...and gullible) and Zonabi is an extreme fanatic, but neither are stupid enough to believe anything you have said so far.
Necquim i suggest you stick your Space time quantum flux singularity drive where the sun dont shine so your head can see that its not real. Btw ur advanced logic sucks, its illogical to claim you know all about the future on a public forum with people that will see you as a crackpot, especially when you cannot back things up with facts and proof.
I take all your points Zonabi. This is why, I hardly ever discuss video or photographic evidence, they are quite easy to hoax, and even if not hoaxed, quite easy to dismiss as hoaxs. However, I still think, the video may be a UFO, I am not 100% sure, the wobble for instance, and the pole at the end, seems suspect, but by themselves, do not prove it a hoax. I'll try and track the Mexico one if I can.