UFO: Videos

Exploding Nequim; As Vortex said, I am open minded - but contrary to what Vortex said, I am not gullible. Finally what Lemming said: "back things up with facts and proof"

I believe that should explain my position on you :)
but contrary to what Vortex said, I am not gullible

Ahh once again we disagree on something...

Anyways, Exploding Nequim, you won't find any support on here with such general and exasperated claims.
I think the Mexico UFO you are talking about is the apparent mass sightings during an eclipse about ten years ago in Mexico city. Saw a video on it once with some pretty interesting footage. Nothing close up tho. According to the video some Mayan prophecies predicted the UFOs would reveal themselves at a certain eclipse over the most populated city on the planet and they did... according to the video... I think it was called "messengers of destiny" or something like that. Pretty B grade production although quite interesting viewing. Would be interested to hear other opinions on it.
According to the video some Mayan prophecies predicted the UFOs would reveal themselves at a certain eclipse over the most populated city on the planet and they did...
Actually its very difficult to gauge what city in the world has the highest population and it depends on what areas/suberbs are included, in some lists tokyo is the largest city in the world.
proof is not needed for things as proof can be made by simple changing reality to suit ones claims. Thus claims and faith once again took center precedence.
How convenient for you.
So then, since you can change reality i suggest you stop happening that war you talked about and then make cattle widespread again, or are you just here for the beefburgers?
Necquim - I would have though someone from the future, as enlightened as yourself would actually understand the meaning of the word "dimension". A dimension is merely a measurable attribute, not a plane (plain?) of existance, similar in some ways, but not the same concept... But perhaps over time meanings of words have changed somewhat... ;)
a word is a word, it may mean a thousand things.

he means dimensions as planes of existance, u can call it dimensions but id rather label them as Densities, to avoid this confusion (like it can be avoided eh ...)

3rd density, 4th density, 5th density... so on.
most of us here would fall into the 3rd density category.

exploding where do these people from 6th density come from? whats their origin, as well as current living place? how do you contact them and what density are you?

if they could have altered events like u say then couldnt they have erased the event of the mexico ufo sighting from their present, causing it NOT to be in their records...

its kind of confusing what u say

votorx i dont think u can say what i do or dont believe, and i never call you a pessimist, so why do u call me a fanatic.
i dont discount all exploding is saying.
Zonabi, this 3rd, 4th, 5th density business, is complete baloney - perpetuated by Nancy from Zetalk, who is a fraud. She is not in contact with ET, trust me on that one.
Interesting stuff Necquim but perhaps it would be more polite of you to start your own thread instead of trying to hi-jack Mikeys.
Wouldn't it be a kick if Exploding was telling the truth? ha! we Earthlings will always remain stupid..Its our nature to sneer and poke fun at the unknown.. like we are afraid of something?
slim said:
Wouldn't it be a kick if Exploding was telling the truth? ha! we Earthlings will always remain stupid..Its our nature to sneer and poke fun at the unknown.. like we are afraid of something?

But Slim who is to say Exploding_Necquim is an earthling? Isn't that a generalization to claim all earthlings poke fun? I think you are using the word earthling to mean human?
ah, the undeniable proof of information control here at sciforums.

i dont think exploding's posts were off-topic, he was in fact actually explaining why he believes the first posted ufo video was in fact a hoax. i think he had some good things to say.

you guys should be ashamed of yourselves...
(points mostly at goofy)

dont let Big Brother boss you around.
I would like to see some of the mod deleted posts just to see what exactly they have a problem with, unfortunately there has yet to be a post i've read before deletion and been able to disagree with the deletion, if it happens zonabi someones bound to complain though.
I personally think Goofyfish was right to delete his post. It had nothing to do with this topic, and worse still, he was trying to mock the subject. This is one of those rare times, I agree with Goofyfish's moderation.
zonabi said:
ah, the undeniable proof of information control here at sciforums.

dont let Big Brother boss you around.

I don't call these ones my Big Brother, these ones manipulating, editing, overall controlling, are not my Big Brother.
talk of higher densities is NOT Nancy's creation, you should read other good sources of information on ET.

not the hard factual proof that doesnt exist that you are trying to valiantly to conjure. you will not be able to provide ample solid evidence for any of this. it has been structured like this.

thats why i choose to search in a different place.

you will be surprised to see talk of higher dimensions (densities) or reality amongst not only ET-related books and articles, but also within certain religions, beliefs, and ideals expressed throughout everywhere.

densities are simple. the atoms and molecular structure shift to a higher vibratory frequency. that is the mathematical/scientific way to look at it.

u can also look at it spritualy. you rise in consciousness to higher levels of existance, since you are gaining knowledge of the true universe, you are more aware, similar to vibrating faster, in a different light.

guys- densities are actually the answers you are looking for.

a) they will explain why aliens can appear/dissapear
b) explains how entities can be without any physical body at all
c) explains other (more earthly) phenomenom, such as Ghosts, poltergeists, etc.
d) explain possibly how Aliens are able to travel the universe almost instantaneously.
e) explains how some Humans are even able to project their Astral Bodies and fly around consciously thru space
f) explains out of body experiences.

it can explain alot of what we dont know.