UFO study finds no sign of aliens

manmadeflyingsaucer said:
I know damn near to fact that Nikola Tesla invented the (electromotive (aka momentum synthesizing)) flying saucer. Which explains why Tesla said things like this: (remember, tesla was into ELECTRICITY)
Make one, and show that it works.
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
As for abductions, I think the person claiming such is: A) A liar B) A person who was drugged, scarred shitless by men in alien suits to pose a false alien threat (and still a liar)

Who would these men in alien suits be, then? What would be their agenda?
Giambattista said:
Who would these men in alien suits be, then? What would be their agenda?
Obviously to spread and continue the "rumour" of "Aliens visit Earth in their flying machines, it isn't top secret government technology"

Never mind that that just takes at least 12 more levels of tenuous probability merely to exist

"Who would these men in alien suits be, then? What would be their agenda?"

Their agenda would be to maintain world power and keep us in the dark as to many of mans greatest inventions. Their agenda would be to enslave mankind as deeply as possible. Look at our "Federal" Reserve, see how America is only paying the god-damned interest rate on it. See the oil prices fly into the sky, see George Bush make the Military Industry even more filthy/rich.

Hey Hamster, if I built one, I would probably disappear. I'm telling you, its 1984 in the year 2006. I know this is hard to believe, so I don't expect everyone to agree with it. But the flying saucers are capable of being built to fairly small sizes and thus they can watch anyone they wish to. I recall a time I was telling a man about the flying saucers and how they are manmade, next thing I know, he freaks out because he said that in the trees behind me, there was a bright white object which shot out into the sky. Their way of saying "I heard that" (since I was blabbering on about their deepest secrets)
If they were really smart, they'd put their spaceships in reverse and get the hell out;

any X-files fans here?
Their way of saying "I heard that" (since I was blabbering on about their deepest secrets)
What I find exceedingly strange is that the "secret world government" manages to follow people around and give them little signs that they're being watched but can't stop several million conspiracy woo-woos from spreading it all over the internet. :rolleyes:
If there really were such a thing as man-made UFOs running off Tesla coils don't you think that the million and one books out there explaining them would have let at least one person build them? How come not one single writer on "Tesla's Wonderful Secrets Laid Bare" is exploring the universe, telling the electricity companies to go f*ck themselves 'cos he has all the power he needs thanks etc. etc?
Simple, Oli. They hire people to destroy the credibility of witnesses. They let the looser stuff out so that when people read it, a lot of them won't believe. Those who want to survive adopt protective coloration as a "woo-woo" because they know that they will be taken out if they are taken seriously.
Simple, Oli. They hire people to destroy the credibility of witnesses. They let the looser stuff out so that when people read it, a lot of them won't believe. Those who want to survive adopt protective coloration as a "woo-woo" because they know that they will be taken out if they are taken seriously.
So how do you explain the huge multiplicity of books available on "how to build a UFO", or cranks like Bearden et al who get their books published purportedly showing EXACTLY what to do to get "free energy" etc?
Why are there no outcries from the woo-woos of being threatened? Or verifiable reports of them being "taken out"?
There's almost as many UFO magazines in my local branch of W H Smith as there are TV guides, look at ED2K sometime for the number of publications showing how UFOs are powered (including "circuit diagrams" and "engineering drawings").
Nah, if there is a secret government they've lost control completely and by the end of the week my next door neighbour will be giving me a lift to the pub at Mach 6 in his invisible flying saucer that runs off 2 U2 batteries.... (and using his death ray on the coppers that try to pull him over for ignoring red lights).
This is the compromise between having some kind of lives and having a lot of our heads blown off, Oli. You might feel better once the U.S. government becomes yet another government that has resorted to purges and massive burning of books.
This is the compromise between having some kind of lives and having a lot of our heads blown off, Oli. You might feel better once the U.S. government becomes yet another government that has resorted to purges and massive burning of books.
There is NO compromise - the alpha-woo-woos are publishing their spurious "engineering drawings" etc. and lesser grade woo-woos are buying them. For a "suppressed technology" it's doing so bloody well that probably more people believe in it than know/ understand anything about real science and engineering.
(PS as fully accredited MIB I can tell you that behind you and up are the directions we expect you to look - the real danger is from below. Or is that disinformation? :rolleyes: )
Actually this sounds like a good source of profit. Thank you.

It's not as profitable as "legitimate" science that predicts that the sky is falling, through. Watch the segue from bird flu, AIDS, and BSE to a massive buildup of nuclear-powered asteroid-diversion spacecraft which will just incidentally mine asteroids for Halliburton.

Those spacecraft take off from Iraq, no one is going to be able to tell if they leave radioactive contamination behind.
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OK you guys, I'm going to make a prediction for all those unbelievers:

By July of next year one (or more) of the following IS going to happen:

a) The Oli-Archy (Oilarchy) of current day will lose a great deal of its power because free energy technology will have been released.

b) War may break out, fascism goes for the gold in another fruitless attempt for world dominion.

c) You won't be putting gasoline in your car anymore.

What I find exceedingly strange is that the "secret world government" manages to follow people around and give them little signs that they're being watched but can't stop several million conspiracy woo-woos from spreading it all over the internet.

Hey dude, the point is, they DON'T try to directly stop them from spreading the information, if they did that then they would be acknowledging that the "kook" is right. So instead they send the "spooks" after the "kook" in attempt to silence him/her if they are a big enough threat. And if the person is a REALLY big threat they may end up dying of "natural causes" in the very near future.

I can give you the name of the man who invented a very efficient way to use water in the automobile, but he was murdered before he could get this technology out, here, watch this video at water+free+energy

(Stanley Meyer was the name of the murdered inventor)

That link contains a video of a man who was murdered for the sake of The Greedy Oilarchy Empire.
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Back to the UFO thing...I'm not really sure if there are or aren't any (to use the phrase) 'aliens visiting the planet', but there do seem to be an awful lot of people having seen strange things. Mexico is absolutely rife with it; Russia as well and Belgium. As a matter of fact, I think it may well be the official position of the latter three nations that there are indeed "UFOs", though I think none have said that they're alien vessels. I recall reading something about a 'gun camera' view of three strange shapes over Mexico. Anyone have any information on this?

I do indeed appreciate that witness testimony is not always reliable, but I don't think it can be so easily broken down into refutation of the entire observation by misrepresentation of the trivial. It doesn't resemble the 'lottery example' given above IMO; if a man were shot in front of you, you might well not know the specifics of the occasion - the calibre of the gun, the time of day - but you'd have little doubt that you'd seen a man shot. Misidentifying a Tornado as a Jaguar doesn't strike me as being representative of the kind of logical discrepancy required to misidentify a commonplace object as a UFO.
They don't necessarily kill those who are in the news being the chief dissidents. That would be far too direct a confirmation. I think they spend the most effort discouraging those who have real credibility. The establishment can afford best to have on their side people who will spout the establishment line reliably. It doesn't matter if they are nearly complete idiots who can't do real science. It's safer that way and most of the listening public can't tell the difference. Those who can't tell the difference can be counted on to dismiss, marginalize, and even destroy those who can.

The occasional murder of someone who is directly linked to something like free energy, UFOs, rape charges against the President of the U.S., and so on, is not nearly politically dangerous enough. It's becoming safer as the decay advances.

Not only does the one who is in the public eye lose professional support, popular support becomes more limited to conspiracy theorists when he is forced to tell people that others in his line of work are dying right and left.
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OK you guys, I'm going to make a prediction for all those unbelievers:
By July of next year one (or more) of the following IS going to happen:
a) The Oli-Archy (Oilarchy) of current day will lose a great deal of its power because free energy technology will have been released.
b) War may break out, fascism goes for the gold in another fruitless attempt for world dominion.
c) You won't be putting gasoline in your car anymore.
A) I really doubt it
B) There's always a war breaking out somewhere - specifics?
C) I probably will be - unless I'm not running a car
However, just for fun I'll bookmark this and come back for the laugh.
IIRC Meyer's car didn't perform and no-one has been able to reproduce his work... not even NASA or the military. Is there any proof that he was murdered? If so is there any proof as to who did (and at whose instigation?).
If the secret governemnt is so powerful why doesn't it get rid of the alpha-woo-woos BEFORE they become public figures? They're supposedly strong and pervasive enough to keep tabs on them so they should be able to nip things in the bud before it gets to the stage of arousing suspicion. Let me guess, bureaucratic inefficiency.
Misidentifying a Tornado as a Jaguar doesn't strike me as being representative of the kind of logical discrepancy required to misidentify a commonplace object as a UFO.
depends on your level of familiarity... in that particular case I'd had about 6 years of familiarity with the Jaguar and about a year with the Tornado (but not the actual hardware). Quite a large discrepancy I'd say.
but you'd have little doubt that you'd seen a man shot
There was an experiment done on British TV many years ago where a classroom full of adults were supposed to be there for a lecture when all of a sudden a man broke in and abducted (IIRC) the lecturer. Of course it was a setup but all the witnesses were asked to give a description. Not one was correct and hair colour varied from blond to brown to ginger to bald, height and build likewise varied. Eventually a consensus was reached that he was a fat bald guy - until it was then revealed that the guy who'd started the "fat and bald" description was plant put in there to sway perceptions. The "abductor" came on to be revealed as slim and brown-haired....
People at shootings have sometimes reported THEMSELVES as having been hit until checked by medical teams - surprise, they weren't. Keep telling me about witness reliability.
Oh know, I am not sposoring any no good layabot aliens! If there are aliens then good on them, if not then fine. eigher way you still have to eat your corn flakes in the morning!
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
OK you guys, I'm going to make a prediction for all those unbelievers:

By July of next year one (or more) of the following IS going to happen:

a) The Oli-Archy (Oilarchy) of current day will lose a great deal of its power because free energy technology will have been released.

b) War may break out, fascism goes for the gold in another fruitless attempt for world dominion.

c) You won't be putting gasoline in your car anymore.
You certainly won't be the first failed prophet on SciForums. We will hold you to this prediction.