UFO Pictures

I had the video converted so that it would upload on about anything yet here we go again, blocked from uploading to share. a pitty such problems because now I can not get help with this one and I'm not ruining my place at youtube with this crap either. so I guess your all shit out of luck on getting anything real because of this problem here with sharing. so I guess if you want real evidence your not going to get it here. this place sucks. its more about playing games and trying ot find out who you are than actually getting something accomplished.

If you really think you can get something accomplished with your video, I'd say 'ruining' your Youtube account is a small price to pay.
Besides, you can always delete the video from your Youtube account later on....

Here's one of mine!:p
I had the video converted so that it would upload on about anything yet here we go again, blocked from uploading to share. a pitty such problems because now I can not get help with this one and I'm not ruining my place at youtube with this crap either. so I guess your all shit out of luck on getting anything real

Excuses excuses.
what ever! The facts are real. I can not even proove I have been filming jets. So how could I proove anything else?:shrug:
what ever! The facts are real. I can not even proove I have been filming jets. So how could I proove anything else?:shrug:

So, we are expected to believe you have footage, but are just prevented from uploading it anywhere?

We aren't that gullible.
So, we are expected to believe you have footage, but are just prevented from uploading it anywhere?

We aren't that gullible.

No I am saying I video taped jets and could not record it very well to prove it jets, it looked more like ufo's. So I can see where the problem is. Even if prepared when coming across something like this, being able to film it will be hard unless your a proffesional.
whoa, what ever happen to freedom of speech here on forums? Are you that much of a control freak and coward, that your going into sending another hacker to send a virus. Story of my life online. very little and mainly broken down because of this site. happen each time here. I would warn people to stay off line and give up tech, its a dangerious road. too much dependence on something very destructive to your lives. also makes you weak and vulnerable if something like a emp blast were to happen. anyways you got rid of me. its not worth talking and trying to make friends if people feel you don't have that right. bye!

Out of curiosity, has anyone ever diagnosed you with some kind of paranoia related issue?
We have a v formation over the place right now. my camera pictures and video will not come out. its still here right now. wa airport traffic
paranoid! good grief. does everyone seem to be losing their marbles? I said over many times, I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WITNESSING THESE THINGS! so please stop the retarded responses. if i was the only one seeing this than i could understand. but right now you guys need to pull your heads out of your butts. because this is getting stupid. I told you, someone is blocking my mail, sending viruses to my computer. that is facts baby. no paranoia here. seeking identities. throw in name calling and freezing posts and you got people maliciously attacking me no matter where i go. why would i put up with this if i were lying? because of no choice. hoping to break through what ever your after and get across these are facts. not dillusional fiction or games. if someone took this serious would of been able to get evidence long ago. its the bringing back ants or my talking about my body gots everyones deaf ear? how convient!
Im talking about different people, different ages, some not related to me are with me and have seen what i see. that means real. not dillusional. no im not a kid. im a parent on my kid's computer or dsi since i no longer can come here on the computer because of the malicious attacks. im on dsi here.

multi births. anatonomy different with doctors admitting i have something, they can't explain. way before giving birth and finding what else maybe happening to me. seeing more than three cryptics WITH OTHERS PRESENT.

i just want to know what in hell is going on! :shrug: because it looks like people are also involved playing games and behaving paranoid.
i just found out what they are doing here. cool. i wouldn't worry about aliens anymore. i would also just mind my own business. they are not our enimies. they are listening right now. probably talking to one here. Thanks for healing me. :blowkiss:
its the bringing back ants or my talking about my body gots everyones deaf ear?
It's because you're an illucid incoherent crank that's incapable of stringing two words together correctly.
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i just found out what they are doing here. cool. i wouldn't worry about aliens anymore. i would also just mind my own business. they are not our enimies. they are listening right now. probably talking to one here. Thanks for healing me. :blowkiss:

More detail required. Obviously they didn't visit you, and talk to you. So how did you realise anything?
Im not a crank. I don't even do very well on caffeine. Your stuck with me. I was going to stick with my videos. but now that someone today wants to play games in that department too, well your gonna hear more from me. because someone is blocking me from sharing. playing games with my ability to speak out about it. and you hackers don't make anything better. not in my head. you guys can't take the hint. your digging for dirt with no other care, ignoring the reaper with blade over head. to cut me off. misrepresent. if meddling wasn't occurining, my paranoid state would never be a issue.
Im not a crank.
Unfortunately you're wrong about that, too.

I don't even do very well on caffeine.

Your stuck with me.
Oh dear. Does this mean you'll now go away? Because the two occasions when you said you were leaving forever you didn't.

I was going to stick with my videos. but now that someone today wants to play games in that department too, well your gonna hear more from me. because someone is blocking me from sharing. playing games with my ability to speak out about it. and you hackers don't make anything better. not in my head. you guys can't take the hint. your digging for dirt with no other care, ignoring the reaper with blade over head. to cut me off. misrepresent. if meddling wasn't occurining, my paranoid state would never be a issue.
Yup. It's someone else's fault.
That 's what paranoids always say.
paranoid! good grief. does everyone seem to be losing their marbles? I said over many times, I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WITNESSING THESE THINGS! so please stop the retarded responses. if i was the only one seeing this than i could understand. but right now you guys need to pull your heads out of your butts. because this is getting stupid. I told you, someone is blocking my mail, sending viruses to my computer. that is facts baby. no paranoia here. seeking identities. throw in name calling and freezing posts and you got people maliciously attacking me no matter where i go. why would i put up with this if i were lying? because of no choice. hoping to break through what ever your after and get across these are facts. not dillusional fiction or games. if someone took this serious would of been able to get evidence long ago. its the bringing back ants or my talking about my body gots everyones deaf ear? how convient!

Most people get spam and possible a few viruses sent too, not because they are singled out but because those that send the things write code to send crap to everyone. That way nobody knows who the true targets are which in turn makes it a lot more difficult to identify those responsible for identifying "motive" in relationship to victims.

A decent Anti-virus program will help deal with attempted viral attacks, however if your system has already been compromised, getting an anti-virus package might be counter-productive. In those rare situations, your system will likely need a complete reload, just to make sure there is nothing left to exploit with.

This forum has a few problems that aren't hacker related, the occasional slowdown during 30 minutes each day (which might cause people to not be able to connected) and sometimes post editing hangs. Again nothing to do with hackers.

Email being "Blocked" can actually be caused by your ISP or Domain being listed in an anti-spam list (anti-spam blocking systems usually watch for specific spam traffic or in rare cases is built based upon what mail users have stated/voted), check against such sites as spamhaus.org for your ISP/domain name to make sure it's not being blocked.

As for what you've seen or believe, please remember whatever you state people are going to call your bluff, some will even do it as a Troll to watch you become enraged etc, in fact some might even see you a Troll trying to get people to interact with your belief's at your posed level. In either case it's always mind games, so it's best to just ignore those that you feel are attempting to undermine your perspective.

If your posts have any content of merit, then people will attempt to communicate with you without resorting to belittling or name calling, just remember to keep your cool.
i only spend a short time online. because of my health. all i see is sabotage and accusations. im angry. im tired of the games. Im not just paranoid. im angry. enraged. not playing games here. not dillusional. not incoherant. angry. tired of the insult. the condisending attitude. what the hay. you can not trust testimoy from an average person. you gotta see it with your own eyes. it has to only authority or pilots that can be respected. whose the dillusional? if im acting out. paranoid. i've got every reason in the world to be. i know im human. i don't have a dillusion of saving the world. everything becomes a dillusion to you or irrational because you think it. how pompious! how blind and deceiving. how destructive all around. how many people caged or drugged because of sadistic views? to think your a better judge than me. thats just errogence. but does not speak of truth, or whoms right. you can try to throw all the dirt you want. make it out like im playing. the truth is your the player or you've been played. and so have i. like said. im angry.

my assumptions with what is going on is only that. i figure my health improved. the v was here. they are involved. they want to meddle it would be easy to see why we have tech. imp. there is more to me being a mental case here. if your smart you'll figure at least that part out. im not running. im not hiding. i just don't need more crap seeking me out. i think a person knows they can help if they are that smart. so give me a weapon!
i only spend a short time online. because of my health. all i see is sabotage and accusations. im angry. im tired of the games. Im not just paranoid. im angry. enraged. not playing games here. not dillusional. not incoherant. angry. tired of the insult. the condisending attitude. what the hay. you can not trust testimoy from an average person. you gotta see it with your own eyes. it has to only authority or pilots that can be respected. whose the dillusional? if im acting out. paranoid. i've got every reason in the world to be. i know im human. i don't have a dillusion of saving the world. everything becomes a dillusion to you or irrational because you think it. how pompious! how blind and deceiving. how destructive all around. how many people caged or drugged because of sadistic views? to think your a better judge than me. thats just errogence. but does not speak of truth, or whoms right. you can try to throw all the dirt you want. make it out like im playing. the truth is your the player or you've been played. and so have i. like said. im angry.

my assumptions with what is going on is only that. i figure my health improved. the v was here. they are involved. they want to meddle it would be easy to see why we have tech. imp. there is more to me being a mental case here. if your smart you'll figure at least that part out. im not running. im not hiding. i just don't need more crap seeking me out. i think a person knows they can help if they are that smart. so give me a weapon!

You are typing words out on a computer, but the world is outside of this computer. The words you are typing have nothing to do with your life. Outside of your window is supposed to be a V. You spend most of the time posting photos on here, suddenly you can't post a photo. If you did post a photo it would be of some ducks flying in formation. Then you would say "I looked closely, and you are right, they are ducks." That's what you did with your last photo of a UFO.. it was a bird.