UFO Pictures

Why, have you ever seen a doctor about your concerns with the government and aliens?

don't try and play me? your not a doctor nor do you really care about me. if you were one you would be able to follow me. the doctors admit to something going on. others can see something is going on. and not just me witness the things i've mention. as far as the gov. no i just jumped to saying that in anger because of the fact i was being blocked. but it was because they admit wanting to protect against the crazy's. not that i am one. ;)
yes im claiming to be different. i also think it possible im an alien and with good reason. to go into details is very personal. how about i just strip down and bare myself to everyone just to prove a point....to whom? who are you hiding behind the screen and how would i know if you told the truth? no i can say doctors stepped in it...that maybe i shared to much because i can not say anymore or prove it because its my body and i know what im talking about. anyone calls me a liar needs to be a doctor willing to check it out. if you know my name than you know how to find me washington/click on my personal files. than contact me and i'll give you evidence to what im talking about.

whoa...whoa...whoa...I'm just trying to help you out. The mind can do tricky things....my cousin believed that the government was trying to monitor him through the dye in green m&m's. I was just suggesting that you might want to see a doctor.
whoa...whoa...whoa...I'm just trying to help you out. The mind can do tricky things....my cousin believed that the government was trying to monitor him through the dye in green m&m's. I was just suggesting that you might want to see a doctor.

why because you think im blowing things out of poportion and lost my noodles? well i do have good reason. after all im upset with good cause with the government. but i won't bring up my boo hoo's here any longer. but im doubting you even have a cousin. so im not gong to allow you to point your opinion like you know me, just because you believe me crazy. what a duffest! im clearly reacting to verbles of manipulation, not getting answers to really good questions, and hairball remedies to insults. i am also saying the light in the clouds was blinking like a star. my night portrait and night focus came out dark, and deleting took with auto focus. take closer looks. you can down load file and see its auto with no manipulations. when the doctors lie and you catch them. you become distrustful. when the government fails me and leaves me in these circumstances but helps those who are not even that bad off, than i distrust my goverment. i also ask why and there for i jump to conclusions. no one can argue because they don't have all the info. all you can go by is following the facts not your assumptions. and if your opinion counts it when you actually look and have the ability above the average and with a md and other degrees behind it. i really hate it when people make assumptions just because they think they know whats going on, but sadly pass over the facts.
Yes..I think you have lost your noodles...in the beginning of this thread, you had trouble uploading pics, and immediately attributed it to the government trying to stop you from spreading your blurry pics of nothing in the sky...then you claimed to be a some sort of alien-human hybrid....you're as nutty as a fruitcake, and need psychological help immediately.
dont listen to mac, whynot
after all your travails and tribulations, the interminable sojourns in distant lands, you are finally home, snug and safe, firmly ensconced in the warm and loving embrace of a place called sci.
The Madonna with Saint John - Sebastiano Mainardi
During the Renaissance, many religious paintings showed images of round flying objects that emitted beams of light. Are they sacred symbols or evidence of alien visitors?

Between the 14th and the 17th centuries, the Inquisition was at its peak, condemning scientists, philosophers and artists to the holy fire whenever they disagreed with the Church. At that time, all the books and paintings were subjected to the Church’s examination before they could be publicly displayed, which means that any religious depictions had to follow very strict rules in order to be approved by the commissioners.

However, in many religious paintings of the Renaissance, images of flying objects that are very similar to UFOs appear, leaving room to many controversies about the origins of such images. Some argue that they are a symbolic way to depict saints and angels but others advocate that Renaissance artists had a little more to tell.

Symbolic Depiction of Bible Excerpts in Renaissance Paintings

There are many parts of the Bible that describe flying chariots and clouds surrounded by light that are “brighter than the sun.” In the baptism of Jesus, it is said that the Holy Spirit descended from the sky and a voice was heard from there. This excerpt would have inspired artist Aert De Gelder to paint “The Baptism of Christ” in 1710 which shows a disk-shaped flying object emitting beams of light.

Read more at Suite101: UFOs in Renaissance Paintings: Sacred Symbols or Extraterrestrials? | Suite101.com http://thaiscampos.suite101.com/ufos-in-renaissance-paintings-a167863#ixzz1aXPCn9Ii
Alien-controlled clouds!!!
OMG! Run awaaaaay

Your a fool. You disagree with someone then all you do is hack them, you don't even say why you disagree. You make points on science, but when it comes to thinking out side of the box you seem to be completely inapt, and unwilling to keep a open mind.
WhyNot, say hello to my little friend:

Looks like some sort of particle stuck to the lens. Always make sure your lens is clean!
Well maybe I have problems jumping to government control because this place acts alot like the government. too controlling. how many emoicons, how many uploads in a day. how I wipe my nose.:rolleyes:

its a wonder I jumped to conclusions.:bugeye:

but i am able even with the ordeals im going through to somehow manage to put up with these attitudes from everyone.

the kind where insults are thrown because you don't like what you hear before you even look at the reason.

sorry I have carpal tunnel and my fingers litterly won't bend. maybe i should try slowly typing with two fingers. I figure a shift button really didn't matter as long as there is a period. :D
sorry I have carpal tunnel and my fingers litterly won't bend. maybe i should try slowly typing with two fingers. I figure a shift button really didn't matter as long as there is a period. :D

Horse puckey. If you can type at all, you can work a shift key. Not doing so is lazy and undisciplined, which is probably why you hold the opinions you do too.

there are lots of reasons to think that extraterrestrials are a reality
it's not unlikely that life exists else where in the universe. That doesn't equate, though, to the veracity of someone claiming to be a human/alien hybrid.

The Madonna with Saint John - Sebastiano Mainardi
During the Renaissance, many religious paintings showed images of round flying objects that emitted beams of light. Are they sacred symbols or evidence of alien visitors?

Between the 14th and the 17th centuries, the Inquisition was at its peak, condemning scientists, philosophers and artists to the holy fire whenever they disagreed with the Church. At that time, all the books and paintings were subjected to the Church’s examination before they could be publicly displayed, which means that any religious depictions had to follow very strict rules in order to be approved by the commissioners.

However, in many religious paintings of the Renaissance, images of flying objects that are very similar to UFOs appear, leaving room to many controversies about the origins of such images. Some argue that they are a symbolic way to depict saints and angels but others advocate that Renaissance artists had a little more to tell.

Symbolic Depiction of Bible Excerpts in Renaissance Paintings

There are many parts of the Bible that describe flying chariots and clouds surrounded by light that are “brighter than the sun.” In the baptism of Jesus, it is said that the Holy Spirit descended from the sky and a voice was heard from there. This excerpt would have inspired artist Aert De Gelder to paint “The Baptism of Christ” in 1710 which shows a disk-shaped flying object emitting beams of light.

Read more at Suite101: UFOs in Renaissance Paintings: Sacred Symbols or Extraterrestrials? | Suite101.com http://thaiscampos.suite101.com/ufos-in-renaissance-paintings-a167863#ixzz1aXPCn9Ii
This should be a great read for you.
it's not unlikely that life exists else where in the universe. That doesn't equate, though, to the veracity of someone claiming to be a human/alien hybrid.

This should be a great read for you.

thanks for the link. I just saw ufo hunters 2009, were they were talking about these same kind of lights. I took a picture of the moon today in the fog. The bright light makes during this time of day a white lightening streak which is what I have in one of my shots from the other day that was shared.\
Yes..I think you have lost your noodles...in the beginning of this thread, you had trouble uploading pics, and immediately attributed it to the government trying to stop you from spreading your blurry pics of nothing in the sky...then you claimed to be a some sort of alien-human hybrid....you're as nutty as a fruitcake, and need psychological help immediately.

thanks for the help with the pictures. believe it or not those were patent and were not allowed to be downloaded. which means that sight can not be trusted to get premium and make money off of. you saved my butt.;)
Last night was filming the jet traffic at night. There were at least five jets in the air and surrounding. Moving, blinking . I will show video. The next video is of something stationary. Is it a star?

I had the video converted so that it would upload on about anything yet here we go again, blocked from uploading to share. a pitty such problems because now I can not get help with this one and I'm not ruining my place at youtube with this crap either. so I guess your all shit out of luck on getting anything real because of this problem here with sharing. so I guess if you want real evidence your not going to get it here. this place sucks. its more about playing games and trying ot find out who you are than actually getting something accomplished.
Did you bother to read what file types are accepted?
Valid file extensions: bmp doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd txt zip
Pictures and text files under 198kb in size. This isn't a file sharing site...videos take up considerable bandwidth.
I'm not ruining my place at youtube with this crap either
Then why ruin this place with your crap? :)