UFO Lights Filmed Descending Into Woods In India

that was frikkin awesome!
alien spaceships hovering and teleporting around
they must be dimensional beings from an alternate universe
simply incredible footage

that was frikkin awesome!
alien spaceships hovering and teleporting around
they must be dimensional beings from an alternate universe
simply incredible footage

NO! Not E.T's, why would they show themselves and teleport around the foothills of India for? It's flying cryptids you donuts, responsible for the cattle mutilations and very dangerous. The aliens are the good guys and are waiting for us to figure out the conundrum before they can make contact.
is there a wiki entry for cryptids? i cannot locate one.
are they from earth then? like from the core and stuff?
NO! Not E.T's, why would they show themselves and teleport around the foothills of India for? It's flying cryptids you donuts, responsible for the cattle mutilations and very dangerous. The aliens are the good guys and are waiting for us to figure out the conundrum before they can make contact.

Don't you mean it's flying donuts you cryptid?

Seriously some shakey video from in the boonies of India really doesn't equate to evidence of anything other than sensationalism. The posed "teleportation" looks no different than the firing of a flare which doesn't light up until it reaches a set distance away from where it's being fired, of course you've heard that rationale before so it's obviously to obvious to be reality right?
Well, I'm interested, anyway. I don't know about flares - looked kind of flat - but it could easily have been faked.
is there a wiki entry for cryptids? i cannot locate one.
are they from earth then? like from the core and stuff?
The closest is the ropen of Papua New Guinea, although this is reported to be featherless. The feathered variety is typical of the Owlman of Cornwall (near where I live btw). Incidentally, I think they mainly eat fish or cuttlefish etc from the ocean but supplement from livestock, digesting the tongue and other nutritious soft parts. The anal bore holes would be due the desire to locate the urine intact within the bladder imo, which has a high concentration of phosphorous compounds Dartmoor sheep mutilation photos (notice the green slurry of the intestines infront of the rear legs).

Stryder: a skeptic can call the chinese lantern, flare or fake footage all day long, but if one investigates all the cases, like Nick Pope for example, then a pattern emerges that there is genuinely something strange going on.
but if one investigates all the cases, like Nick Pope for example, then a pattern emerges that there is genuinely something strange going on.
Are you trying to imply that Pope investigated ALL the cases?
Are you trying to imply that Pope INVESTIGATED all the cases?
Pope is a fantasist.
Pope was kicked out of MI5MoD for losing track of the objective, namely impartial investigation, when he started going the route of David Icke he became a joke.

Edit: Whooops...
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Are you trying to imply that Pope investigated ALL the cases?
Are you trying to imply that Pope INVESTIGATED all the cases?
Pope is a fantasist.
He was the sole officer for cataloguing incoming UFO reports for the MoD you donuts and it was his job to evaluate any possible security threats to UK airspace. The level of direct threat was deemed very low by the powers-that-be and his position was terminated as surplus to requirements. Nick Pope himself knew that a small percentage of the hundreds of reports were a genuine mystery which required further investigation. His superior officers appeared to disagree.
He was the sole officer for cataloguing incoming UFO reports for the MoD you donuts
Except that what he often neglects to mention is that that part of his job was throwaway, an add-on to his actual job for the MoD. As in "well somebody has to do it so we'll farm it out to the office boy".
I should stress that overall, in the scheme of things, UFOs is a tiny part of my branch's business - probably not even taking up a quarter of my time
The main duties of the post concern non-operational RAF activities overseas and diplomatic clearance policy for military flights abroad. A small percentage of time is spent dealing with reports from the public about alleged 'UFO' sightings and associated public correspondence. The Ministry of Defence has not investigated a case of alien abduction, crop circle formations, or animal mutilation.

his position was terminated as surplus to requirements.
He resigned.

Nick Pope himself knew that a small percentage of the hundreds of reports were a genuine mystery which required further investigation. His superior officers appeared to disagree.
Again you're conflating "not having an (ordinary) explanation" with "it must be a real UFO".

And you missed my points completely.

1) Pope only had the opportunity to investigate the cases that were actually reported to the MoD.
2) Pope didn't have the time or the manpower to do thorough investigations - this would lead to lack of data and the conclusion I alluded to above. For example this site gives some insight as to the, ah, professionalism of Pope's "investigations".
the demands of his other allocated functions precluded him from carrying out any kind of field investigations and he had no defined resources to carry out this function on his behalf. This factor meant that he was unable to verify estimates of direction, height, speed, and size, other than via the telephone which is an unsatisfactory substitute for a site visit and personal interview with the witnesses.
What's a TV? :p

Which documentary?
And why would I want to watch something aimed at the 5-second-attention-span viewer?
I have never yet come across a TV documentary that gives the full facts, or even, in most cases, the actual facts.
Even when I did own a TV I looked upon "documentaries" as "possible starting points" (much like Wiki) rather than sources of information.
Having seen so many in my youth that catered for my field of expertise that were so badly flawed I tend to regard ALL as (potentially) equally flawed and view them with suspicion and healthy pinch of salt.
For example this site gives some insight as to the, ah, professionalism of Pope's "investigations".

Odd that Pope only got Radar data from Fylingdales, and not DRA Malvern, RAF Digby, or RAF Menwith Hill.

Also the disclaimer about local Radar was odd, given the alleged sighting from two different Airforce bases.

Ah, but then Pope is a shithead.
Yup, you'd'a thunk Cottesmore might have had some info too, bearing in mind that place covers the middle of the country.