UFO Crash Site

He is suggesting that these were important, high-ranking people, therefore they're infallible or more credible than the average kook that claims to have undergone anal-probing. Because these people have seen or (in the case of Hoover) written ambiguous statements regarding UFOs, then it follows that UFOs are alien spacecraft?

Speculative at best.
gort said:
Please tell me how that supports Roswell and the existance of alien craft?

This is Hover upset that the Airforce took possesion of the Recovered disk at Roswell and did not let the FBI have a chance to examine the wreckage.

What does GORT stand for?
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Yeah.... that helps your "claim." A bunch of people in the 1940's responding to the cultural hysteria generated by the well-documented saucer craze.
SkinWalker said:
Yeah.... that helps your "claim." A bunch of people in the 1940's responding to the cultural hysteria generated by the well-documented saucer craze.

I agree it is a stretch, However, theorys are built on a stretch of the imagination.
Starman said:
I agree it is a stretch, However, theorys are built on a stretch of the imagination.

There are those that would say that "theories are built on tested hypotheses."

Pick up Sagan's Demon Haunted World... read it.
SkinWalker said:
There are those that would say that "theories are built on tested hypotheses."

Pick up Sagan's Demon Haunted World... read it.

Ok then one would say hypothesese are built on a stretch of the imagination. Theories are built on tested hypotheses.

BTW do you work for the CIA or NSA?
Hypotheses are formulated from observed phenomena or events. Imagjnation is then applied to hypothesize the causation. This is where pseudoscience steps in, however.

With pseudoscientific thought, only the desired hypotheses are considered, whereas others are discarded, not considered, or ignored, regardless of whether the remaining hypotheses are more probable or not.

Scientific thought initially includes all hypotheses, then only those that fail tests or are untestable are discarded. From that point, imagination is irrelevant.
SkinWalker said:
Hypotheses are formulated from observed phenomena or events. Imagjnation is then applied to hypothesize the causation. This is where pseudoscience steps in, however.

With pseudoscientific thought, only the desired hypotheses are considered, whereas others are discarded, not considered, or ignored, regardless of whether the remaining hypotheses are more probable or not.

Scientific thought initially includes all hypotheses, then only those that fail tests or are untestable are discarded. From that point, imagination is irrelevant.

Are you saying that hypotheses do not require any imagination?

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. -- Albert Einstein

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.""If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
- Albert Einstein

"As far as I'm concerned, I prefer silent vice to ostentatious virtue. If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." --Albert Einstein

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." --Einstein, Albert

Albert Einstein definetly used his imagination.
Starman said:
Are you saying that hypotheses do not require any imagination?

Read my second sentance: "Imagjnation is then applied to hypothesize the causation." Observation gives rise to imagination; imagination gives rise to hypothesis; the hypothesis is then tested independently of imagination.

Starman said:
Albert Einstein definetly used his imagination.

But he definately didn't imagine the tests that he applied to the hypotheses he formulated. Nor did he imagine the results of those tests.

Starman said:
BTW do you work for the CIA or NSA?

I'm a student of anthropology and archaeology. Why would you think I held a government position?
sideshowbob said:
I work for the ***CENSORED*** and SkinWalker is never at the meetings. :D

LOL that is funny sideshowbob. Well you here alot about the government spending alot of time monitoring the internet, you never know who you are talking to.I like to talk to intelligent people with new thought and ideas. I think that it is awesome that Skinwalker is an Anthropologist. He is an intelligent individual that has a lot of knowledge about science.

I on the other hand, have a lot to learn. I am attending San Antonio College not my first choice and I have an aptitude for physics.

I want to use my imagination to find the link between the atom and the solar system. I have dreamed of solving the energy riddle of free energy. I also want to experiment with bending the fabric of space. There are many bright minds researching these frontiers and it hard to imagine that I could be of help. However it is my dream.
Starman said:
There are many bright minds researching these frontiers and it hard to imagine that I could be of help. However it is my dream.
:) You can be of help in small ways.
Sideshowbob this is off topic however I am having trouble seperating the quotes to respond to them. Can you tell me how that is done?
Starman said:
Sideshowbob this is off topic however I am having trouble seperating the quotes to respond to them. Can you tell me how that is done?
If you mean "how can you help in small ways?", I guess what I mean is that most scientists contribute small parts of the big picture.
Everybody can't be a Newton or an Einstein, and those who are, usually don't set out to be.
Just learn all you can, use that imagination, but only when it's appropriate (take SkinWalker's advice) and contribute what you can.
Starman said:
Sideshowbob this is off topic however I am having trouble seperating the quotes to respond to them. Can you tell me how that is done?

Starman my suggestion would be to keep the imagination in full gear! When we FINALLY prove aliens do in fact exist you will be rewarded for it. ;)

For instance, let's say we discover alien life and they are those gray's. They fly around in saucer shaped crafts. Oh - and they have big BLACK eyes. Hmm, what a coincedence! Those abductee's they thought were full of shit are truthfull. Those UFO witnesses they considered full of shit, were truthfull.

Everything these scientist's have been debunking and HAVE NOT EXPLAINED for the last 60 years, eventually proven true would illustrate just how lost science became. NASA? What will they say? "We should have seen them"? :eek: I mean, just think about it!

Yes - Everything I said above requires imagination!

It's sad, but Scientists of today have little too offer when it comes to imagination. You have that, just keep using it! Expecially when they say not too! :p