Trick or Treat: Man defends family, kills 12 year-old on Hallowe'en

What we have here is a language and cultural barrier. The phrase is very common and not to be taken literally.
actually "drink the kol aid" is probably used more. it is sarcasm. why would i want my friend to drink kool aid with cyanide in it?
Socialism means you get health care and stuff.. it doesn't leave people to fend for themselves, especially the people that have trouble fending for themselves for whatever reason.

Well, you're not so far off, ....BUT... The reality of socialism is that it takes from some people, those who work and earn money, and gives it to those who don't work and don't earn money! See? Socialism is UN-equal in taking AND in giving out. It's totally unfair.

What's supposed to happen in the USA, is that taxes are taken from all of the people and distributed in the form of services ...INTENDED FOR ALL TO USE! It's not supposed to be given unequally to the citizens ...and damned sure not to be given to the lazy bastards of the country.

Charity is something that should be left to the people who give a shit about other people. If they don't, then they shouldn't have to pay for those other people ...for anything! Liberals all claim to care, so let them take care of all the lazy bastards. Why force everyone to pay for the welfare of others?

What people like Obama want to do is ...distribute the wealth ...meaning take from those who've earned it, and give it to those who haven't worked, saved, and earned it. Take from the workers, give to the lazy!!

In Europe socialism is a positive term, ..

Socialism is a positive term for those who are lazy and don't want to work to earn their own way in the world. And remember this ....what the government giveth, the government can take away.

Do you like being dependent on the welfare of others? Are you so lazy that you can't or won't make your own living? Personally, I don't like being dependent on anyone or anything if I can help it.

Baron Max
No, that's not in the Constitution. A "nutcase" is not one of "we, the people". "Nutcases" shouldn't be permitted to have a gun. And, you'll note, this guy had a gun ILLEGALLY, so the Constitution doesn't back him up at all. The Constitution applies ONLY to good citizens of America, not nutcases.

By the way, I know that it's difficult for you to understand, but that AK-47 didn't do anything wrong. The wrong was done when the nutcase pulled the trigger ....the gun just did what it was designed to do ...just like a hammer or a saw or a shovel ...just tools.

Baron Max

Agreed. Even if the constitution doesn't permit this person to have a gun, he has every right to it anyways.
Well, you're not so far off, ....BUT... The reality of socialism is that it takes from some people, those who work and earn money, and gives it to those who don't work and don't earn money! See? Socialism is UN-equal in taking AND in giving out. It's totally unfair.

What's supposed to happen in the USA, is that taxes are taken from all of the people and distributed in the form of services ...INTENDED FOR ALL TO USE! It's not supposed to be given unequally to the citizens ...and damned sure not to be given to the lazy bastards of the country.

Charity is something that should be left to the people who give a shit about other people. If they don't, then they shouldn't have to pay for those other people ...for anything! Liberals all claim to care, so let them take care of all the lazy bastards. Why force everyone to pay for the welfare of others?

What people like Obama want to do is ...distribute the wealth ...meaning take from those who've earned it, and give it to those who haven't worked, saved, and earned it. Take from the workers, give to the lazy!!

Socialism is a positive term for those who are lazy and don't want to work to earn their own way in the world. And remember this ....what the government giveth, the government can take away.

Do you like being dependent on the welfare of others? Are you so lazy that you can't or won't make your own living? Personally, I don't like being dependent on anyone or anything if I can help it.

Baron Max

Every system has its drawbacks.
What you don't seem to realize is that you one day might be dependent on this welfare of others, without it being any fault of your own.
Wouldn't it then be nice that you won't have to live in the gutter ?
What you don't seem to realize is that you one day might be dependent on this welfare of others, without it being any fault of your own.

But that's just the point is one thing. But the federal government is not in the charity business .....and damned well shouldn't be.

Taxes are intended to be used for all of the people, not just a select few, regardless of how much they might need it. That's what charity is for!

Wouldn't it then be nice that you won't have to live in the gutter?

Not if I had to be dependent on the government taxes for it.

Baron Max
Every system has its drawbacks.
And the drawback of socialism is it's innately fascist element.

What you don't seem to realize is that you one day might be dependent on this welfare of others, without it being any fault of your own.
Wouldn't it then be nice that you won't have to live in the gutter ?
Maybe he would, that's not the issue, you're arguing it's not fascist to force everyone to help baron when he needs it. That's incorrect.
And the drawback of socialism is it's innately fascist element.

Hmm, no, I don't think so. Facism is one where the government owns everything, factories, distribution, farms, ....everything. And the people work for the government at those places.

Socialism is where the government simply taxes the shit outta' everyone who can pay taxes, to give to those who are lazy or don't want to work or are unable to work. But the ownership of factories, etc is private ..not owned by the government.

Baron Max
I didn't think fascism was so specific on the mechanics of the society, I thought it simply meant everyone strictly lived in accordance with the ideals of a dictator, whatever they were. If the dictator forced everyone to have their own palace and get spoiled rotten while he personally tilled the fields for the produce to support this system, even that would still be fascism. Nice, but fascist. He'd be not allowing people till their own fields and provide for themself, even if that's what they wanted to do.

Socialism forces people to make sacrifices to take care of one another and the community, it tells people that's what they should do and it makes them do it whether they agree or not.

Societies can have socialist tendencies without being fully fascist, I think nearly every society has socialist tendencies, but those socialist tendencies are still somewhat, even if mildly, fascist tendencies.
I didn't think fascism was so specific on the mechanics of the society, I thought it simply meant everyone strictly lived in accordance with the ideals of a dictator, whatever they were.

Sure, but the realities and the theories don't always coincide. But you're right. Look at fascist Italy in the 1930-40s ...Mussolini's government did NOT own all the factories, etc., but he still controlled them all.

Socialism forces people to make sacrifices to take care of one another and the community, it tells people that's what they should do and it makes them do it whether they agree or not.

Yes, and notice that fascism doesn't necessarily care about the people long as they produce wealth for the dictator/government. In fact, in Italy at that time, people were joining the army just so they could eat and have a place to sleep.

Socialism, by contrast, is directly tied to the welfare of the people. I like to call it "Charity by Force".

Baron Max
Anything to shoot a kid, eh? (Shoot first, figure out what's actually going on later.)

Okay, more realistically, on the far coast from South Carolina, we have a custom that some might find strange. If you don't want kids knocking on your door on Hallowe'en, turn off your porch light.

I did not say that or even allude to anything remotely like that. You're offering a scarecrow tactic

Beside only the police said the porch light was on, we have no proof. And hell there was no mention of if this was done during the local trick or treat hours. In fact we are given so little detail we would have to acquit him on reasonable doubt if we were in court.
The law in Texas is they have to be inside your house before you can just blast away. You can't just shoot through the door like that. I'm guessing he's going to be taking an extended vacation down in Huntsville.

Actually, technically federal law they only have to be on your property, though federal courts also say you need to give warning, which he might.

but the above statement that the kid was wearing a robber costume and carrying a replica M14 will put this in the acquit file.
You can't own any fully automatic weapon. There was a ban for a while on any "clip fed" semi-auto rifles for a while, but that has gone out of effect.

Right now, you could buy a semi-automatic AK-47. But it's not too hard to convert it to full auto. I love guns...but I don't think the average guy needs assault weapons.

Well why not? Explain. I mean if the average guy never does anything wrong with his M-16 why can't he own it? Making them illegal just means they are in the hands of people who would misuse them.
Actually, technically federal law they only have to be on your property, though federal courts also say you need to give warning, which he might.

but the above statement that the kid was wearing a robber costume and carrying a replica M14 will put this in the acquit file.

This did not happen on Federal property so Federal Law doesn't apply.

Texas law is way more lenient in certain circumstances, in particular in cases where someone "invades" your home. Basically if they are over the threshold, you can shoot to kill. Also if they are legitimately inside, like a salesman, and you tell them to leave and they refuse and are "threatening" you can shoot them. Also certain kinds of criminal trespass, i.e. they are trespassing in the commission of a crime like especially rustling / horse thieving. (Horse theiving was a capital crime in Texas after capital punishment was taken off the books for murder by the Supreme Court for the country. It never came to trial, but that would have been interesting. ;) )

Now things may have changed since I lived there because a bunch of damn northern republicans moved into the state and started screwing things up, but that's how it was last I checked.

If you think he’s getting acquitted you should share what you are smoking. Illegal fire arm, ex con killed a trick or treater and shot up his family through a door. No he is going down and will be lucky if he gets death as people who hurt kids don't fair well in prison. That’s why they are already trying to float the insane plea.

A bit more Texas trivia. Texas is the only state allowed to maintain its own, independent standing army (i.e. above, beyond and independent of the nationa guard). Its part of the treaty which brought the Republic of Texas (1836-1846) into the union.
(Insert title here)

TW Scott said:

I did not say that or even allude to anything remotely like that. You're offering a scarecrow tactic

You know, you're right. You never said,

Hell, for all that we know the situation was probably eerily similiar to the events where patrick was shot. There are a lot of sick people who take their kids out on their crime sprees.

And you certainly didn't just reinforce the point by saying,

Beside only the police said the porch light was on, we have no proof.

And as to your desire to acquit him—

In fact we are given so little detail we would have to acquit him on reasonable doubt if we were in court.

—it should suffice to say that the difference between the news media and the justice system is that the prosecutors will be obliged to prove their point.
This did not happen on Federal property so Federal Law doesn't apply.

Funny, so on my land federal law don;t apply. I think you are a touch mistaken.

If you think he’s getting acquitted you should share what you are smoking. Illegal fire arm, ex con killed a trick or treater and shot up his family through a door. No he is going down and will be lucky if he gets death as people who hurt kids don't fair well in prison. That’s why they are already trying to float the insane plea.

Actually all of this can be brought into question by even a moderate defense attorney.

Since his previous conviction was a nonviolent drug charge it is not like going to poison a jury. Second the kid looked like a robber and was carrying a highly illegal replica of an M14 (without the red tip I might add). The guy was previously shot when he was burgalized before. On murder one or two he'll skate. On the weapons and assault charges he'll go down and even a great prosecutor will plea the murder rap to manslaughter. So he'll do some time. As for the people who hurt kids doing so poorly in prison, that usually only goes for the sexual predators of kids.

Of course this is all assuming the guys isn;t diagnosed with PTSD in which case all this just evaporates away as he gets treatment for the next twenty years.