Trick or Treat: Man defends family, kills 12 year-old on Hallowe'en

A socialist society has to be enforced on the citizens, it doesn't come naturally. There's a whole lot of forcing people to do this and not do that that is inherently required for it to work. Therefore it's fascist.
Every socialist society ever had an idealistic dictator at the helm.

A free society naturally leans strongly away from socialism, humans aren't ants, they're instinctually tribal, and loosely tribal, rather individualistic in fact. Socialism is set up like an ant colony but humans as animals don't naturally act with the good of the colony in mind, they'd need to be forced to align to a leader's socialist ideals. Socialism is merely a breed of fascism, as a concept it is entirely contained within fascism.

Socialism means you get health care and stuff.. it doesn't leave people to fend for themselves, especially the people that have trouble fending for themselves for whatever reason.
In Europe socialism is a positive term, in the US it is smeared with lies and false comparisons like you are doing right now. You guys have been brainwashed or perhaps it's some kind of jealousy, I don't know..
1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

A few lines from someones definition does not mean much when it comes to reality.

We can look at Socialism as the younger brother to Fascism. I dont really believe that either are realistic or particularly normal in so far as human nature is concerned.

Do you have examples of countries are currently Socialist?

For the most part someones interpretation has little practical meaning\value when we have precedence to consider.
Socialism means you get health care and stuff.. it doesn't leave people to fend for themselves, especially the people that have trouble fending for themselves for whatever reason.
In Europe socialism is a positive term, in the US it is smeared with lies and false comparisons like you are doing right now. You guys have been brainwashed or perhaps it's some kind of jealousy, I don't know..

In the U.S there is a balance between elements of many forms of ideologies. By the same token if you think the majority of Europe is socialist then someone hase been feedng you a line of BS. Capitalism is the dominant factor.
A few lines from someones definition does not mean much when it comes to reality.

We can look at Socialism as the younger brother to Fascism. I dont really believe that either are realistic or particularly normal in so far as human nature is concerned.

Do you have examples of countries are currently Socialist?

For the most part someones interpretation has little practical meaning\value when we have precedence to consider.

Most of Europe actually.
How? They are all capitalist. Do you think that simply having socialized medicine makes a country Socialist? You yourself are living like a Capitalist.
John, the Netherlands is a socialist country. It is moving towards capitalism though and right now there is a balance. The TRUE capitalists though are YOU, the US.
India is also a socialist country, unfortunately we too are moving towards capitalism
John, the Netherlands is a socialist country. It is moving towards capitalism though and right now there is a balance. The TRUE capitalists though are YOU, the US.

You are dreaming. And to be honest you really dont know what the U.S is like or the social programs that are in place in the U.S.

the Netherlands is a socialist country.

And how did you come to that conclusion?
You are dreaming. And to be honest you really dont know what the U.S is like or the social programs that are in place in the U.S.

And how did you come to that conclusion?

It is you that is dreaming dude. Lets hope you make enough money to pay for US insurance and health care, so you won't end up in the gutter one day.
Drink the Cool Aid Enmos.

Drink the Cool Aid Enmos.


From your link:
"Late in the year he then ordered his flock to commit suicide by drinking grape-flavored Kool-Aid laced with potassium cyanide."
"One lasting legacy of the Jonestown tragedy is the saying, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” This has come to mean, "Don’t trust any group you find to be a little on the kooky side." or "Whatever they tell you, don't believe it too strongly"."

So you either want me to die, or you want me to buy in to your kooky shit.
yah you can drink it, as long as it doesnt have cyanide in it.

So why did you link to that definition ? :bugeye:
Why did you say it at all..

Which is it ? Do you want me to die by cyanide poisoning, or are you admitting you are a kook ?