"I'm not sure what you mean by the phrase "karmically beneficial"
The experiences that (potentially) help you become a better human being. In my scenario, my f@$%ed up childhood was an example of your "hell" and occurred to improve my karma. But in my example it did not. It made me worse.
the laws of karma are complex - for instance the fact that not all (or even many) persons go out and kill people after being messed up with in their childhood indicates that there are other contributing factors to mass homicide. But even then, even if a complete picture of the relevant causes were determined, there is still the issue of the individual's will (as indicated with the hungry person finding the food - they don't
have to eat it).
The point is that karma (for better or worse) is a reflection of our choices in life, and that in turn shapes the options ofchoices we can make in the future.
(for instance if I catch a plane to London, I cannot make the choice to go to LA midway - while I am in the plane I can make many other choices - I can eat, I can talk to nearby passengers - I can even make the choice to physically assault the pilot - if I make this later choice, it could inhibit my being able to choose to take a flight to LA after landing in London ... instead I might be forced to choose from what options the local jail in london has to offer .....)
Are you saying this happend to me so that in killing 23 people, I created a taste of "hell" for them and their family?
that is simply part of it - the 23 people and their families had a reaction coming their way (by the laws of karma) - your playing a part in it, is simply an exhibition of your will (under the influence of previous situations delivered by your choices)
What role does your deity play in all of this? Directly or indirectly?
God orchestrates everyone (by personally witnessing and controlling people's actions of remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness ) and the field of action (the phenomenal world of matter) so that everyone is due accordingly what they desire.
Practically we are powerless - all we can do independently is desire.
(BTW as a further issue, karma is only pertinent to humans since we have issues of sin and piety (dogs don't get arrested for jay walking or stealing food for eg) - entering into animal life is kind of like entering a gradual cycle of evolution until one gets the human form of life ... upon which things become very dynamic according to one's choices and desires)
Actually the laws of karma are a system of organization for those living entities who are seeking enjoyment separate from god (which is what the material world facilitates) - we may include god to a greater degree (mundane religious piety) or a lesser degree (outright atheism) in our plans of enjoyment in this world - but until we come to the point of totally including god in our plans of enjoyment (in other words acting as a loving servant of god instead of a conniving servant or an outright competitor) god will always be dealing with us indirectly through the laws of karma.
when we get free from the laws of karma (both bad karma and good karma) god then deals with us directly
(PS sorry if the reply is a bit long winded, but asking what relationship both the living entity and god have with the laws of karma cannot be answered in a simple format - I think in the course of trying to keep things short I have also made things a bit difficult to comprehend - you can find longer but more well written discussions of this topic