

Actual Cynic
Registered Senior Member
I watched HOSTEL 2 the other night. Not for the squeamish. There's a hostel in Eastern Europe where backpackers are abducted and then taken to a nearby factory where they are tortured to death by people who have paid for the privilege of doing it.

Torture has been practised through the ages by certain barbaric people who enjoy the pain of others, people who are usually sick in the head.

And yet a central tenet of many faiths is that solely for not believing in the diety concerned, he will torture you FOREVER. Not like human torture, for a few hours or maybe even stretching it out for a few days, but FOREVER.

Christians and muslims accept this, blandly saying that "God is Love" or that God made us so he can do what he wants with us. Is it any wonder why religionists are accused of being delusional because they worship a being who is infinitely CRUEL.
The big fella just sends you to purgatory, the devil does the dirty work.
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Not just that...but consider that most human beings would die before their first birthday, if it were not for vaccinations.

So...chances are, you either die before being able to make religious choices...or you are tortured for eternity for making the wrong religious choices.
Another reason I don't believe in God or the Devil or any religions. This stuff

is just plain STUPID!
I watched HOSTEL 2 the other night. Not for the squeamish. There's a hostel in Eastern Europe where backpackers are abducted and then taken to a nearby factory where they are tortured to death by people who have paid for the privilege of doing it.

Torture has been practised through the ages by certain barbaric people who enjoy the pain of others, people who are usually sick in the head.

And yet a central tenet of many faiths is that solely for not believing in the diety concerned, he will torture you FOREVER. Not like human torture, for a few hours or maybe even stretching it out for a few days, but FOREVER.

Christians and muslims accept this, blandly saying that "God is Love" or that God made us so he can do what he wants with us. Is it any wonder why religionists are accused of being delusional because they worship a being who is infinitely CRUEL.

therefore Anselm's definition of god ("God is that-than-which-no-greater-can-be-thought") has a certain momentum that carries beyond mere issues of existence/non-existence

IOW a god that doesn't torture souls for eternity stands as a more complete definition than a god that does
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The big fella just sends you to purgatory, the devil does the dirty work.

Go read the bible. The person in the bible who regularly commits mass-murder in the old testament is god. The person in the NT who tells us most people will burn in hell and that god is in charge of hell is Jesus. The Devil has no power other than what god allows him and doesn't do evil in the bible, giving Man freewill in Genesis 2 + 3 (after exposing god's lies, that Adam would die that very day if he ate the forbidden fruit. He lived another 930 years). And there are more lies, like Matthew 4 where the Devil and Jesus look over a FLAT world, and the Devil offers Jesus what he already owns as son of god. Can it get any worse?
Funny how there are so many different theists. I always thought not believing in hell was a sin.

And what does IOW mean?
IOW a god that doesn't torture souls for eternity stands as a more complete definition than a god that does

The bible god is a mean and spiteful brat who demands worship, and threatens eternal torture to those who do not grovel sufficiently well.
ok torture well let me see
hmm torture well i been hurt heaps but i know that tons of others have been dragged thru hell to
dont think im alone there

but if ur smart enough to wait for the right time patience is the big key there
it can be reversed on to the people involved or thier loved ones pay for their crimes
i have bloody patience mate heaps of it hahaha

i told this person once about this fucking dog bitch she was going down mate big time and i meant it any way i said to this mate of mine this female was getting older
it caught on in the whole town
they used to laugh at her every time they saw her i asked em why they laughin
a few of em said well sue looks like shes getting older and shes not that old

well now that sue hag has moved and shes running from i dunno what and she hidding
she used to try and dye her hair but didnt make a diff
i was gonna say to em that she thinks shes eating to make her starve to bloody death

but i thought well the worst thing for that woman would be her looks so went that way
and i have a good laugh she not gonna torture no one no more i swear
i dreamt last night she fell over from old age just fell over

yep i reckon patience people get what they deserve in the end
if they hurt they can get dam hurt back big time
certainly a strange way of asserting that issues of evidence can be approached without addressing issues of qualification

Shit lol, you're right! What in the world have I been thinking all these years?? It's so damn obvious, of course nobody can ever cite evidence to the unqualified. It's the very reason there's no such thing as schools or universities, not to mention educational books and New Scientist should be removed from the magazine racks just incase an unqualified person gets hold of it. *end sarcasm mode*

Lol lg, you're so full of shit it's unbelievable. Look, you can continue making these utterly pathetic excuses that display the intellect one would expect from a 3 year old or you can support your claim.

You claimed that "hell exists". Do you have any evidence of this? No, I'm not a qualified hellologist but that does not prevent you or anyone else with evidence that such a place exists with presenting it. So what do you have lg? Well?

Btw, if you detect hostility in my words its because after reading your post I have come up with a large painful rash. Alas I am allergic to idiocy.
Shit lol, you're right! What in the world have I been thinking all these years?? It's so damn obvious, of course nobody can ever cite evidence to the unqualified. It's the very reason there's no such thing as schools or universities, not to mention educational books and New Scientist should be removed from the magazine racks just incase an unqualified person gets hold of it. *end sarcasm mode*
erm - in case you didn't realize it, getting "an education" would make one qualified
Lol lg, you're so full of shit it's unbelievable. Look, you can continue making these utterly pathetic excuses that display the intellect one would expect from a 3 year old or you can support your claim.
you made the claim that evidence is self evident
let's hear you support that first

You claimed that "hell exists". Do you have any evidence of this?
certainly, but since your standard for evidence is classical empiricism many things will not become evidenced to you
No, I'm not a qualified hellologist but that does not prevent you or anyone else with evidence that such a place exists with presenting it.
if you were simply an unqualified hellogist it wouldn't be so bad
the fact is though that you are an openly antagonistic to the very principle of approaching theistic qualification

in such a circumstance there is not much scope for discussing the "truth" of a claim, probably because you cannot comprehend the "logic" of the claim ....

So what do you have lg? Well?
maybe it would be more progressive for you to discuss any logical fallacies you see with the "idea" of hell

Btw, if you detect hostility in my words its because after reading your post I have come up with a large painful rash. Alas I am allergic to idiocy.
sounds like hell