Topless Women March for Right to Go Topless

Where's the problem, btw? There on the pic it is written "doing topless is LEGAL IN NY!!!". So if it is legal, what is there to fight? :confused:

A group of women marched from Longfellow Square to Tommy's Park in Portland to "call attention to the double standard in society's attitudes toward male and female nudity."
Does it matter?
Let's run a poll on who many women would like to run around topless.

It's not about whether you would do it or not it's about having the right to do so if you wanted. I don't drink beer ever, but I have the right to go and purchase it whenever I want if I change my mind.
Yeah, I am. I'm somewhat harsh and wiry (body fat level is less than 16%) but somehow my body manages to maintain a fucking moloch set of boobs. Oh well, they're useful...lots of fat reserves there...

Somehow, you manage to make boobs sound vicious.
Does it matter?

It seems to, given the way you construct your position around that premise.

Let's run a poll on who many women would like to run around topless.

Taking polls of women that live in societies that have been dominated by patriarchal influences for thousands of years is not methodologically sound.

You could probably find certain societies where a poll of women would show that they all want to wear the restrictive clothing dicated by their patriarchal religion. That wouldn't imply that such wasn't a patriarchal imposition, or oppressive.

That said, I'd wager that a fairly sizeable chunk of women would tell you that they're in favor of the right to go topless if they see fit.

Conflating the question with an actual preference for going topless is unsound, and suggestive of dishonorable intent (or stupidity - your choice).
Does it matter?
Let's run a poll on who many women would like to run around topless.
To me the issue runs deeper than a right to run around topless. (And I do know quite a few women who like to swim topless or sunbath topless). It is the taboo being placed on women's tits because these are objectified and separated out from the whole woman in way's men's tits are not. The law is a symptom and not a bad place to challenge the concept because it should strike people as odd, the law that is.

The law is a western version of the veil or the burkaa. It says that women must hide portions of their bodies men to not have to. The reasons, whatever they are, have to do with hallucinations about men's uncontrollable lust or women being the cause of men's troubles or women being their bodies in ways men are not theirs. Schwartzenegger has much bigger tits than most women, but he could work out on the beach with no top on. And, weirdly, he was considered a sexy man by some. They were turned on by his enormous pecs. But still, he was allowed to.
It's not about whether you would do it or not it's about having the right to do so if you wanted. I don't drink beer ever, but I have the right to go and purchase it whenever I want if I change my mind.

yeah, as long as you're of age.

It seems to, given the way you construct your position around that premise.
They did. The whole blaming men BS that I responded to.

Taking polls of women that live in societies that have been dominated by patriarchal influences for thousands of years is not methodologically sound.
See? Mens fault, again.
Meanwhile, the laws apply to men flashing parts, too. How odd.

You could probably find certain societies where a poll of women would show that they all want to wear the restrictive clothing dicated by their patriarchal religion. That wouldn't imply that such wasn't a patriarchal imposition, or oppressive.
Yes, I'm sure they are all blind sheep with no opinions of their own.

That said, I'd wager that a fairly sizeable chunk of women would tell you that they're in favor of the right to go topless if they see fit.
And how large would that sample population be?
Would you backpeddle when your guess is wrong and start claiming that the Bible Belt votes should be discounted?

Conflating the question with an actual preference for going topless is unsound, and suggestive of dishonorable intent (or stupidity - your choice).
This statement makes no senses. Please clarify it.
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lets see ALL indecency laws scraped. The double standeds of critising Afganisatan for forcing women to wear the burka and then having there own indecency laws on there books is a compleate joke.
Stupidity it is, then.

Ad hom attacks are very becoming. Do you always accuse people of lacking honor or being stupid if they don't agree with you?

Let's examine all that you said:
Women will lie in the poll because they are browbeaten by men.
You think more women would prefer to run around topless than not.
You said I was postulating men were not to blame for conservative laws, in spite of (Or you were ignoring) the claims made that men are responsible and that I asked what difference there is.

See, here's where COMPLEXITY comes into play. Complexity is like the Human brain. The Weather. Fluid Mechanics.
A society.

Complex systems tend to be indeterminant simply because the magnificent amount of factors involved that influence eachother make accurate measurement extraordinarliy difficult ( to the point of "Impossibility").

It's amusing to me, how you call me "Stupid" while you're making simple minded arguments about a Complex System.

It is not your place, nor do you have the expertise-- to determine WHY a great many women would support the idea of covering up and being modest.
The complexity is beyond your ability to measure.
Yes, you can point out a Large Influence-- male presence and ideas. Yet, why is it males are also forbidden from revealing themselves in public?

This issue strikes me strongly as "Blame Men!" "Evil MEN!" about something silly.

Let's make anthills into mountains.

Why are men allowed to show their Lack of Breasts and yet women are not allowed to show their ample supply of breasts?

Why are women allowed to wear pants yet men are not allowed to wear skirts or dresses? Legally, they can- but most people react to it.
It's not NORMAL behavior.
"Oh Noes. Lolz we can has unisex garmints!!"

Man, whatever. It's ridiculous.
Why are men allowed to show their Lack of Breasts and yet women are not allowed to show their ample supply of breasts?
I may be missing the context here have breasts, they are erotic zones, and women are attracted to them and often prefer larger ones.

Why are women allowed to wear pants yet men are not allowed to wear skirts or dresses? Legally, they can- but most people react to it.
This argument, it seems to me, supports the women in the protest. Men wearing skirts are not a legal issue. Nor should it be.
It's not NORMAL behavior.
What is normal behavior?
Why couldn't it be normal behavior? It wasn't normal to be gay. It wasn't normal to have interracial marriage. In the 50s a decent percentage of the town thugs and delinquents had ties. Men used to all wear hats.
I may be missing the context here have breasts, they are erotic zones, and women are attracted to them and often prefer larger ones.
Unless you have supportive evidence-- that sounds anecdotal.

I know too many women that prefer flat chested men and act repulsed at "man titties." So conclusive studies MIGHT help place a stronger bias on opinion, here.

Mens chests are QUITE different from womens, have much less sensitivity and nerves, and anecdotal for myself as a man -- I do not like mine played with at all. It is not an erotic zone (Note, laying on my chest or touching my chest is different from PLAYING with what's there, obviously.)
This argument, it seems to me, supports the women in the protest. Men wearing skirts are not a legal issue. Nor should it be.
What is normal behavior?
Why couldn't it be normal behavior? It wasn't normal to be gay. It wasn't normal to have interracial marriage. In the 50s a decent percentage of the town thugs and delinquents had ties. Men used to all wear hats.

Why are many things not normal behavior?
Like it or not
The standards in the society are set BY MEN AND WOMEN ALIKE.
Not just men.

Women browse and check eachother out constantly-- commenting on how fat she is, etc.

Men and women have stark differences and a big part of wearing different clothing is to accentuate the attractive qualities of each gender. This is largely why Unisex Clothing doesn't have a market.
Women Do Not Want Men dressing as women.

The issue is more hooplah and hype than anything having to do qith equality. It's silly.
What they did was legal where they did it. I'll agree that it should be legal everywhere, and certainly everywhere in the U.S. where it's legal for men to go about shirtless.

But if they think more women walking about shirtless will cause men to become noticeably less obsessed with women's bodies, they're sure to be disappointed. Women (thankfully) aren't expected to cover their faces in our culture. So they are on display at all times. In spite of this, I still find the face of a beautiful woman a joy to behold, and cannot imagine myself ever tiring of looking at them.
Why is it that the height of any civilisation appears to resemble, more and more, the primitive?
Why is it that the height of any civilisation appears to resemble, more and more, the primitive?


Concise and to the point. I sure wish I had a talent for summing up my paragraphs in only a few words like that.

I'm cursed with rambling long windedness...
What they did was legal where they did it. I'll agree that it should be legal everywhere, and certainly everywhere in the U.S. where it's legal for men to go about shirtless.

But if they think more women walking about shirtless will cause men to become noticeably less obsessed with women's bodies, they're sure to be disappointed. Women (thankfully) aren't expected to cover their faces in our culture. So they are on display at all times. In spite of this, I still find the face of a beautiful woman a joy to behold, and cannot imagine myself ever tiring of looking at them.
There is some difference between the reaction to a beautiful face and the sight of breasts in places where the latter have all this excess 'ooh, taboo, secret' energy around them. Sure, men stare at tits on the beaches in Europe, but in general there is something more blase about the upper body of women there. The sight of breasts does not mean that sex is somehow a minute or two away.

A hundred years ago the sight of certain parts of a woman's leg could be seen as sexually arousing in ways it would not be now. Sure, some men might get a turn on from seeing a woman's ankles, but in general most men are pretty blase about it. Sure the sight of some women's legs up to the short skirts are arousing, but in general a woman can expect to have her legs seen and not suddely have a frat party energy around her like she might take off more clothes and have sex with someone.

Slowly but surely we are getting used to seeing bodies. Of course we are still attracted to them, but the chaos and sense that something catastophic or orgasmic is about to happen eases off, a little bit each year.

I mean, men can fall in love over the sight of a woman's eye above a veil.