Topless Women March for Right to Go Topless

I wear boxer briefs.
no way man. those are just as bad as whitie tighties. I just can't do it. it's impossible. nope. not happening.

Let the jewels breath a little :p
As pointed out- in the places where they do, it's pretty much ignored as commonplace and... it seems pretty silly to go to jail over it.
That's why I was saying, 90% of the people protesting here will be at next weeks speed limit protest and the week after's kite flying protest. In short, they just love to attend protests, get the attention, get asked what their opinion is on whatever protest is happening that day. Attention hogs :) Which is fine. Most probably wish they were on stage somewhere...
Yeah, a little bit.

It's self-indulgent. Artistic expression can go on paper or canvas. When it's on skin, it's obviously not about the art, which is almost universally lame, it's about you, it says look at me, look at the symbolism I identify with. When you're 60, it's going to look like an ugly bruise, birthmark, or the beginnings of skin cancer. The body is beautiful, but tattoos are never subtle. It's like Michaelangelo finishing up the sculpture of David, then using a large permanent marker to sign it across the chest. From the standpoint of composition, they make no sense in the way that clothing or jewelry might, since they draw your eye to that spot and keep it there. No one will take you seriously with a tattoo. It used to be associated with the fringes of society, sailors, soldiers, cannibals, Japanese Yakuza, motorcycle gangs. Now it's associated with a secondary class of people who, although not actually in a motorcycle gang or in prison, want to look like the people that are. I can almost forgive the former, but not the latter. Unless you are a Maori, tattoos are stupid.

Look at the idiots.

You might feel that it's akin to defacing David. That's a feeling. An opinion. Not a fact.

So it USED to be associated with those people. Big deal. I think humans are intelligent enough to get the idea that a young adult with a little molecule tattoo on her neck is not a criminal.

So basically, if everyone else in your culture does it, it's okay, otherwise, you're a fool?


@Neverfly: Thanks for support. :)
You're not necessarily a fool, I know you are not for instance. But it is in bad taste. You might as well go to Yellowstone Park and build a McDonalds right in the middle of it. Going topless is a similar thing. There's nothing inherently wrong with going nude, but there is a time and place. To walk around nude in public without a shirt is in bad taste, woman or man. I would make exceptions for beaches and pools (or breastfeeding women). Is this really what people want to stand up for? While marijuana is illegal, our way of life is unsustainable and on the edge of collapse? While we are engaged in two wars, and the slightest move towards creating legislation for the public good is met with revolutionary fervor on the part of corn-pone Nazis? While money rules our politics and Wall Street steals our money?
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It's only bad taste because people feel that it is for some reason. If there was a trend where people thought dying your hair a paler colour was bad taste, it would be bad taste. And so on.

So basically, 'bad taste' is a measure of how many people think it's nice.
Most people don't think it's nice to see people walking around topless. Can you imagine if those land whales drove themselves around in little electric carts without shirts?

Like you said there is a time and place for everything. At the beach people expect the other people there to be practically naked, but at the supermarket not as much. :p In some states it is actully perfectly legal to be nude in public as long as you aren't being "lewd" or knowingly trying to sexually excite or alarm others. There is just a social stigma which I think is what the protesters were protesting, but getting mad kind of hurt their point far more than it helped.
That's why I was saying, 90% of the people protesting here will be at next weeks speed limit protest and the week after's kite flying protest. In short, they just love to attend protests, get the attention, get asked what their opinion is on whatever protest is happening that day. Attention hogs :) Which is fine. Most probably wish they were on stage somewhere...

Yep, I think so too and it seems to be the concensus...
You're not necessarily a fool, I know you are not for instance.
Good of you to say that considering the heavily disparaging remarks you made earlier.:)
But it is in bad taste. You might as well go to Yellowstone Park and build a McDonalds right in the middle of it. Going topless is a similar thing. There's nothing inherently wrong with going nude, but there is a time and place. To walk around nude in public without a shirt is in bad taste, woman or man. I would make exceptions for beaches and pools (or breastfeeding women).
I agree with this entire statement. I find Tom Green to be in poor taste, for example.
Everything has a time and place.
However, is a lack of propriety worth jail time?

I looked this up for some places in the USA. It's POSSIBLE, if convicted, that public exposure can get you not only a conviction on record but listed as a sex offender. Imagine how that can ruin a career. That listing is 7 years.

Yet, National Geographic is in our elementary schools. That seems like a double standard. Why is it ok some of the time, but horrifyingly criminal others?

A time and place makes sense. Men take off their shirts when jogging (I doubt women would!) or when mowing the lawn or at the beach, not during meetings or whatnot and those men that do are looked at as having poor taste. Yet, they are not carted off to jail.
Most people don't think it's nice to see people walking around topless. Can you imagine if those land whales drove themselves around in little electric carts without shirts?
I've never once seen a topless man at Wal-Mart...

Women are trash if they have body piercings.

And I assume tramp stamp = tattoo. Oooh gosh, I had better not get that molecule tattoo on my neck that I've always wanted, since then I would go from being a human being to a lump of trash. Oh wait, I'm already a lump of trash, because I've got metal in my mouth and nose.

I don't hate men. I hate idiots and bigots, regardless of gender.


Oh well... It isn't called the "tramp stamp" for nuthin'. Don't treat me as if I made up the phrase, or the idea behind the tattooing. If girls don't want a label, don't wear one.
I'll put it like this. I have a relative. She was once a very pretty girl. She's tattooed and pierced herself to the point no decent man will date her anymore. It's sad to watch. This is why I have strong opinions on this. I've watched it first hand. The more she tattoo's, the more her self esteem goes in the toilet, as does the class of company she keeps.
Ah yes. Your 'pretty girl' is representative of all modified people everywhere.

My self esteem is fine, thanks very much. Eat my shit.
now this is funny.. ok few problems wtih it if a guy is topless and a male or female walkes up to them and touches there chest or gives them a tity twister its fare game if a woman was topless and a male or female walkes up to them and grabs there boob or gives them a tity twister wouldnt be suprised if there was sexual harrassment charges thrown out.. if women want the right to go topless they have to almost giveup the right for there boobs to be touched or starred at.. just like females in male sports complete bullshit that they get special rules
I'll put it like this. I have a relative. She was once a very pretty girl. She's tattooed and pierced herself to the point no decent man will date her anymore. It's sad to watch. This is why I have strong opinions on this. I've watched it first hand. The more she tattoo's, the more her self esteem goes in the toilet, as does the class of company she keeps.

Why should your claim that the class of company she keeps as gone down the toilet be taken seriously if you just admitted above that that you judge peoples character based on whether or not they have tats/peircings?

Seems a self fulfilling prophecy to me.
Why should your claim that the class of company she keeps as gone down the toilet be taken seriously if you just admitted above that that you judge peoples character based on whether or not they have tats/peircings?

Seems a self fulfilling prophecy to me.

I didn't judge, I observed then reported. Everyone has issues to some degree or another. No sense in advertising.

Same goes for the guy wearing the rebel flag ball cap. Whats anyone's very first impression of him? Especially from the city girls with tattoos and body piercings. Oh he's a redneck and a racist! Right?

Sorry, but appearances matter. They tell a lot about a person. Just like the car you drive and the bumper stickers you put on it.
I didn't judge, I observed then reported. Everyone has issues to some degree or another. No sense in advertising.

Same goes for the guy wearing the rebel flag ball cap. Whats anyone's very first impression of him? Especially from the city girls with tattoos and body piercings. Oh he's a redneck and a racist! Right?

Sorry, but appearances matter. They tell a lot about a person. Just like the car you drive and the bumper stickers you put on it.

Ok, I see your point. If a person dresses in a known stereotype, they are askin' for judgement?

Yet, is that always valid? I can give a lot of anecdotal evidence of my own...

Judging by stereotypes is deeply engrained in us. That doesn't make it anymore correct than pareidolia is correct.
Seeing a person that is "new" or "different" is the basic premise to fear that something must be wrong with them, they must be avoided or they are low class.

I think it's taught in Elemantary school, these days, how foolish that is.
I didn't judge, I observed then reported. Everyone has issues to some degree or another. No sense in advertising.

Same goes for the guy wearing the rebel flag ball cap. Whats anyone's very first impression of him? Especially from the city girls with tattoos and body piercings. Oh he's a redneck and a racist! Right?

Sorry, but appearances matter. They tell a lot about a person. Just like the car you drive and the bumper stickers you put on it.

Bullshit. There are plenty of people who dress 'nicely' in conservative clothes and are obnoxious bigots, and there are just as many pierced, tattooed and generally rugged and dangerous looking metal heads who are very sociable and kindly.

Eat some more shit.
Bullshit. There are plenty of people who dress 'nicely' in conservative clothes and are obnoxious bigots, and there are just as many pierced, tattooed and generally rugged and dangerous looking metal heads who are very sociable and kindly.

Eat some more shit.

I have only repeated a quote, and reported a fact on someone's life. You may note- I haven't cursed, or called you names, and tried to remain pleasant. You on the other hand...

Now, you were telling me about how nice and social the tattooed body pierced were. Right?
Bullshit. There are plenty of people who dress 'nicely' in conservative clothes and are obnoxious bigots, and there are just as many pierced, tattooed and generally rugged and dangerous looking metal heads who are very sociable and kindly.
Actually this is quite often the case. Having come from a family with a lot of Harley riders in it, I feel comfortable around them relative to white collar. And most are tattooed up. But, I never really noticed - to tell you the truth, it doesn't matter.

A lot of people work to fit in and are in a sense somewhat cardboard. Regardless. Full tats or none at all. People think in a herd mentality. Which is fine, but, for me, a bit boring.

I remember asking a flat mate who worked in finance which shoes I should buy for a job interview (he seemed to have good taste in suites - as he wore one daily). He said, pointy shoes are out, flat tips in. I laughed - it had never occurred to me that men, working in finance, worried about what was "in". Reminded me of when I was a 14 years old. I bought flat tips nonetheless :p

Which is why I think the first tattoos were probably pretty cool. But, now, I don't know, I'm thinking they're a bit like pointy shoes. :eek:

I'd say if you really want to, then get the molecule on your neck you liked. I've never seen one and so it rings original. I don't have any tattoos. But, I thought about getting matching tattoos with a girl once. I was thinking I'd look up the Irish and Scottish patterns on the mother's side of the family and pick one. At least that way I'd have a personal connection to the pattern. If your molecule is like that then go for it. (say you invented it for example)

All of that said, even though its a bit dated, I've personally always liked pierced eye brows. They just look nice to me for some reason. So, there you go. Ignore all that I've written :p
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Yeah. My one is a diagram of an adrenaline molecule, and underneath, a girl's eye with a huge dilated pupil. It's meant to symbolize life and energy....
I have only repeated a quote, and reported a fact on someone's life. You may note- I haven't cursed, or called you names, and tried to remain pleasant. You on the other hand...

Now, you were telling me about how nice and social the tattooed body pierced were. Right?

I got pissy in return because you did. Talking of pierced and tattooed people in general as trash or lower class is not being pleasant.