top ten signs you're a xian

geeser said:
50 years ago Russia was the USSR, things have change somewhat since then, wake up..
His visions were never wrong.
geeser said:
well they are now...

Ya think....
Try again, just keep watching.
He never said USSR, He said Russia....
He said the communists were nothing to worry about.
God raised Russia up to deal the death blow to the U.S. when she turned away from Him and failed to repent as a nation.
As I said before, God sometimes gives nation a space to repent of about 40 years..
Check the scriptures.
That 40 years is up..
TheVisitor said:
Ya think....
there has and never will be, any evidence for any prophecies, actually coming true.
prove just one instance of just one prophecy actually coming true and I and Mr Randi will give you one million dollars.
TheVisitor said:
Try again, just keep watching.
no need it wont happen.
TheVisitor said:
Check the scriptures.
I could just as well check the Grimm fairy tales, I'd get just as much useful information.
Frick, at least Grimm's Fairy Tales make sense, and have a coherent plot. In the bible, the main character (god) just flip-flops around aimlessly in an semi-epileptic stupor.
The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America.

No fairy tale , my friend......
visitor: I had a dream just like that, funny thing though, I knew mine was'nt real.
once you wake up you may realise it was all a dream, but I doubt it.
Lerxst said:
Perhaps I have done myself a huge disservice by using the term religious far too loosely in this forum, then. To me, if an idea has anything to do with god, gods, revelation, or faith, it's a religious concept. That includes deism and Martin Gardner's fideism.

And please bear in mind that when I defend a notion of religion, what I am defending is strictly this kind of perrsonal and private belief that is not used as an excuse for mob idiocy. I despise organized religion as much as any atheist here does. I despise the institution. I try not to despise the individual practioners, unless they give me cause. Which many do. But some do not.

I live in Minnesota, where I am surrounded by easy-going, liberal Lutherans. I don't have a problem with most of them. But I used to live in rural Kansas, where people literally had signs in their yards warning of hellfire. Which was the main reason I got the fuck out of Kansas, Dorothy, and moved to Minnesota where fewer people have their heads up their asses.

You should have moved to rural Lancaster County PA, where I live.

"Jesus is COMING! Are you READY?" (pic of jesus on a stick)

"Where will you spend ETERNIYT? Heaven or HELL???" (pic of sinners burning in a lake of boiling blood or something).
geeser said:
visitor: I had a dream just like that, funny thing though, I knew mine was'nt real.
once you wake up you may realise it was all a dream, but I doubt it.

Hey, you ever "wake up" really..?
Maybe you better just have another nip...for that hair of the
You have no clue what I'm talking about, but it'll come back to you about the time you see that small sun hanging above your city, blinding your eyes and lighting up rooms in your house that even have the shades drawn.
That will be just before the shock wave hits.
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TheVisitor said:
Hey, you ever "wake up" really..?
well quite clearly some of us do and some of us dont.
TheVisitor said:
Maybe you better just have another nip...for that hair of the
I dont drink, it changes your reality and personality.
TheVisitor said:
You have no clue what I'm talking about,
does anybody.
TheVisitor said:
but it'll come back to you about the time you see that small sun hanging above your city,
I see it everyday, well if it is'nt cloudy that is.
TheVisitor said:
blinding your eyes
I was always told not to look directly at it, it's common sense.
TheVisitor said:
and lighting up rooms in your house that even have the shades drawn.
yes I complained to the wife, about the curtains being to thin.
TheVisitor said:
That will be just before the shock wave hits.
what shock wave is that, are we going to have another tsunami, hope not a lot of people died in the last one, but thanks for the warning, but I dont think it will really effect england to much. but I hope they have made provisions for the people who may be effected.
if of course you not dreaming as usual, and it's not one of your silly, hallucinations.
does your head hurt, mr visitor, because it must do, how can it not hurt with all that stupidity bang around in it.
wow you have seriously lost it.
:) Merely trying to tell Geeser some prophecy does come true.
Can't help that you don't beleive in it, but when it's vindicated 100% accurate, I listen.
1000's of visions, never wrong one time and said when Russia goes down for the oil, look out.
Just thought you might want to know.
Take it or leave it......I could really care less weather you believe it or not.
Have a nice day... :)
(Q) said:
Well, if they believe in supernatural beings, then they've lost their ability to rationalize and reason and cannot be trusted to do so without having their beliefs poison their decision making processes.

I don't understand what would make you think they had them to lose. This statement is obviously not true Q. Consider human history and tell me it's not a very human thing to believe in total bullshit to get you through whatever. Hmm.. yeah I think it's actually fairly rare that humans are really "rational and reasonable".

Let me ask you a question:

Do you think it's possible that given certain circumstances it is "rational and reasonable" to believe in supernatural beings?

I presume you think for the most part not, to which I would point out that either humanity isn't rational and reasonable, or human history is a prime example of such circumstances.

Can any good come from that?

Plenty of really great, loving people (for the most part) believe in absolute tripe. If you think about it, it's really a cost-benefit thing. There is no requirement regarding survival that your beliefs be grounded in rationality or reasonability, so long as they don't directly contradict reality. In fact, it's better for the tribe if you believe what the tribal leaders tell you to believe.

If a boulder is falling down the hill to kill you. It doesn't matter if you believe god sent it or the force of gravity is pulling it toward a larger mass so long as you move before it hits you.
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You think thats "air" your breathing....?
(yeah, thats from the "Matrix". It's riddled with christian symbology)
Can you comprehend symbolism.....? Shadows and types in the scriptures.
They speak of what's true and to come.
This life is just a shadow of the "real"
TheVisitor, you should see the prophecy series then, if you start to belive in movies.
TheVisitor said:
You think thats "air" your breathing....?
(yeah, thats from the "Matrix". It's riddled with christian symbology)
Can you comprehend symbolism.....? Shadows and types in the scriptures.
They speak of what's true and to come.
This life is just a shadow of the "real"

its also riddled with symbolism from the greek/roman religion. so what?
TheVisitor said:
You think thats "air" your breathing....?
(yeah, thats from the "Matrix". It's riddled with christian symbology)
Can you comprehend symbolism.....? Shadows and types in the scriptures.
They speak of what's true and to come.
This life is just a shadow of the "real"

Of course you see it as christian. That's your world-view.

In my world-view this says that "air" is just a label we use for "stuff" that fills another label, our "lungs". It speaks to observational distance, and the separation from 'reality' that is consequential to labeling it.
Of course you see it as christian

Actually, with some time spent you can clearly see that The Matrix was christian propaganda through and through. Was still a good movie if you ignore the religious undertones.
I've spent some time and reached the conclusion that it can be seen in many different ways, mostly depending on how you choose to see it.

I don't see it as particularly christian, but I'm certain I could if I were prone to such a thing.

The philosophy I saw in it is a reflection of myself. I'm not so sure what the writers were trying to say so much as I am what I saw of my own comprehension of existence. Well, and the cool special effects. :) I thought they were very entertaining movies.