top ten signs you're a xian

The Matrix also dealt with a number of philosophical issues that are not specific to Christianity.

Although I do think it is primarily a Christian story - and it has actually helped me understand that religion more than any "christian" books ever have.

Many of the great science fiction stories are religious allegories. Bladerunner, 2001. These movies resonate with me the same way the Christ story resonates with others.
I thought it was just the standard...hero beats villian, saves world, etc. type of movies...except in a computer....
Ok, I'll admit by using the matrix quote it led the topic off a bit....
But the point I was trying to make is this whole life is "set up", to create a situation.
You are a tri-une being....Body, Spirit and Soul.
The devil in your flesh (the little red guy on your left shoulder), warring with God in your soul (the white guy on your right shoulder), in the battlefield of your mind. I.E. "Spirit"
So....there is a reality not seen that is more powerfull and real than that which is seen.
"The things which are seen were created by that which is unseen"
Humans are "hosts", created to be vessels for a spirit...
You have no choice in being a host.....only in which spirit you let control you.
"That which you lend your members to, becomes your master"
All that is seen was created by the spoken words of God, which is unseen.
Even the "Evil" and the powers that be...