Originally posted by otheadp
there was no Final Solution to ppl whose countries were brutally invaded
You are correct , the final solution as the Germans presented it aimed at destruction of Jewry and included
all Jews , after 1942 when it was procliamed .
Eichman kept on deporting as much as he possibly could , it was systematic and mechanic high geared destruction of everything that was tied to Jewish , even Mishlinge have been included in this final solution .
But is intention and ideology everything that counts ? Why does nobody weap the 5 million peasants that Stalin executed or starved in 1 year time ?
Extermination happened in many ways , and under many ideals . Perhaps none was so symbolic and so hatefull as the holocaust of Jewry , but that was from a German perspective . In Eastern Europe there was a Gypsie holocaust just as well , perhaps it did not receive the Goebbels speach for final solution , but it sure as hell received the treatment .
Holocaust is not a Jewish word . And peoples who
were involved in everything that preceded the situation and builded it up have hijacked the suffering and made it theirs .
i'm not even talking about the pre-war humiliation jews faced in germany.
Why don't you complain to the zionists about this ? They agreed with the nuremberg laws , they agreed with the segregation and ghettoism , they agreed on the star of david-indentification and on the propaganda , they aimed at anti-semitic collaboration through cousing Jewish suffering as Herzl himself propagated , they desired anti-semitic alliance ....... as
best friends anti-semites were described .
Why do the peoples who have caused this
and benefitted from this get to hijack the identity of the
sufferer ?