To Porn or Not to Porn?

and everneo, thats not a bad job either!!

i dont see why people are kicking me for saying this, but when she is 18 i will have no say in what she does/says/wear/ who she has sex with!

What? Of course a parent has a say! I don't quit being a parent just because they had a birthday. :bugeye:
My kids sleep with a married person, they are gonna hear about it. They stay in a relationship with an abusive person, I'm gonna say something. They sleep with 20+ a month, they are gonna hear about it.
I don't understand the whole "well, they are 18, so what can I do?" attitude. Parents can do a lot.
What? Of course a parent has a say! I don't quit being a parent just because they had a birthday. :bugeye:
My kids sleep with a married person, they are gonna hear about it. They stay in a relationship with an abusive person, I'm gonna say something. They sleep with 20+ a month, they are gonna hear about it.
I don't understand the whole "well, they are 18, so what can I do?" attitude. Parents can do a lot.

yeah sure we have a say, but at th end of the day, its up to them!!
I think what Lucifer means is that once your offspring are of legal age, you have no real veto power. Sure, you can give them nasty looks and do a lot of posturing, but at the end of the day you have no actual legal power over them. Hard life, huh?

at last someone gets my point
What? Of course a parent has a say! I don't quit being a parent just because they had a birthday. :bugeye:
My kids sleep with a married person, they are gonna hear about it. They stay in a relationship with an abusive person, I'm gonna say something. They sleep with 20+ a month, they are gonna hear about it.
I don't understand the whole "well, they are 18, so what can I do?" attitude. Parents can do a lot.

You're welcome to express your opinion regarding your grown offsprings behaviour. No doubt such a thing is important to you, since you're such a worthlessly opinionated individual.

But at the end of the day, once your child is of legal age, the ultimate decision rests in their hands. You can try to influence them by bitching, but if you try to dominate them too much, they might just cut contact. You should know this, you aren't exactly on good terms with your mother (from what I gather). Do you attempt to keep in touch with her? Spend lots of quality time together? Or do you stay as far away as possible, hoping that controlling old woman doesn't mess with you?

I mean, guys with homophobic parents have grown up to ream other guys in the ass, despite the fact that their parents probably disowned them. You think that once your daughter is adult, you can stop her from having a belly piercing? Dream on. Your iron grip will slip, and that's excellent. Part of being an adult is making your own stupid decisions, and taking the consequences. What a miserable life we would all lead if mummy and daddy dictated our every move until death.
???? So do you have a say or not? :shrug:
Maybe this is why I'm not understanding your point.

She's saying that a parent is welcome to input (aka. the right to express your opinion) on their grown child's decision, but at the end of the day the child will do whatever the fuck they want. Why is that concept so hard for you to grasp? :bugeye:
???? So do you have a say or not? :shrug:
Maybe this is why I'm not understanding your point.

wedo can have a say in what they do, but if they are absolutly sure that porn is where they want to go, then at the end of the day we can't do anything about it, i am sure has hell not going to disown my child because of what job they do
but they...

And shorty already has said "No to Porn"
Orleander has me on ignore
Bells hates me because I speak the truth she does not wants to hear
LA...she is a mom, she has more important things in life, then talking to me

That's right and I still say No to porn.
Yeah pretty much how I see it.

But don't mind me, I am just saying that because I never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, never had sex...and soon I will be 22. So porn or no porn, whatever. Softcore works for me. I guess women do find porn as entertaining sexually but it is not a need for them, like for men.

dude get a hooker. you need the incentive to chase some tail, you need to know how fun sex is.
I tell my kids no all the time. Every time we walk past the belly-button piercer in the mall, I turn to my daughter, stop, point, and say "NO!". Over and over they hear NO!
I am not about to say "go ahead and drink, you're gonna do it anyways. Go ahead and do drugs, you're gonna do it anyways. Go ahead and...."
When it comes to my kids, I am the law.

you're just showing them the forbidden fruit. i would have gotten a tattoo but my parents were cunning, when i brought it up as a young teen they said they wouldn't care, but they thought i'd regret it later. there was nothing for me to rebel against. of my friends with controlling parents, one rebels just to spite them, and the other is barely her own person, her parents run her whole life.

"when it comes to my kids, i am the law" - for now, maybe. keep dreaming, maybe.
you're just showing them the forbidden fruit. i would have gotten a tattoo but my parents were cunning, when i brought it up as a young teen they said they wouldn't care, but they thought i'd regret it later. there was nothing for me to rebel against. of my friends with controlling parents, one rebels just to spite them, and the other is barely her own person, her parents run her whole life.

"when it comes to my kids, i am the law" - for now, maybe. keep dreaming, maybe.

I know my kids will have a life of their own and make their own choices. That wasn't what I was disagreeing about. I was disagreeing with the part that as soon as they are 18, the parent has no say.

"well, if they want to work in a whore house, what can I do?" :shrug: NO! Have you read about the parents that manage their daughters porn career? How supportive of her daddy to make sure he is on every set watching his baby girl get gang banged. He just wants to make sure she's safe.

And how I dealt with my kids and tattoos, I explained how many needles are in a tat gun and how many times they will get stabbed. :D
Have you read about the parents that manage their daughters porn career? How supportive of her daddy to make sure he is on every set watching his baby girl get gang banged. He just wants to make sure she's safe.

Very concerned pimp... err.. Dad.
I was disagreeing with the part that as soon as they are 18, the parent has no say.

well at what point does someone become their own person? i like the idea that once they're mature enough you let them, but some parents won't recognise maturity, will be over-protective etc. i think once they're 18, as a parent you should help them by giving your honest opinions rather than controlling or coercing.

the parent maintains a voice, rather than final say.
in my mind...Asguard, no, in my belief girls do not have as great of a need for sex as men do. To girls sex is entertainment, not a need. And a way to get pregnant if they wish for it.


Women need sex just has much has men do, don't you think women get sexually frustrated aswell???