To Porn or Not to Porn?

Tell us, CutsieMarie, are you " aroused by a naked man"? Enquiring minds want to know....

lol. Well it depends what he is doing and how physically appealing I find him to be. The naked guys that I used to look at when I worked at the clinic... not so much. :p
cutsie is that because of there look though or because of clinical desensisation?

Actually clincal desesitsation is a good thing to be honest, it would be REALLY embarisioning to get aroused because we had to cut a young girls shirt off to shock her:p
cutsie is that because of there look though or because of clinical desensisation?

Actually clincal desesitsation is a good thing to be honest, it would be REALLY embarisioning to get aroused because we had to cut a young girls shirt off to shock her:p

Both. Even though I may not be sexually aroused by women I find the female form much more beautiful.
I'm a hypocrite when it comes to porn. I like watching it, but I would throw a holy hissy fit if either of my children wanted to do it.
i love how you compleatly ignore what females need. I guess in your mind girls dont like sex? dont need sex?
I think you're being a little hard on the Beaver. Porn is mostly made for men. His statement wasn't that outrageous at all. Remember my more porn=less rape thread?
Some members of this forum have an extreme aversion to porn. Feminists have suggested that porn causes women to be objectified and therefore increases sex crimes. A recent study shows just the opposite:

First, porn. What happens when more people view more of it? The rise of the Internet offers a gigantic natural experiment. Better yet, because Internet usage caught on at different times in different states, it offers 50 natural experiments.

The bottom line on these experiments is, "More Net access, less rape." A 10 percent increase in Net access yields about a 7.3 percent decrease in reported rapes. States that adopted the Internet quickly saw the biggest declines. And, according to Clemson professor Todd Kendall, the effects remain even after you control for all of the obvious confounding variables, such as alcohol consumption, police presence, poverty and unemployment rates, population density, and so forth.
That's a pretty powerful effect. Increase internet access 10% for a 7% drop in rape. Almost one to one. But, you might say, increased internet use doesn't necesarily mean increased use of porn! Maybe they're just surfing the web instead of out commiting crimes. Well, what about this:
OK, so we can at least tentatively conclude that Net access reduces rape. But that's a far cry from proving that porn access reduces rape. Maybe rape is down because the rapists are all indoors reading Slate or vandalizing Wikipedia. But professor Kendall points out that there is no similar effect of Internet access on homicide. It's hard to see how Wikipedia can deter rape without deterring other violent crimes at the same time. On the other hand, it's easy to imagine how porn might serve as a substitute for rape.​
Another thing about this study is that it belies the old myth about rape not being about sex. If rape isn't about sex, why should giving someone another outlet for their sexual urges decrease rape?
umm mad im sorry but i honestly have no idea what your talking about:( im involved in alot of threads at the moment

I looked through the thread and cant find ANY bever
umm mad im sorry but i honestly have no idea what your talking about:( im involved in alot of threads at the moment

I looked through the thread and cant find ANY beaver
Sorry for the confusion. Just a catch phase from that old TV show

Leave it to Beaver. I was actually refering to Dragon. You were being a bit hard on Dragon.
oh draqon. No i dont think i was being to harsh at all. As i said ask any of the women around here which of us is closer to being right. LA, and the origional thread starter have both said i was right for starters:p
I think you're being a little hard on the Beaver. Porn is mostly made for men. His statement wasn't that outrageous at all. Remember my more porn=less rape thread?

In regards to your previous thread about Net and rape...all the study showed was a 10% increase in Net access. A 7% decrease in REPORTED rapes does not equal a 7% decrease in ACTUAL rapes. Just because something isn't reported doesn't mean it doesn't happen. This study proves nothing. Unless they can prove the amount of actual rapes is decreased by Internet access (and then prove that it was further decreased by viewing of Porn via the Internet), I don't see how it is very relevant. Many studies have been done on whether porn creates sexual violence, just as studies have been done on whether increased video game violence increases violence in real life in children. Many people have different theories, but they are all conflicting. The point is, what makes one person think something because of what they saw and what makes the other person ACT on something they saw. There is a difference. My question is, whether porn negatively/positively influences men/women and if so, how? Do you actually think porn decreases rape?
also it doesnt prove in any way that rape is about sex not power. Lets say for aguments sake that your right and there was a 7% drop in rapes with a 10% increase (for argument sake) in porn.

Well porn is a huge catigory as is the reasons why people watch it. It could be a 10% increase in people watching kenderdy style girl on guy porn (which would suggest that your right) or it could be a 10% increase in guys who hate women and want to see them degraded watching full on female denigration (which would sugest that the sexual componant is secondry to the power componant). The only way to be sure would be to do a full randomised double blind trial and thats just not possable
also it doesnt prove in any way that rape is about sex not power. Lets say for aguments sake that your right and there was a 7% drop in rapes with a 10% increase (for argument sake) in porn.

Well porn is a huge catigory as is the reasons why people watch it. It could be a 10% increase in people watching kenderdy style girl on guy porn (which would suggest that your right) or it could be a 10% increase in guys who hate women and want to see them degraded watching full on female denigration (which would sugest that the sexual componant is secondry to the power componant). The only way to be sure would be to do a full randomised double blind trial and thats just not possable

I agree. If they could PROVE rape was decreased by Internet via porn viewing of whatever specified kind, why wouldn't they pimp it to all the pedophiles and rapists in prison and those on parole? Does viewing child pornography decrease child molestation? Many studies have said no. If porn was proven to help in the area of rape and molestation, you think it would have been noted and then put to use.
In regards to your previous thread about Net and rape...all the study showed was a 10% increase in Net access. A 7% decrease in REPORTED rapes does not equal a 7% decrease in ACTUAL rapes. Just because something isn't reported doesn't mean it doesn't happen. This study proves nothing. Unless they can prove the amount of actual rapes is decreased by Internet access (and then prove that it was further decreased by viewing of Porn via the Internet), I don't see how it is very relevant.
Do you have any reason whatsoever to predict that there would be a disparity in the effect internet access has on reported/unreported rape? Can you even come up with a theory as to why internet access would decrease reported rapes and not all rapes?

I can provide a theory as to why the effect of internet access would, in fact, be greatest on unreported rapes (which would mean that the effect of internet access is being understated in the study).

For instance, I would expect that acquaintance rapes/date rapes are the most likely to not be reported. These are the kinds of rapes most likely to be purely about sex. So the availability of another outlet for these urges should decrease these rapes the most.

That's just a theory, but it makes sence. Can you come up with any plausible reason that the population of unreported rapes would be affected in a way that would actually magnify this apparent effect? Or make it appear that there is a correlation when there isn't one?
Many studies have been done on whether porn creates sexual violence, just as studies have been done on whether increased video game violence increases violence in real life in children. Many people have different theories, but they are all conflicting.
The problem with most of those studies (re: Porn) is that they have some guy watching porn, getting all worked up, and not jacking off. Then they have him fill out a survey about his attitudes towards women. Of course a guy with blue balls will have negative attitudes towards women!

On the other hand, when a guy watches porn @ home, he's jacking off. When it's done, he's relieved.

The attitudes of a guy who just watched porn but didn't get to masterbate (as in most of these studies) is going to be quite different than when the guy watched porn in private.

I know from personal experience that a porno can seem incredibly fascinating before you cum, and seems idiotic a minute later.
My question is, whether porn negatively/positively influences men/women and if so, how?
The potential negative influence would be paying too much attention to porno and not enough to your real life partner. Also, it might decrease the motivation of those without a mate to go out and find one.
Do you actually think porn decreases rape?
Most definitely. Sex, in men @ least, is a hunger that grows the longer we've been denied. Take away the relief valve of porno, and those urges may well express themselves in less savory ways.
but they...

And shorty already has said "No to Porn"
Orleander has me on ignore
Bells hates me because I speak the truth she does not wants to hear
LA...she is a mom, she has more important things in life, then talking to me


What makes you think I hate you? I'd have to actually have liked you first to then hate you. No I don't hate you. I just think you're a bit of a loon who needs to get out more.

And yes, women enjoy, like, love, need and desire sex, as much as men do.

But it's ok if you want to think women don't like sex. Might make it easier for you seeing you're not getting any.:D
What makes you think I hate you? I'd have to actually have liked you first to then hate you.
I've never bought into that indifference is the opposite of love business. I hate Osama bin Ladin, and I never loved him. I hate beets, yet I never love them.

Nope, the opposite of love is hate and you don't need to have loved someone to hate them.
What makes you think I hate you? I'd have to actually have liked you first to then hate you. No I don't hate you. I just think you're a bit of a loon who needs to get out more.

And yes, women enjoy, like, love, need and desire sex, as much as men do.

But it's ok if you want to think women don't like sex. Might make it easier for you seeing you're not getting any.:D

you just confirmed my statement, Bells. I do however am thanksful to you for changing your avatar to a more moral one.
Porn should be used sparingly - lest you diminish your sensitivity and seek more devious stimulation.
Porn should be used sparingly - lest you diminish your sensitivity and seek more devious stimulation.

your right it shold, but porn can also be used has a tool for a better sex life!! and it should not be flamed for being bad and wrong, how many people have sex, why is it wrong to record it? why is it wrong to make films and sell them!!