To Porn or Not to Porn?

in my mind...Asguard, no, in my belief girls do not have as great of a need for sex as men do.

Just 'cos women don't want to do it with you, doesn't mean they don't want to do it with the rest of us.

Maybe if you stopped being such a loon you'd get more? Just an idea.
Just 'cos women don't want to do it with you, doesn't mean they don't want to do it with the rest of us.

Maybe if you stopped being such a loon you'd get more? Just an idea.

I dont need more sex in my life cause I aint got none and the only sex I aim for is my sole love.
I dont need more sex in my life cause I aint got none and the only sex I aim for is my sole love.

Then don't make speculations about the sexual urges of women, until you actually have some experience. Even then, it will a very small sample size, and of some freak that wants to get jiggy with a loon like you, so hardly representative of womankind. It's probably just best if you stay silent on the subject.
Then don't make speculations about the sexual urges of women, until you actually have some experience. Even then, it will a very small sample size, and of some freak that wants to get jiggy with a loon like you, so hardly representative of womankind. It's probably just best if you stay silent on the subject.

phlogistician I will not stay silent on the subject as the subject interests me everyday and I will surely speculate all I can about it since I have no experience in it at all. As for women, I find it that it is me who is not taking steps further for a more intimate relationship with them, I am too insecure currently. But at the same time I cannot just not think about it, because I got needs and so does everyone.
I mean, all my life I have been read and said of to be very courteous with girls, to not hurt them, not touch them, not violate their space, to not look at them too the point that I felt like they were these "bombs" or something and that if I did touch a girl or spoke to one she would explode and I would be sued or something. Plus I got this fear that a girl can sue me whenever she decides to...I mean lets say I am interested in a girl and we talk and than I do a handshake and than she calls it sexual harassment and I will be sued...I got no rights at all...I cant prove the the court that I never did it. Of course nothing like this happened to me, but an idea that it can makes me fear girls alltogether that I avoid them.
Whats putting them off is me not showing any interest in them whatsoever.

Like I said, coy, or disinterest works. There must be something else putting them off.

I feel like I am attracted to them sexually but I hate their personalities.

Ah yes, maybe they can tell you just want to fuck them, but not get to know them. It's your personality that puts them off then.
Jesus Draq. I've known you long enough here on sci to know that you can attract as much girl action as you can handle.

You can be a cheeky little bastard ( that can get heaps of attention)
You are naturally offbeat and witty( that can get heaps of attaention)
You are not physically unattractive in any way (unless of course you smell like predigested babyfood but I don't even think that's a problem)

Man, you are so on the cusp of being a sexual dynamo, just slap yourself in the face a couple of times, give yourself an uppercut for good measure, grwol at yourself in the mirror, don't shave for a week, whatever it takes to grizzle yourself up a bit and go out and pull yourself some that gorgeous honey out there..( Asian girl, Black girl, White girl, doesn't matter, just bloody well engage them in some conversation and repartee and have a good time)

p.s, the pre-requisite is to GO OUT..leave the scimorons to fight out whose shoulder chip is the larger.
I enjoyed Grey Bloke's take on internet porn.

There are only two kinds of men; men who enjoy looking at pretty women, and men who enjoy looking at other men. Men are visually oriented, which becomes obvious with a glance at any magazine rack. I once read that over half of the readership of Playgirl magazine were gay men. Women are free to have a female counterpart to Playboy, but most don't seem to be interested.

This American Life had an episode dedicated to testosterone, . The female to male transsexual's experience with it is very enlightening (and very much counter to social constructivist dogma).
so is there any actual physical harm done as a direct consequence of porn? The way I see it, it helps people out (men and women), many women don't mind doing it for the money, it probably does prevent potential rape cases.
I think the reason that Playgirl doesn't really sale with women is because (so I heard) women are not really all that aroused by a naked man unless they are involved in a sexual situation regardless of what the man is actually doing. As long as everyone is consenting I don't see anything wrong with porn and I don't think there is any link between porn and sexual crimes.
I think the reason that Playgirl doesn't really sale with women is because (so I heard) women are not really all that aroused by a naked man unless they are involved in a sexual situation regardless of what the man is actually doing. As long as everyone is consenting I don't see anything wrong with porn and I don't think there is any link between porn and sexual crimes.

Tell us, CutsieMarie, are you " aroused by a naked man"? Enquiring minds want to know....
in my mind...Asguard, no, in my belief girls do not have as great of a need for sex as men do. To girls sex is entertainment, not a need. And a way to get pregnant if they wish for it.

I wish.

I think if I went for more than 48 hours without, um, 'abusing myself', I'd end up in the insane asylum.
VI why do you wish you didnt want sex?

its natural and i find it sad that people call masterbation "self abuse". What a sad situation where enjoing onse self is concidered abuse
visceral, we don't want you in the insane asylum, perhaps you should up the frequency.

Seriously, sex is a natural and necessary part of life. Why do people, especially Americans, have such an issue with this? I mean, puritanical, maybe, but why instill such a mindset on our children?

I am new to SciForums, but this topic (sex, and all its permutations) seems to just beg the extremists here to gather armes. Is it that big a deal? Are none of you getting any?
VI why do you wish you didnt want sex?

its natural and i find it sad that people call masterbation "self abuse". What a sad situation where enjoing onse self is concidered abuse

I dont call masterbation "self abuse", more of a tedious need.

As for sex...I wish...I wish...ehhh whatever, I just want to find my true love for whole life to cherish.