To my beautiful Atheists

Crunchy Cat

F-in' *meow* baby!!!
Valued Senior Member
Hi guys,

I have two question for those of you whom were believers at one time and were later influenced by Atheists to drop the thought process of 'belief' as a means to understand reality:

1) What was the "critical moment" for you (assuming that makes sense to your situation) and how did the Atheist community assist you?

2) If you had an indoctrinated clone whom never encountered an Atheist, how would you choose to influence him/her?

As we all know, removing the 'belief' virus is tough once it has a strong foothold on an adult and I am curious as to what the most successful 'treatments' :) have been.

P.S. I really do appreciate the hard work all of you willingly engage on these forums. To embrace truth comes at a cost of being a minority and comes at a requirement of courage, committment, and risk taking. Kudo's to you all!
Is there an atheist communisty assisting in 'exorcisms'? I didn't think so. Maybe becoming an atheist is more the process of becoming a proper individual. It would seem weird to be assisted in this process by a group of like-minded atheists. It goes against the principle of thinking for yourself.
You might be right. I have also seen evidence that folks like SouthStar and MedicineWoman were influenced by Atheists on SciForums. It was an interesting comment about like-mindedness and thinking for yourself. I would speculate that trying to align your thought process to the way reality works could be a commonality between Atheists and at the same time it may change the addage 'think for yourself' to 'think like reality'.

SkinWalker posted an interesting link recently (some Atheists blog) and one of the references smashed ID to pieces and in the process indirectly showed that laziness of thought (not independence of thought) might be a core issue retarding the 'believer'.
Crunchy Cat said:
Hi guys,
I have two question for those of you whom were believers at one time and were later influenced by Atheists to drop the thought process of 'belief' as a means to understand reality:
never was influenced by anything but my own common sense.
Crunchy Cat said:
1) What was the "critical moment" for you (assuming that makes sense to your situation) and how did the Atheist community assist you?
thats hard to pin point, you study and study the holy books, slowly it dawns on you it all a load of BS, I had no help from anybody else, atheism is an individual thing, atheist are like minded though, after all it's is just a return, back to the natural state.
Crunchy Cat said:
2) If you had an indoctrinated clone whom never encountered an Atheist, how would you choose to influence him/her?
I would'nt but he/she would be afraid of me because unbelievers, are also indocrinated into them as heathen devil worshipers.
they have a fear of us, a very irrational fear, and we have'nt got to open our mouths.
Crunchy Cat said:
As we all know, removing the 'belief' virus is tough once it has a strong foothold on an adult and I am curious as to what the most successful 'treatments' :) have been.
education, but they have to educate themselves, they have to have a wish to know.
Crunchy Cat said:
P.S. I really do appreciate the hard work all of you willingly engage on these forums. To embrace truth comes at a cost of being a minority and comes at a requirement of courage, committment, and risk taking. Kudo's to you all!
geeser said:
never was influenced by anything but my own common sense. thats hard to pin point, you study and study the holy books, slowly it dawns on you it all a load of BS, I had no help from anybody else, atheism is an individual thing, atheist are like minded though, after all it's is just a return, back to the natural state.I would'nt but he/she would be afraid of me because unbelievers, are also indocrinated into them as heathen devil worshipers.
they have a fear of us, a very irrational fear, and we have'nt got to open our mouths. education, but they have to educate themselves, they have to have a wish to know.thanks.

Great response and great points geeser!
thedevilsreject said:
i was never influenced by anyone else, i drew my own conclusions about how dumb it was

Your message seems very much agreed upon by so far. It will be interesting to see what MW and SS might have to say.
Like it or not the supernatural belief system (religion) is built into the human psyche. You can deny it or fight it but your never going to change it.
spuriousmonkey said:
Is there an atheist communisty assisting in 'exorcisms'? I didn't think so. Maybe becoming an atheist is more the process of becoming a proper individual. It would seem weird to be assisted in this process by a group of like-minded atheists. It goes against the principle of thinking for yourself.

I think becoming what you are, and thinking for youself is a process of becoming a proper individual. For me it was about rejecting the materialistic assumptions of the scientific paradigm (which is my background), and searching for eudiamonia. I guess I am travelling the other way!
Atheists are like an English motorist who drives to France, insists on keeping the left side of the road, and mocks the French for driving on the right.

The fact of the matter is that commonsense leads to some form of religious belief, not to atheism. Just ask the people who made commonsense common.
It seems to me, ToR, that you are lacking social skills here. In a very mellow thread you suddenly start slinging insults, start polarizing, and go off on a tangent.
Crunchy Cat said:
You might be right. I have also seen evidence that folks like SouthStar and MedicineWoman were influenced by Atheists on SciForums. .

some people would be influenced to jumping out a second floor window after watching peter pan on tv...and your point is?
spuriousmonkey said:
It seems to me, ToR, that you are lacking social skills here. In a very mellow thread you suddenly start slinging insults, start polarizing, and go off on a tangent.

Ohh... I thought she was just behaving like an atheist.
Roman said:
Ohh... I thought she was just behaving like an atheist.

well spotted

For a young un you are very perceptive Roman and one of the few genuinely intelligent on here in that you do not have the 'sheep' mentality and can see the wood for the tree's. Thre is a great difference between well educated and intelligent.

Spurious glazed over the insults here re theists, ah yes I am crude in my insults, I must stop posting like a geeser.

Crunchy Cat said:
As we all know, removing the 'belief' virus is tough once it has a strong foothold on an adult and I am curious as to what the most successful 'treatments' :) have been.

spuriousmonkey said:
Maybe becoming an atheist is more the process of becoming a proper individual.

Crunchy Cat said:
You might be right. I have also seen evidence that folks like SouthStar and MedicineWoman were influenced by Atheists on SciForums. It was an interesting comment about like-mindedness and thinking for yourself. I would speculate that trying to align your thought process to the way reality works could be a commonality between Atheists and at the same time it may change the addage 'think for yourself' to 'think like reality'.

SkinWalker posted an interesting link recently (some Atheists blog) and one of the references smashed ID to pieces and in the process indirectly showed that laziness of thought (not independence of thought) might be a core issue retarding the 'believer'.

Oh how silly am I for finding the above patronising and offensive to 'believers' silly little me.
Man I feel lucky in some ways in that I was never indoctrinated. I was allowed to choose my own path and found what I have, which I enjoy.

Regardless, all choices have opportunity costs.
Theoryofrelativity said:
For a young un you are very perceptive Roman and one of the few genuinely intelligent on here in that you do not have the 'sheep' mentality and can see the wood for the tree's. Thre is a great difference between well educated and intelligent.

Haha, flattering, but it'd be more convincing were we not in agreement.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Oh how silly am I for finding the above patronising and offensive to 'believers' silly little me.

Given the thread title though, I presume the message was not intended for you eh?

Seems sort of silly to me to see a sign on a door that says "offensive language inside" and then walk through the door and become offended at the offensive language that's in there. No? Meh.
Roman said:
Haha, flattering, but it'd be more convincing were we not in agreement.

again, intelligent observation ;)

Note though how my point re vlaue of belief glazed over..irrelevant.

I think I'm also being unduly influenced by that 'banana'
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