To love God is to love Jews

How does one behave heterosexually? It's the same only you are with the same sex not the opposite sex.
So what your saying is people may freely rape my tasteful sense of sexuality?

Please stop. Dressing or acting provocatively does not amount to rape. But yes, people are free to offend you.

If you wish to show your interest in me come with friendship, not sexuality. Sexuality is not a driving factor in my life. I would prefer women to wear beautiful dresses over their shoulder, cleavage, and rump. To be worn loosely, and to stretch to the floor for twirling purposes.

There is a very long and winding avenue we could take here to address why it is you are so afraid of women that you require them to hide their figures, but I'm not a psychiatrist and my futon isn't big enough for these kinds of problems. Instead, I'll simply reiterate the question you continually dodge: What makes not dressing this way or acting this way immoral?

My crotch is freely stared at, daily. Balerion, some people rape other people. What can be said in relation to those who stare at my crotch freely with out my consent, knowledge, or choice and those who rape, or go on to rape others in a sexual manner?


It is very disturbing how you equate flirtation to rape. Here you even equate looking to rape.

You said I don't like to be hit on. NO MEANS NO.

You're still dodging the question, Knowledge91.

Why? I'd rather sit and wait for my love.

Okay, so that's your prerogative. This does not mean that others who would rather go out and try to actively find love are immoral. It just means they have a different approach.

I can get sex whenever I so desire. I do not seek it considering had she waited, how would I felt?

I can't understand the question.

So I guess what your getting at is we need public cleanliness law.

No, what I'm doing is showing you silly it is to condemn an action just because it spreads disease. And sex, just like any of the aforementioned activities, can be practiced with a degree of safety if certain precautions are taken.

A is pleased with a classy woman looking A in the eyes, proceeding to take her on a date, and seeing what happens, thats me being pleased.

B stares at my crotch for 5 minutes and goes home especially to wank it.

A, and B do not co-exist, who do we get rid of?

We get rid of neither. What you take offense to is of no particular consequence to anyone but you.

I didn't fiddle myself until my senior year in high school. Listen to the fucking radio. Go to a techno rave, kids see that shit.

Assuming that's true, most kids discover masturbation purely by accident. They brush against something, or touch themselves while in the tub or shower, and discover that hey, that feels kinda nice. You were probably taught from your childhood that such behavior was immoral, which would explain the negative stigma you associate with it. It would also explain why you want women all covered up in loose clothing; any temptation brings you closer to that evil deed.

This is why I say sexual suppression is harmful. Look at how you've turned out.

But sexual expression, that is silly! Get a room. I don't want to look at your butt in your tight jeans. Women as well.

Then don't look. According to you, it's as simple as that.

I am a tough guy.

No one who says they are actually is. I know this from experience.
Although Jesus was born a Jew, what he taught was, it was not the outer man that counted, or the mask, race, sex, creed, class, occupation, pagan, atheist, theists, etc., but it was the inner man. The inner man lies below these masks. These were the nice people who instinctive do good. These were called the children of the promise. Those who chose an outer man criteria like color, race, sex, religion, nice clothes, rock star, creed, philosophy were called the children of the bondwomen.

Although a Jew by blood and culture, Jesus rebelled against the outer man criteria which results in clannish behavior and intolerance for those who differ. Instead he opted for the inner man, who were spread out all over the earth; nice people.

A good analogy is picking a team for a sporting event. Do you chose you players based on race, color, last name, political party, etc., or based on who is the best at the sport regardless of superficial? Jesus picked his team in totally new way, based on the talent of good. This included Jews, gentiles, pagans, atheists, slaves, kings, etc.
Although Jesus was born a Jew, I think he was just a schizophrenic who's words people try to make sense of. I could take any schizophrenic off the street and I'm sure someone could make a coherent ideology from their rants.
Please stop. Dressing or acting provocatively does not amount to rape. But yes, people are free to offend you.

I have had it, Balerion. I am not to be looked at like that, I do not accept. It is rape, period. No means no. I will wear a name tag stating not to freely stare at my crotch.

Instead, I'll simply reiterate the question you continually dodge: What makes not dressing this way or acting this way immoral?

I do not care how you dress, it is not my business. HOWEVER, DO NOT FLAUNT YOURSELF AT ME OR STARE AT ME IN ANY WAY, ESPECIALLY MY CROTCH.

It is very disturbing how you equate flirtation to rape. Here you even equate looking to rape.

I did not do that, Balerion. I suggested a relationship between those who freely stare at anyone anywhere they want, and those who evade the word no.

Okay, so that's your prerogative. This does not mean that others who would rather go out and try to actively find love are immoral. It just means they have a different approach.

Hey man, if you want a different broad every night of the week, that is none of my business. However, do not use my image in any way to sexually arose yourself. Understand?

Assuming that's true, most kids discover masturbation purely by accident. They brush against something, or touch themselves while in the tub or shower, and discover that hey, that feels kinda nice. You were probably taught from your childhood that such behavior was immoral, which would explain the negative stigma you associate with it. It would also explain why you want women all covered up in loose clothing; any temptation brings you closer to that evil deed.

I love sex. I don't need to have your ass and boobies in my face all day.

No one who says they are actually is. I know this from experience.

But, I am.
Although Jesus was born a Jew, what he taught was, it was not the outer man that counted, or the mask, race, sex, creed, class, occupation, pagan, atheist, theists, etc., but it was the inner man. The inner man lies below these masks. These were the nice people who instinctive do good. These were called the children of the promise. Those who chose an outer man criteria like color, race, sex, religion, nice clothes, rock star, creed, philosophy were called the children of the bondwomen.

Although a Jew by blood and culture, Jesus rebelled against the outer man criteria which results in clannish behavior and intolerance for those who differ. Instead he opted for the inner man, who were spread out all over the earth; nice people.

A good analogy is picking a team for a sporting event. Do you chose you players based on race, color, last name, political party, etc., or based on who is the best at the sport regardless of superficial? Jesus picked his team in totally new way, based on the talent of good. This included Jews, gentiles, pagans, atheists, slaves, kings, etc.

That would be lovely, if true, but sadly the facts don't match the myth. It very much mattered to Jesus who you were and where you came from. In Matthew, Jesus refuses aid to a Canaanite woman on the grounds that he is only come to help the lost sheep of Israel. He likened helping her to taking bread from the children and feeding it to the dogs. It was only after she capitulated and worshiped him, saying that she asks only for crumbs from her master's table, that Jesus agreed to help.

The "team" Jesus constructed most certainly did not include atheists. In fact, he commanded people to physically remove themselves from the midst of unbelievers, presumably fearing that their unbelieving ways would rub off on the faithful. "Goodness" by Jesus' definition was analogous with following his word exactly, and any deviation from the script made you a fraud in his eyes.

There is no question Jesus changes the culture, but he doesn't do so in the way that you and so many other Christian apologists assert he does. This idea of "goodness" that gets bandied about today is not at all what Jesus was talking about. He didn't simply mean being a good person. The implication of this is that Jesus was not the great moralist that you seem to think he was.
Yes there will be formerly Homosexual people in eternity with God. Why because they will be forgiven their sins because they have acknowledged their sins as sins and trusted in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus for their sins.

Of course homosexuals that don't acknowledge their sins as sin will not be forgiven them.

The same systems works for all men, me and you included.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Please, Adstar. Use your head. I have an openly gay co-worker, I'll give hell to get that dude in.

What is any way is your reply related to what i posted???? Can anyone see how kx000 statement here addresses the quote?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What is any way is your reply related to what i posted???? Can anyone see how kx000 statement here addresses the quote?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

He could be saying that if he is ready to go hell so that his co-worker may be forgiven, then what is God
prepared to do. If that is his point, then it's a good one.

Adstar said:
Please quote where i said God hates gay people? ... You won't

You are a Christian, that signifies you as part of the Christian brotherhood. Your pastors speak for you, you see how this is?

Again your reply has Nothing to do with what i posted. Can you read my posts? Can you decipher them? Or do you just cut and paste something I said and then put down anything you feel like saying that is totally unrelated to the quote?

I have no Pastor by the way. It's about time you stopped assuming things about other people and start actually dealing with what they say, rather than making a straw man so you can burn it.

Adstar said:
God so loved sinners that He came to this world as the Word of God in flesh and suffered death to Redeem sinners, and gay people are sinners. So God loves gay people. However He looks upon the sexual act of homosexuality as an abomination.

Prove he feels this way. Extra-biblical source only.

Exra-biblical source? NO. The Bible is the revealed Word of God and in it God reveals that the homosexual sex is an abomination to Him. End of story. No other source is needed.

They are fine, have gay sex. Have your loving partner, we want you all to be happy, please. OH. NO SEGREGATES! ADOPT!!! Adstar, some people prefer the same sex.

Yes and they shall have eternity is torment in the lake of Fire if they do not believe God and have the Atonement of the Messiah Jesus to cover their sin.

Believe me, I will speak for the gay.

I will speak for God and you can speak against God and tell lies that will lead gay people into the pit. Your friendship to gays is like a poison knife in the back. The gays that listen to your lies are headed for death.

You, God, Jesus, and I. They may be amongst us and share in our heavenly adventures. If you have a problem with this it is you who see's his way out. Understand.

They will share with me eternity with God if the repent of their sin and believe Jesus. If they believe people like you they will have eternity in the Lake of Fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
He could be saying that if he is ready to go hell so that his co-worker may be forgiven, then what is God
prepared to do. If that is his point, then it's a good one.


If that's what he is saying then He is not a worthy sacrifice that would save them by Him going to hell. But anyway kx000 is stating that his gay co-worker is not sinning so why would kx000 offer himself as a saving sacrifice to go to hell if his gay co-worker is not sinning by engaging in homosexual sexual intercourse? Something is not adding up here.

As For God. God came down to earth into a Flesh body and while being perfect and sinless suffered death to pay for the sins of Kx000's co-worker. But as you should know by now Gods offer must be accepted if Kx000's co-worker wants to have it. How sad that this gay co-worker has kx000 as a human representative of God, telling him sweet little lies that will lead him to eternal death.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

I'm not sure if my comment was what he meant, but let's say it was for the purpose of discussion.

If that's what he is saying then He is not a worthy sacrifice that would save them by Him going to hell.

But the sentiment and conviction is worthy though.
So if a mere human can be so selfless, and prepared to give up his life for his friend, then what can God

But anyway kx000 is stating that his gay co-worker is not sinning so why would kx000 offer himself as a saving sacrifice to go to hell if his gay co-worker is not sinning by engaging in homosexual sexual intercourse? Something is not adding up here.

Good point.

As For God. God came down to earth into a Flesh body and while being perfect and sinless suffered death to pay for the sins of Kx000's co-worker.

I don't see how Jesus' death pay's for our sins?
Can you explain?

But as you should know by now Gods offer must be accepted if Kx000's co-worker wants to have it. How sad that this gay co-worker has kx000 as a human representative of God, telling him sweet little lies that will lead him to eternal death.

Let's say that kx00 offer was genuine, I would say it goes beyond the tennets of a particular religious movement. The mere act of such selflessness is a qualification. Wasn't that one of the qualities of Jesus?

I think if a person is truly endowed with that quality, they can make an appeal not only to the gay man, but to God.

If that's what he is saying then He is not a worthy sacrifice that would save them by Him going to hell. But anyway kx000 is stating that his gay co-worker is not sinning so why would kx000 offer himself as a saving sacrifice to go to hell if his gay co-worker is not sinning by engaging in homosexual sexual intercourse? Something is not adding up here.

As For God. God came down to earth into a Flesh body and while being perfect and sinless suffered death to pay for the sins of Kx000's co-worker. But as you should know by now Gods offer must be accepted if Kx000's co-worker wants to have it. How sad that this gay co-worker has kx000 as a human representative of God, telling him sweet little lies that will lead him to eternal death.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

Gays love too, my man.

I'm not sure if my comment was what he meant, but let's say it was for the purpose of discussion.

But the sentiment and conviction is worthy though.
So if a mere human can be so selfless, and prepared to give up his life for his friend, then what can God

Good point.

I don't see how Jesus' death pay's for our sins?
Can you explain?

Let's say that kx00 offer was genuine, I would say it goes beyond the tennets of a particular religious movement. The mere act of such selflessness is a qualification. Wasn't that one of the qualities of Jesus?

I think if a person is truly endowed with that quality, they can make an appeal not only to the gay man, but to God.


Thank you for your response. Faith, baby, yea.
But the sentiment and conviction is worthy though.
So if a mere human can be so selfless, and prepared to give up his life for his friend, then what can God

Well the sentiment is backed up by scripture.

John 15
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

So it is a good sentiment. But my point is also valid, we are not talking about saving a physical life in the here and now. We are talking about saving alife into eternity in a perfect existence. Only a perfect sacrifice can secure that one.

I don't see how Jesus' death pay's for our sins?
Can you explain?

The price of sin is death, eternal death. But the death of a perfect being can pay the price of death on all whom believe and trust in that perfect life's sacrifice.

Now that may not explain things to you enough to understand, if so then i am sorry but i can only give what i have to give on the matter.

Adstar said:
But as you should know by now Gods offer must be accepted if Kx000's co-worker wants to have it. How sad that this gay co-worker has kx000 as a human representative of God, telling him sweet little lies that will lead him to eternal death

Let's say that kx00 offer was genuine, I would say it goes beyond the tennets of a particular religious movement. The mere act of such selflessness is a qualification. Wasn't that one of the qualities of Jesus?

Well in fact it is a part of the Christian tenants. But maybe not in a way that most would know. As a Christian i am called on to love my enemy even up to the point of accepting being killed by them instead of killing them to save my life. Christians should be prepared to die so that their killers should live and have a chance to repent. If i kill my enemy who is out to kill me. He not only dies a physical death he dies an eternal death because At heart he is a murderer who was intent on killing me.

I think if a person is truly endowed with that quality, they can make an appeal not only to the gay man, but to God.

No. No matter how righteous someone is they can never be perfect like God, so they cannot wish someone into eternity with God. If we Christians could do that then you would rarely see a Christian like me on the net speaking out for the Gospel. Christians would be spending hours going through phone books saying prayers of salvation for people one at a time. Just like the mormons spend hours going through genealogical records and grabbing names of dead people and baptizing them in the temple to save them.

All Praise The Ancient of Days