To love God is to love Jews

At the time it would have been obedient to carry out the will of God. They where carrying out the wrath of God. But this does not change the truth in the Words of Jesus to love our neighbor.

Sure it does. It makes them hypocritical and empty. Leaving that aside, though, and leaving aside the fact that Jesus' injunction makes love compulsory and therefore steals from it any beauty or meaning whatsoever, in the context of both testaments the message becomes "Love thy neighbor unless I tell you not to." Even you must see how his words are diminished in that light.

That episode is over there is no call from God to His people to go kill the descendants of the Amalekites today.

That's because they're all dead. If we were to discover one today, though, you would claim to be justified in killing him. (Or her, I suppose. Though if we're going by biblical history, murder would only be the last crime you'd commit against her person)

There is no biblical record of Mary ascending into heaven. As far as i know only an abomination known as the catholic church believes that.

There are several Christian denominations which believe in the Assumption, and their number amounts to something like three quarters of all Christians in the world, give or take.

The rapture will happen on the day of the return of the Messiah Jesus. But i am scratching my head as to why you mentioned this at all? It has no relevance to my post as far as i can see.

Really? You said the body was irrelevant, yet most Christians believe that Mary ascended bodily into heaven, just about all believe Jesus did the same, and as far as I know every Christian is anticipating an event in which everyone will ascend bodily into heaven.

And as I said, your genetic makeup mattered if you were an Amalekite, so your charge that it doesn't matter is factually inaccurate.

Weird. Why right stuff when you do not even understand why you're doing it?

You mean "why write stuff?" Or are you just asking me why I have the right stuff? To the first, I understand perfectly well why I wrote it. If the point eludes you, my condolences, but I think I've made myself clear at the risk of repeating myself. To the second I can only say that some people got it, an' some people ain't got it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What's interesting is that you go to the bother of typing that out at the end of every post. Is it, like, a slogan, or more of an OCD thing? Maybe I'll give it a try. Let's see...

All Blaze the Purple of Haze.
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Sure it does. It makes them hypocritical and empty. Leaving that aside, though, and leaving aside the fact that Jesus' injunction makes love compulsory and therefore steals from it any beauty or meaning whatsoever, in the context of both testaments the message becomes "Love thy neighbor unless I tell you not to." Even you must see how his words are diminished in that light.

No Hypocrisy at all. The death penalty is in place for people who sin against God, Back in the days when the Hebrews carried out the death penalty against the Amalekites. The only difference being that in those days God used the Hebrews like a sword to carry out His judgement while today people await the resurrection to be judged and all who sin without accessing the forgiveness of God will suffer the ultimate consequence.

This does not effect the call of Jesus upon His followers to love people and not to carry out judgements as the Hebrews did. So His words are not diminished we show love and provide an avenue for people to come to Jesus and have eternal life with Him. That's Love.

That's because they're all dead. If we were to discover one today, though, you would claim to be justified in killing him. (Or her, I suppose. Though if we're going by biblical history, murder would only be the last crime you'd commit against her person)

Well as far as i can remember they brought back from the war many who became servants of the Jews so there probably are people alive today with Amalekite blood in them. But again i would not seek to kill them even if i could identify them because Jesus told me not to kill anyone.

There are several Christian denominations which believe in the Assumption, and their number amounts to something like three quarters of all Christians in the world, give or take.

So? There are a lot of misguided people who believe in doctrines of men. Would not matter to me if 99% believed Mary assumption, they would be wrong. And as i do not recognize catholicism as Christianity, what they believe is irrelevant in regards to the true will of God.

Really? You said the body was irrelevant,

No i said the genetic make up of people and the body of Jesus is irrelevant. Different thing. And when we are raptured our bodies will be changed so we shall not have the bodies we have now anyway.

yet most Christians believe that Mary ascended bodily into heaven,

No Christians believe that.

just about all believe Jesus did the same,

Christians believe that.

and as far as I know every Christian is anticipating an event in which everyone will ascend bodily into heaven.

Some believe that. Some believe we will be like ghosts in eternity not having bodies. Scriptures point to a rapture into the sky to meet Jesus upon the time of His second coming. And we shall be coming right back down to earth with him to rule the this world for 1000 years.

And as I said, your genetic makeup mattered if you were an Amalekite, so your charge that it doesn't matter is factually inaccurate.

And you're mixing two totally different issues into one and making out that i am saying something that i never said.

You mean "why write stuff?" Or are you just asking me why I have the right stuff? To the first, I understand perfectly well why I wrote it. If the point eludes you, my condolences, but I think I've made myself clear at the risk of repeating myself. To the second I can only say that some people got it, an' some people ain't got it.

You are the one who has got things mixed up and have gone off in a totally unrelated tangent of your own construction.

What's interesting is that you go to the bother of typing that out at the end of every post. Is it, like, a slogan, or more of an OCD thing? Maybe I'll give it a try. Let's see...

All Blaze the Purple of Haze.

It is a call to praise the Ancient of Days the eternal God of Abraham who is worthy of all praise. And if you can read it why can't you type it? Maybe you're just showing your lack of reading ability? You have already shown how mixed up you are about what i have typed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No Hypocrisy at all. The death penalty is in place for people who sin against God, Back in the days when the Hebrews carried out the death penalty against the Amalekites. The only difference being that in those days God used the Hebrews like a sword to carry out His judgement while today people await the resurrection to be judged and all who sin without accessing the forgiveness of God will suffer the ultimate consequence.

So your argument is basically that hypocrisy is not hypocrisy. That essentially what you're saying here. God commanded his people not to kill, then commanded them to kill. That's hypocrisy. You can't just pretend it isn't.

This does not effect the call of Jesus upon His followers to love people and not to carry out judgements as the Hebrews did. So His words are not diminished we show love and provide an avenue for people to come to Jesus and have eternal life with Him. That's Love.

...except when the Pharisees came to him and get a tongue-lashing for ignoring God's command to put to death any child who does not honor their mother or father.

Compulsory love under the threat of death is not love. It's totalitarianism. It's singing the praises of Dear Leader because you don't want to end up in a dark cell somewhere.

Well as far as i can remember they brought back from the war many who became servants of the Jews so there probably are people alive today with Amalekite blood in them. But again i would not seek to kill them even if i could identify them because Jesus told me not to kill anyone.

Samuel says they were all slaughtered. Chronicles 1 says the ones who got away were eventually killed by the Simeonites. You're not likely to run into any today, but the command to exterminate them was given by God, so you wouldn't be a good Christian if you didn't finish the job.

So? There are a lot of misguided people who believe in doctrines of men. Would not matter to me if 99% believed Mary assumption, they would be wrong. And as i do not recognize catholicism as Christianity, what they believe is irrelevant in regards to the true will of God.

Whether you recognize Catholicism as Christianity is irrelevant. The fact remains that they are Christians, and as a result most Christians believe in the bodily assumption of Mary.

But supposing they didn't, it wouldn't change the fact that your body is not inconsequential as you contend. If it were, then why the bodily assumption of Jesus? Why the bodily assumption of everyone at the Rapture? Why the racial preferences and discrimination found in the bible?

No i said the genetic make up of people and the body of Jesus is irrelevant. Different thing. And when we are raptured our bodies will be changed so we shall not have the bodies we have now anyway.

Says who? There's no scriptural reference to a changing of our bodies.

No Christians believe that.

Yes they do. There are several denominations who do, and not all of them are Catholic. But even if they were all Catholic, it wouldn't make them any less Christian just because you say so.

Some believe that. Some believe we will be like ghosts in eternity not having bodies. Scriptures point to a rapture into the sky to meet Jesus upon the time of His second coming. And we shall be coming right back down to earth with him to rule the this world for 1000 years.

Who believe this? And why? And what good are ghosts going to be if they're going to accompany him back to earth, as you seem to believe?

Makes no sense.

And you're mixing two totally different issues into one and making out that i am saying something that i never said.

You said Jesus's genetic makeup was irrelevant. This is untrue, and is discredited in scripture. If it didn't matter what form Jesus took, then why wasn't he born to a tribe of Olmecs? Why wasn't he born a Roman? Why wasn't he born a woman?

You are the one who has got things mixed up and have gone off in a totally unrelated tangent of your own construction.

Not at all.

It is a call to praise the Ancient of Days the eternal God of Abraham who is worthy of all praise. And if you can read it why can't you type it? Maybe you're just showing your lack of reading ability? You have already shown how mixed up you are about what i have typed.

You said yourself before that you use it because you think it looks cool. And I can type it, but I'm looking for one of my own.

Who Pays for the Yogurt Parfaits.
I believe in God, and angels, but all organized religion has lost its way. How does God, who"created" all, including women, and homosexuals, hate those before mentioned? :confused:

I do not belong to a church.

I think God hates the pointlessnes of condeming oneself and ones whole lineage, the karmic cycle, because a geezer wanted shag another geezer, or he wanted to shag his brothers/neighbours wife.

So your argument is basically that hypocrisy is not hypocrisy. That essentially what you're saying here. God commanded his people not to kill, then commanded them to kill. That's hypocrisy. You can't just pretend it isn't.

No i am saying in the OT the penalty of sin was death and in the NT the penalty of sin is death.. Nothing has changed on that score. The only change is the the way the law is carried out. This is not hypocracy because the law still stands.

It matters now who is tasked with the job of carrying out the execution.

...except when the Pharisees came to him and get a tongue-lashing for ignoring God's command to put to death any child who does not honor their mother or father.

The Pharisees came to who? When?

Compulsory love under the threat of death is not love. It's totalitarianism. It's singing the praises of Dear Leader because you don't want to end up in a dark cell somewhere.

Compulsory love? Where?

Samuel says they were all slaughtered. Chronicles 1 says the ones who got away were eventually killed by the Simeonites. You're not likely to run into any today, but the command to exterminate them was given by God, so you wouldn't be a good Christian if you didn't finish the job.

I would be in rebellion against the teachings of Jesus if i tried to finish the job. As Jesus and God are one i would be in rebellion against the will of God.

Whether you recognize Catholicism as Christianity is irrelevant. The fact remains that they are Christians, and as a result most Christians believe in the bodily assumption of Mary.

Whether you recognize catholicism as Christianity is irrelevant. I am a Christian i know what a Christianity is, and catholicism is not Christianity. See i can make statements too.

But supposing they didn't, it wouldn't change the fact that your body is not inconsequential as you contend. If it were, then why the bodily assumption of Jesus? Why the bodily assumption of everyone at the Rapture? Why the racial preferences and discrimination found in the bible?

A BODY is not inconsequential.

But my body as it now is (Faulty and corrupt) is inconsequential. I shall receive a new incorruptible body upon the resurrection/rapture.

Jesus was born through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore Jesus did not have a faulty nature therefore Jesus was risen in His perfect body. He never needed a new one His old one was perfect as He is Perfect.

Racial preferences and discrimination? Where did that question come from? Why did you tag it onto the end of the rest of that paragraph? An entirely different issue. God chose to work through the Descendants of Abraham for His purpose, not their purpose. The Hebrews where in fact chosen to be made an example out of and through them the will of God was made known to the world. It was not a racists selection of i am going to chose you because your superior to others. It was a case of you're in the right place on the globe and this is the right time, so you will serve my purpose.

Says who? There's no scriptural reference to a changing of our bodies.

Says the scriptures. Have you ever read what you oppose?

1 Corinthians 15
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

So we are going to be changed in a twinkling of an eye from our corruptible mortal flesh and blood bodies into incorruptible and immortal bodies at the last trumpet. That's the last one in the book of Revelation the 7th.

Yes they do. There are several denominations who do, and not all of them are Catholic. But even if they were all Catholic, it wouldn't make them any less Christian just because you say so.

Again they are not Christians.

Who believe this? And why? And what good are ghosts going to be if they're going to accompany him back to earth, as you seem to believe?

Makes no sense.

We will not be ghosts we shall be like Jesus physical beings with bodies but changed into incorruptible immortal bodies just like Jesus had when he acceded into Heaven. Jesus did not go up as a ghost and He will not return as a ghost. But he will rule the nations with an IRON ROD and we shall rule for 1000 years with Him.

Revelation 20
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

You said Jesus's genetic makeup was irrelevant. This is untrue, and is discredited in scripture. If it didn't matter what form Jesus took, then why wasn't he born to a tribe of Olmecs? Why wasn't he born a Roman? Why wasn't he born a woman?

Jesus is God and existed since the beginning He is the Word of God. So when He came down and took on a flesh body He did not inherit the sin nature of of the human He came into "Mary" therefore the Body of Jesus could have developed in any woman on earth but He would not have inherited that woman's faulty sin nature. So Jesus genetic makeup was unique. Mary was not his genetic mother. The Body of Jesus was the work of the Holy Spirit. And again Since God chose to work His purpose through the Hebrews who lived on the crossroads of civilization, Jesus came into the world in flesh form among that people thereby fulfilling prophecy of the Messiah.

You said yourself before that you use it because you think it looks cool. And I can type it, but I'm looking for one of my own.

Who Pays for the Yogurt Parfaits.

Well do so and show some creativity and individuality instead of showing yourself to be a pathetic person who thinks it's smart to right a lame parody of someone else work.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
No Hypocrisy at all. The death penalty is in place for people who sin against God,

What are your views on homosexuality, sir. God is displeased with gay bashing, and race bashing. It's getting silly.

So? There are a lot of misguided people who believe in doctrines of men. Would not matter to me if 99% believed Mary assumption, they would be wrong. And as i do not recognize catholicism as Christianity, what they believe is irrelevant in regards to the true will of God.

The will of God is what exactly?

And we shall be coming right back down to earth with him to rule the this world for 1000 years.

What is this scripture? Book, and verse, please. Its in Revelation, anywhere else I can learn about the 1000 year rule of Christ?
No i am saying in the OT the penalty of sin was death and in the NT the penalty of sin is death.. Nothing has changed on that score. The only change is the the way the law is carried out. This is not hypocracy because the law still stands.

And I'm saying it's hypocrisy to command people to abstain from killing and then command them to kill, which is exactly what the bible does.

It matters now who is tasked with the job of carrying out the execution.

What are you talking about?

The Pharisees came to who? When?

They came to Jesus in Mathew 15.

Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, 2 “Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.”

3 He answered and said to them, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? 4 For God commanded, saying, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; [a] and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.' 5 But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God”— 6 then he need not honor his father or mother.’[c] Thus you have made the commandment[d] of God of no effect by your tradition. 7 Hypocrites!

Compulsory love? Where?

What do you mean "where?" Christians are commanded to love one another and God under penalty of death.

Is it that you don't understand the word "compulsory," or are you really going to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about 30-something uses of the word later?

I would be in rebellion against the teachings of Jesus if i tried to finish the job. As Jesus and God are one i would be in rebellion against the will of God.

And you'd also be doing exactly what he commanded. That's the point. It's hypocritical and self-contradictory.

Whether you recognize catholicism as Christianity is irrelevant. I am a Christian i know what a Christianity is, and catholicism is not Christianity. See i can make statements too.

But your statement is not based on anything except your desire for Catholicism to not be considered a part of Christianity. What you're saying here is no different than "My left arm is shorter than my right arm, therefore it is not my arm." It wouldn't matter whether or not you think it's your arm or not; what matters is that it's an appendage that attached to the shoulder, has an elbow hinge somewhere in the middle, and a hand with five fingers at the end.

A BODY is not inconsequential.

But my body as it now is (Faulty and corrupt) is inconsequential. I shall receive a new incorruptible body upon the resurrection/rapture.

Jesus was born through the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore Jesus did not have a faulty nature therefore Jesus was risen in His perfect body. He never needed a new one His old one was perfect as He is Perfect.

The scripture does not say your body will change, it simply says you will be changed. You've decided to interpret it in a specific manner which was not intended.

Racial preferences and discrimination? Where did that question come from? Why did you tag it onto the end of the rest of that paragraph? An entirely different issue. God chose to work through the Descendants of Abraham for His purpose, not their purpose. The Hebrews where in fact chosen to be made an example out of and through them the will of God was made known to the world. It was not a racists selection of i am going to chose you because your superior to others. It was a case of you're in the right place on the globe and this is the right time, so you will serve my purpose.

That you don't think that qualifies as bigotry boggles my mind. Israelites are the master race of the bible. How about this little exchange from Mathew 15?

2 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.

23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.

26 But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.

28 Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

First he dismisses her because "I ain't here for you," calls her a dog, and only helps her after she agrees that she's a dog and table scraps are enough for her. All because she isn't an Israelite.

So we are going to be changed in a twinkling of an eye from our corruptible mortal flesh and blood bodies into incorruptible and immortal bodies at the last trumpet. That's the last one in the book of Revelation the 7th.

As I said already, that's an interesting interpretation of the verse, in that it says nothing of the body, yet you choose to interpret it that way.

Again they are not Christians.

Again, yes they are.

We will not be ghosts we shall be like Jesus physical beings with bodies but changed into incorruptible immortal bodies just like Jesus had when he acceded into Heaven. Jesus did not go up as a ghost and He will not return as a ghost. But he will rule the nations with an IRON ROD and we shall rule for 1000 years with Him.

I hadn't realized you were relying on such a wonky, liberal interpretation of the few passages you actually know. But I suppose that a limited and incorrect understanding of the faith is more common than the alternative. For instance, you don't even seem to be aware that you belong to a very small sect of Christians that believe in a literal interpretation of Jesus' 1000-year reign. You even apparently believe he'd literally rule with an iron rod.

Jesus is God and existed since the beginning He is the Word of God. So when He came down and took on a flesh body He did not inherit the sin nature of of the human He came into "Mary" therefore the Body of Jesus could have developed in any woman on earth but He would not have inherited that woman's faulty sin nature. So Jesus genetic makeup was unique. Mary was not his genetic mother. The Body of Jesus was the work of the Holy Spirit. And again Since God chose to work His purpose through the Hebrews who lived on the crossroads of civilization, Jesus came into the world in flesh form among that people thereby fulfilling prophecy of the Messiah.

This is obviously all nonsense, since, if Jesus really did exist, he was human and shared the genetic code of his parents. But if we're trying to keep some internal consistency to the biblical tales, then if Jesus isn't Joseph's son, then the prophecy hasn't been fulfilled. The Messiah was supposed to be (or is supposed to be, I should say, since the Jews are still waiting on him) a descendant of King David. Well, Joseph is of David's line, not Mary, so cutting Joseph out the equation eliminates any claim Jesus would have to being of the Davidic line, despite all the mentions of him being of David's line "by flesh," which is another way of saying "by birth."

There are some apologists who claim that it was in fact Mary who was of David's line, but I've never really followed that thread enough to say one way or the other. Even if she was, it would only go to prove my point that the body was imperative to Judeo-Christian mythology. In order for Jesus to be Jesus, he had to be be born of the line of David. It couldn't have been a Chinese rice farmer, or a Nubian trader, or a Roman general. The blood was what mattered.

Well do so and show some creativity and individuality instead of showing yourself to be a pathetic person who thinks it's smart to right a lame parody of someone else work.

Calling me pathetic while for the second time in this conversation misspelling "write" as "right" is ill-advised. It only makes you look bad.

All Graze the Articulate Maze
What are your views on homosexuality, sir. God is displeased with gay bashing, and race bashing. It's getting silly.

My views? My views are of no consequence to me. Gods view is what matters in the end.

If a man has sexual intercourse with another man it is an abomination to God. people who do such things are worthy of death. That being the eternal death penalty.

Oh and i have never bashed any gays.

The will of God is what exactly?

I refer you to the Bible.

What is this scripture? Book, and verse, please. Its in Revelation, anywhere else I can learn about the 1000 year rule of Christ?

Yes there descriptions of it in the OT books. ummm one would be Zechariah 14 the chapter deals with the second coming of Jesus and what will happen on the earth after that time in the 1000 year kingdom on earth.

Ezekiel 38 deals with the kingdom but towards the last days of the Kingdom at the end of the 1000 years. This aligns well with the latter chapters of Revelation 20.

The book of Revelation chapter 20 deals with the 1000 year kingdom also.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If a man has sexual intercourse with another man it is an abomination to God. people who do such things are worthy of death. That being the eternal death penalty.

Oh and i have never bashed any gays.

Erm...pretty sure saying that all gays are worthy of the death penalty counts as gay bashing.
My views? My views are of no consequence to me. Gods view is what matters in the end.

If a man has sexual intercourse with another man it is an abomination to God. people who do such things are worthy of death. That being the eternal death penalty.

Oh and i have never bashed any gays.

And God would be the abomination.

Yes there descriptions of it in the OT books. ummm one would be Zechariah 14 the chapter deals with the second coming of Jesus and what will happen on the earth after that time in the 1000 year kingdom on earth.

Ezekiel 38 deals with the kingdom but towards the last days of the Kingdom at the end of the 1000 years. This aligns well with the latter chapters of Revelation 20.

The book of Revelation chapter 20 deals with the 1000 year kingdom also.


All Praise The Ancient Of Days[/QUOTE]
Erm...pretty sure saying that all gays are worthy of the death penalty counts as gay bashing.

Its not ok Adstar, you have to see it our way. The bible is far from empirical, and homosexuals are just like us, but gay. Adstar, if God created all, why create same-sex people, or hermaphrodites?

Im a straight man, but I have many gay friends living here in the SF Bay Area. Its safe to say given a heaven, they will be there. Not all gay people, some are whores.
Its not ok Adstar, you have to see it our way. The bible is far from empirical, and homosexuals are just like us, but gay. Adstar, if God created all, why create same-sex people, or hermaphrodites?

Im a straight man, but I have many gay friends living here in the SF Bay Area. Its safe to say given a heaven, they will be there. Not all gay people, some are whores.

So what? Since when is being promiscuous immoral?
So what? Since when is being promiscuous immoral?

Its offensive. From men, or women, it is not okay.

Sorry. I didn't need to add that some gay men are whores, that is a given for men straight, gay, women alike. All sexual class has whores to compete with.
Its offensive. From men, or women, it is not okay.

Sorry. I didn't need to add that some gay men are whores, that is a given for men straight, gay, women alike. All sexual class has whores to compete with.

What does your taking offense have to do with the morality of promiscuity? Why is it not okay?
Definition, please.

Of what? Promiscuity?

Is it really so hard to look it up for yourself? I mean, you're already on the internet. Geez.

Promiscuity means to be promiscuous. Promiscuous means "characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis."

In other words, "being a whore." Unless you meant "whore" in the literal sense, as in "prostitute." But even then, my question stands: Why is it not okay? Why does it matter if you're offended by the behavior?

If a man has sexual intercourse with another man it is an abomination to God. people who do such things are worthy of death. That being the eternal death penalty.

What's God all flustered about?

Is he struggling with his own sexuality?
Of what? Promiscuity?

Is it really so hard to look it up for yourself? I mean, you're already on the internet. Geez.

Promiscuity means to be promiscuous. Promiscuous means "characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis."

In other words, "being a whore." Unless you meant "whore" in the literal sense, as in "prostitute." But even then, my question stands: Why is it not okay? Why does it matter if you're offended by the behavior?

I wanted to know what you meant using that word. People flaunt themselves at me constantly, it is not okay.