To love God is to love Jews


What's God all flustered about?

Is he struggling with his own sexuality?

Dont mock, James, you know the folly of Adstar. A creator God who hates gay people, whom he created. This is illogical. Just like saving Moses, and killing Jesus.

Adstar, I believe in God, Jesus, archangels, angels, afterlife, demons, the in between, but I by no means will accept KJB holy true and divine fully. Answer me this. Had you never heard of the KJB, would you believe against gay people.

Don't you have a problem with gay people being left behind?! I do. They are worthy of us.
Erm...pretty sure saying that all gays are worthy of the death penalty counts as gay bashing.

All human beings are sinners and worthy of death. That's the message of the scriptures.

It's not bashing humanity. It's just the truth.

All Praise the Ancient of Days
Its not ok Adstar, you have to see it our way. The bible is far from empirical, and homosexuals are just like us, but gay. Adstar, if God created all, why create same-sex people, or hermaphrodites?

Im a straight man, but I have many gay friends living here in the SF Bay Area. Its safe to say given a heaven, they will be there. Not all gay people, some are whores.

Yes there will be formerly Homosexual people in eternity with God. Why because they will be forgiven their sins because they have acknowledged their sins as sins and trusted in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus for their sins.

Of course homosexuals that don't acknowledge their sins as sin will not be forgiven them.

The same systems works for all men, me and you included.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What's God all flustered about?

Is he struggling with his own sexuality?

No. I don't believe God has sexuality.

God created man and woman for each other. When men engage in sexual acts with men is makes a mockery of Gods design and will for men to be with woman.

All Praise the Ancient Of Days
Dont mock, James, you know the folly of Adstar. A creator God who hates gay people, whom he created. This is illogical. Just like saving Moses, and killing Jesus.

Please quote where i said God hates gay people? ... You won't.

God so loved sinners that He came to this world as the Word of God in flesh and suffered death to Redeem sinners, and gay people are sinners. So God loves gay people. However He looks upon the sexual act of homosexuality as an abomination.

Adstar, I believe in God, Jesus, archangels, angels, afterlife, demons, the in between, but I by no means will accept KJB holy true and divine fully. Answer me this. Had you never heard of the KJB, would you believe against gay people.

I don't know why you bring up the KJV in particular? But anyway i am not against gay people. I want to warn gay people and also reveal to gay people that God loves them and wants to see them saved. But they must acknowledge his will as true and good and believe Jesus.

Don't you have a problem with gay people being left behind?! I do. They are worthy of us.

Left behind? Sounds like your talking of the rapture, are you? Firstly i don't believe in the interpretation of the "left behind" books and TVV series that promote a pre-tribulation rapture. I believe is a second coming rapture on the day of the Messiah's Return.

Irrespective of that particular issue. No one who has acknowledged the will of God as being true and good and has believed Jesus and accepted His atonement for their sins shall be abandoned or cast into the Lake of Fire.

And what do you mean "they are worthy of us" Who? and in what context?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes there will be formerly Homosexual people in eternity with God. Why because they will be forgiven their sins because they have acknowledged their sins as sins and trusted in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus for their sins.

Of course homosexuals that don't acknowledge their sins as sin will not be forgiven them.

The same systems works for all men, me and you included.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Please, Adstar. Use your head. I have an openly gay co-worker, I'll give hell to get that dude in.
Please quote where i said God hates gay people? ... You won't.

You are a Christian, that signifies you as part of the Christian brotherhood. Your pastors speak for you, you see how this is?

God so loved sinners that He came to this world as the Word of God in flesh and suffered death to Redeem sinners, and gay people are sinners. So God loves gay people. However He looks upon the sexual act of homosexuality as an abomination.

Prove he feels this way. Extra-biblical source only.

I don't know why you bring up the KJV in particular? But anyway i am not against gay people. I want to warn gay people and also reveal to gay people that God loves them and wants to see them saved. But they must acknowledge his will as true and good and believe Jesus.

They are fine, have gay sex. Have your loving partner, we want you all to be happy, please. OH. NO SEGREGATES! ADOPT!!! Adstar, some people prefer the same sex.

Irrespective of that particular issue. No one who has acknowledged the will of God as being true and good and has believed Jesus and accepted His atonement for their sins shall be abandoned or cast into the Lake of Fire.

Believe me, I will speak for the gay.

And what do you mean "they are worthy of us" Who? and in what context?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

You, God, Jesus, and I. They may be amongst us and share in our heavenly adventures. If you have a problem with this it is you who see's his way out. Understand.

Flaunt: Dress or behave in a sexually provocative way.

Do not flaunt to me.

Flaunt: Dress or behave in a sexually provocative way.

Do not flaunt to me.

I doubt you have anyone flaunting to you, gay or otherwise, but that's not important. The original question I asked what about "flaunting" or being a "whore" is immoral? What makes it not okay? Your original statement was that if there were a heaven, gay whores would not get in.

This is the fourth time I"ve asked you to explain yourself.
I doubt you have anyone flaunting to you, gay or otherwise, but that's not important. The original question I asked what about "flaunting" or being a "whore" is immoral? What makes it not okay? Your original statement was that if there were a heaven, gay whores would not get in.

This is the fourth time I"ve asked you to explain yourself.

Its immoral because I SAY SO. I DO NOT LIKE IT. You may not flaunt ME.


Sleeping around? Well it prevents true love by keeping you occupied in meaningless relationships, it spreads disease, its not pleasing to the rest of us, children get mixed up. Children see actors provoking one another sexually on television. They get curious and bad things happen. If you want to be a slut thats fine, but I will kick your sticky ass to the curb.
Its immoral because I SAY SO. I DO NOT LIKE IT. You may not flaunt ME.

Your personal taste for how men and women behave does not dictate morality. Saying you do not like promiscuity does not therefore make promiscuity immoral. In order for an action to be immoral, it has to cause some degree of suffering. "Because I say so" only demonstrates how little thought you've actually put into this.


Calm down, Captain Caps Lock. You should find a new word, because you're not using this one correctly.

In the sense that you mean it, one would not be flaunting you, they would be flaunting their bodies. What you clearly mean to say is that you don't want men or women hitting on you, which is fine, but not something you can really prevent. And certainly the people who do hit on your are not being immoral just because you don't like it (or perhaps you like it too much). That's not how morality works.

Sleeping around? Well it prevents true love by keeping you occupied in meaningless relationships,

If the relationships are meaningless, then you're not exactly "occupied" by them, are you? Look, you're obviously not speaking from experience here, so let me tell you how it really is: If you meet someone and it clicks, a meaningless fling isn't going to get in the way of it. Marriages have ended because one partner fell in love with someone else. Hell, people have given up their faith for love. Sleeping around isn't going to prevent you from finding anything.

it spreads disease,

So does kissing, shaking hands, and sharing a toilet. Are public restrooms immoral?

its not pleasing to the rest of us,

Again, why is your personal taste relevant? Why is your pleasure of more value than theirs? And who is "the rest of us?"

children get mixed up. Children see actors provoking one another sexually on television. They get curious and bad things happen.

Children have been fiddling themselves and each other behind barns, under porches, and in treehouses since long before television, so I don't know where this idea comes from that children get "mixed up" by the media. Sex is a completely natural impulse, and one that can create emotional havoc if forcibly suppressed by conservative twits trying to "protect" their kids. In other words, there's nothing immoral about kids expressing their curiosity and desires with each other.

If you want to be a slut thats fine, but I will kick your sticky ass to the curb.

Is it too much to ask for you to eschew the faux-macho bullshit in favor of speaking clearly? No amount of caps lock or vague physical threats will make me think you're a tough guy, and in fact the more you do it the less likely you are to be an actual tough guy, so you're only fooling yourself here.
In a small group, promiscuity could increase community cohesiveness while being disease free as well as give everyone involved a stake in the welfare of any children.
Its not ok Adstar, you have to see it our way. The bible is far from empirical, and homosexuals are just like us, but gay. Adstar, if God created all, why create same-sex people, or hermaphrodites?

Im a straight man, but I have many gay friends living here in the SF Bay Area. Its safe to say given a heaven, they will be there. Not all gay people, some are whores.

Have you ever stopped, for just one moment to consider that the wisdom of the ancients might not necessarily be condemning homosexuals, but the actual behavior? I don't think the wisdom in those old dusty tomes was necessarily given down from divine sources, however, if we pause a moment to consider that perhaps some benevolent pan dimensional intelligence observed the progression of human civilization and thought it helpful to inspire our cultures with codes to live by to foster early civilizations, such prohibitions might have been wise. There is no place for such behavior in tight knit tribal communities and families where every child counts. There is also scientific research that indicates that the people most likely and most prone to this behavior are the last born to families of multiple children and those born in metropolitan areas and its attendant pollution.

In early societies, the stability of the family and the community would have been more important than the freedom of individuals to gratify their every emotional and physical desire in an environment of complete disregard to social norms. To promote civilization among a primitive species, an advance multidimensional species that wanted to instruct a newly aware and conscious species they recognized needed to rise above their animal instincts how to treat their sexuality, this piece of wisdom might be handed down; That of treating the act of procreation as sacred, not to be treated as a play thing as a toy or a pass time. To do so will invite societal decay, immorality, disease, etc. IOW, back to a state of anarchy and feral nature. i.e. loss of civilization.

If society still viewed sex as sacred, would we have reality shows on TV about kids having kids?
Your personal taste for how men and women behave does not dictate morality.

So what your saying is people may freely rape my tasteful sense of sexuality?

Saying you do not like promiscuity does not therefore make promiscuity immoral.

If you wish to provoke me in any way, fine, but if I say no dear God, back off.

In order for an action to be immoral, it has to cause some degree of suffering. "Because I say so" only demonstrates how little thought you've actually put into this.

In the sense that you mean it, one would not be flaunting you, they would be flaunting their bodies. What you clearly mean to say is that you don't want men or women hitting on you, which is fine, but not something you can really prevent.

If you wish to show your interest in me come with friendship, not sexuality. Sexuality is not a driving factor in my life. I would prefer women to wear beautiful dresses over their shoulder, cleavage, and rump. To be worn loosely, and to stretch to the floor for twirling purposes.

My crotch is freely stared at, daily. Balerion, some people rape other people. What can be said in relation to those who stare at my crotch freely with out my consent, knowledge, or choice and those who rape, or go on to rape others in a sexual manner?

And certainly the people who do hit on your are not being immoral just because you don't like it (or perhaps you like it too much). That's not how morality works.

You said I don't like to be hit on. NO MEANS NO.

If the relationships are meaningless, then you're not exactly "occupied" by them, are you?

Why? I'd rather sit and wait for my love. I can get sex whenever I so desire. I do not seek it considering had she waited, how would I felt?

How does one feel love? Is it obvious?

So does kissing, shaking hands, and sharing a toilet. Are public restrooms immoral?

So I guess what your getting at is we need public cleanliness law.

Again, why is your personal taste relevant? Why is your pleasure of more value than theirs?

A is pleased with a classy woman looking A in the eyes, proceeding to take her on a date, and seeing what happens, thats me being pleased.

B stares at my crotch for 5 minutes and goes home especially to wank it.

A, and B do not co-exist, who do we get rid of?

Children have been fiddling themselves and each other behind barns, under porches, and in treehouses since long before television, so I don't know where this idea comes from that children get "mixed up" by the media.

I didn't fiddle myself until my senior year in high school. Listen to the fucking radio. Go to a techno rave, kids see that shit.

Sex is a completely natural impulse, and one that can create emotional havoc if forcibly suppressed by conservative twits trying to "protect" their kids. In other words, there's nothing immoral about kids expressing their curiosity and desires with each other.

But sexual expression, that is silly! Get a room. I don't want to look at your butt in your tight jeans. Women as well.

Is it too much to ask for you to eschew the faux-macho bullshit in favor of speaking clearly? No amount of caps lock or vague physical threats will make me think you're a tough guy, and in fact the more you do it the less likely you are to be an actual tough guy, so you're only fooling yourself here.

I am a tough guy.
Have you ever stopped, for just one moment to consider that the wisdom of the ancients might not necessarily be condemning homosexuals, but the actual behavior? ...

No because there is no difference. If you condemn the behavior, you are condemning the person.
Not really. A person can learn from the behavior and change. Enlightenment is possible. I can see from the length of time that you have been standing still in your life, and with the stubbornness that you cling always to your unchanging views that you would believe at once and always forever that behavior makes a person what they are. Some people believe that existence and experience is for the creation of the person. We create who we are by our actions and our thoughts. If you choose the wrong actions today, and by those poor actions and thoughts, you experience undesirable consequences, you can choose differently tomorrow, and thus become a different person. In ancient days, many of those who harbored thoughts toward what they felt were perverse desires, choose lives of celibacy and devotion. Today, as we can see, those men decide to act on those desires and it causes scandel. In days past, in small communities, it would have been readily known and not tolerated.
There might be a difference in other areas of life, but when people love, they express that love physically. Love apart from physical contact is something that would not be required of any heterosexual. Objecting to homosexual behavior while saying one doesn't object to homosexuals as well is absurd.