To love God is to love Jews


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To love God is to love Jews, because God is Jewish, isn't he? And Jesus is a nice Jewish boy who went into the family business.

P.S. Contrary to popular assumptions in certain parts of the world, God is not an American.
To love God, is to Love God and love your Neighbour.

Does not matter what genetic heritage they carry.

And God is God. The genetic makeup of the body He came in is irrelevant to His eternal state.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
To love God is to love Jews, because God is Jewish, isn't he?[/IMG]

Alas the Jewish people have been persecuted and slaughtered throughout history with reckless abandon because of their belief in Yahweh. The irony is palpable in the sense of all those who died by sword, gun or gas chambers. So….where is all the love for god if the equivalency loves “his” “chosen” people is the same as loving “him” by the logic that you have dictated?:shrug:
When Jesus lived, people were far more loving than they are now.

Jesus said that loving your friend was of no merit, because everyone did that.
To be good, you had to love your enemy.

Nowadays, many people love no-one, not even themselves.
They love money.
Love is pretty much the same as hate. When you love someone, what you are really saying is that you hate everyone else.

At least money has value, you can exchange it for goods that you need. Love isn't nearly so practical.
To love God is to love Jews, because God is Jewish, isn't he?

Assuming that some kind of 'God', presumably meaning some supreme being, does exist, why should we believe that Jews have anything special to do with it?

P.S. Contrary to popular assumptions in certain parts of the world, God is not an American.

Of course he is. If God wasn't American, then he wouldn't be worth worshipping.
To love God, is to Love God and love your Neighbour.

Does not matter what genetic heritage they carry.

And God is God. The genetic makeup of the body He came in is irrelevant to His eternal state.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

Can you elaborate on loving thy neighbor? What about gay people, women, Muslims, Jews, and secular-theist like myself?
So is that what your calling yourself now? A Secular-Theist? Explain.

I believe in God, and angels, but all organized religion has lost its way. How does God, who"created" all, including women, and homosexuals, hate those before mentioned? :confused:

I do not belong to a church.
The irony of the opening post is that it actually argues for a deterministic universe void of free will which means that those who you argue should love rather than hate can no more CHOSE to do that than your mythical Jews could CHOSE not to kill mythical Jesus. If your right hitler could no more help his hatred than these mythical Jews could.
To love God, is to Love God and love your Neighbour. 1

Does not matter what genetic heritage they carry2.

And God is God. The genetic makeup of the body He came in is irrelevant to His eternal state. 3

All Praise The Ancient of Days4

Adstar, don't forget your personal annotations!


1: Unless your neighbor is an Amalekite, in which case, to love God is to slaughter your neighbor until there are no more neighbors left.

2: Again, unless they carry the genetic heritage of Amalek, in which case, every moment wasted reading this is a moment not spent killing Amalekites.

3: Except in the cases of Jesus and his mother Mary, whom both ascended to heaven bodily, as well as (depending on your particular version of Christianity) Elijah and Enoch. This says nothing of the Rapture, which promises that all the good boys and girls will also be taken up bodily.

4: This is for effect, even I don't know what it's supposed to mean.
Adstar, don't forget your personal annotations!


1: Unless your neighbor is an Amalekite, in which case, to love God is to slaughter your neighbor until there are no more neighbors left.

At the time it would have been obedient to carry out the will of God. They where carrying out the wrath of God. But this does not change the truth in the Words of Jesus to love our neighbor.

2: Again, unless they carry the genetic heritage of Amalek, in which case, every moment wasted reading this is a moment not spent killing Amalekites.

That episode is over there is no call from God to His people to go kill the descendants of the Amalekites today.

3: Except in the cases of Jesus and his mother Mary, whom both ascended to heaven bodily, as well as (depending on your particular version of Christianity) Elijah and Enoch. This says nothing of the Rapture, which promises that all the good boys and girls will also be taken up bodily.

There is no biblical record of Mary ascending into heaven. As far as i know only an abomination known as the catholic church believes that.

The rapture will happen on the day of the return of the Messiah Jesus. But i am scratching my head as to why you mentioned this at all? It has no relevance to my post as far as i can see.

4: This is for effect, even I don't know what it's supposed to mean.

Weird. Why right stuff when you do not even understand why you're doing it?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days