To atheists: did you always lack faith in God?

You are an athiest because:

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For me being Agnostic does not limit me to what your or anyone's impressions of what "God" may be. I accept the possibility of higher lifeforms mainly because there are lower life forms.
For me being Agnostic does not limit me to what your or anyone's impressions of what "God" may be. I accept the possibility of higher lifeforms mainly because there are lower life forms.
Which makes good sense. The likelyhood of us being the pinnacle of lifeforms is pretty slim. But how does this bear on the existence of a mystical, supernatural creator of the cosmos?
You're an only son, though.
I'm so amazed at your knowledge of my family but you're incorrect.

I'm the only person here, however, so I only have to provide for myself.

Time exists in our universe, therefore for it to be infinite is illogical. However anything outside our universe isn't necessarily affected by "time"

And often times not rigid or intolerant at all.
Religion, on the other hand, is quite often intolerant by nature and by design.
All true societies are "one way" , and religion helps to guide which way that is exactly

No such thing as a "tolerant society". There's tolerant nations and tolerant regions but no tolerant society.

Only because, as you've said many times, that god has a credible basis but the easter bunny or santa do not.

I deem god to have no more or less of a credible basis than the easter bunny and therefore I'm remain a "god atheist" not a "god agnostic".
That would be incorrect because santa clause and the easter bunny have absolutely no basis whatsoever, where as a "god" does. Anything with an actual basis shouldn't be dismissed. If the concept of god had no basis, why has it come up in every civilization? Whereas santa clause and the tooth fairy haven't because they are pure imaginings, they have no initial logic or observation behind them. The concept of a god does, which is the observation of intelligence and the influence of intelligence on complexity.
Oh. Ok then...

Actually she's incorrect. I have been here a long time and am a citizen now but I'm not second gen.

superluminal, you just made a brilliant point:

Which makes good sense. The likelyhood of us being the pinnacle of lifeforms is pretty slim. But how does this bear on the existence of a mystical, supernatural creator of the cosmos?

One thing you're missing is what "supernatural" is. Supernatural would just not be of this nature. And higher intelligence can exist, certainly, and probably does.

A god would be nothing more than an influential higher intelligence. Even if the Christian God existed, he is still just an advanced being

Also what is "mystical"; even magick requires an underlying mechanic, and so "magick" is nothing more than just that.
That would be incorrect because santa clause and the easter bunny have absolutely no basis whatsoever, where as a "god" does. Anything with an actual basis shouldn't be dismissed. If the concept of god had no basis, why has it come up in every civilization? Whereas santa clause and the tooth fairy haven't because they are pure imaginings, they have no initial logic or observation behind them. The concept of a god does, which is the observation of intelligence and the influence of intelligence on complexity.
This would be wholly incorrect. I'm far too tired now to provide the numerous examples of mythical entities that appear in common throughout history, across civilizations, that aren't gods, but have better logic and observation behind them.

Your strong statements regarding the relative credibility of "god" seem to me to be self reinforcing. Nothing more.
Of course gods have a good underlying basis:

Intelligence can influence
Intelligence can influence complexity
We are complex
[Everything either is "intelligent" or has no "intelligence"]
Therefore, we either were created or were not
We are complex
We might have been created


We must have been created
superluminal, you just made a brilliant point:
Gracias! :)

One thing you're missing is what "supernatural" is. Supernatural would just not be of this nature. And higher intelligence can exist, certainly, and probably does.

A god would be nothing more than an influential higher intelligence. Even if the Christian God existed, he is still just an advanced being

Also what is "mystical"; even magick requires an underlying mechanic, and so "magick" is nothing more than just that.
Then we're talking about two very different conceptions of god. The common perception of god as an unknowable, unfathomable entity "beyond nature". Not just some super-advanced lifeform.
I'm talking about the latter, but that latter could also be a former. That super advanced life form could be something we just don't understand, so naturally we attribute "magic" and "mysticism" to it. A god would just be an influential intelligent being.