To atheists: did you always lack faith in God?

You are an athiest because:

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Don't be silly, the kids are obviously brainwashed. Clearly, we are blocking independent thinking and genetically inbuilt morality by imposing parental notions of structured schooling and discipline on children. Clearly, we should wait till kids are old enough to choose for themselves. In fact, as language develops the cognitive process, parents are introducing bias by forcing their own language choices on their children.

Ah, I see you still haven't figured out the difference between indoctrination and teaching. Or, you actually do know and you're creating strawmen arguments for the fun of it.
Don't be silly, you get medals for doing that when you're in the army.
SAM said:
Dawkins would be horrified to hear that. According to him, branding a child as an atheist is child abuse.
So? Dawkins has many opinions. Lots of atheists share only some of them.

Meanwhile, the idea that talking about a child as having politically significant theological opinions they cannot actually have is abuse, is probably context dependent.

Meanwhile, I am reasonably certain that children do not have faith in God until they have some idea of what some word for "God" means, some appropriate concept to have faith in, which would be what - about age 3, at the earliest, and 5 or 6, more reasonably ? Unless faith in Mom is equivalent, in which case we all started out theists and the poll is answered.
Yeah, like they have no concept of mother or father. You can imprint kids with any notion.
this is always a tricky one as it so so so subjective..... I guess really it comes down to your perspective on things.

i mean one could argue (and i think i ahve already - albeit very badly) that everyone is a muslim or at least half muslim when they are born, this is because to be a muslim you have to submit to the laws / will of God, Nature from an Islamic point of view is run by God. Therefore before you develop your understanding of things you just breathe, eat, go for a pee or po and sleep, which means that you are basically governed by the laws of nature which in turn are governed by God.

But then again if you do not believe in God then you will think i am talking nonsense..which of course i probably am!
Did you always lack faith in God? Or did you lose faith that you had?

In other words, were you born an atheist or did you become one after thinking about it?

I never genuinely had faith.

After years of catholic schooling, I just went along with the whole god thing because...

a) I was too young to understand the concept of evidence and the supernatural

b) I accepted it based on authority. Our teacher said if we didn't believe in god we would be kicked out of the school.

But for as long as I've been old enough to question such matters, I've known that I was fed lies and there is no reason to believe in god or religion.
i have faith in people not some random bullcrap that some delusional people thousands of years ago said existed.
I never really believed in God, .. sure, I was told about him, went to a Christian School and sang hymns in the mornings, and had one hour of religious education per week, but no, it all sounded like bullshit. Still does.
The one(s) you are an atheist to, of course.

Here's a task for you Sam. List all the gods ever invented, and work out what percentage atheist you are.

I would list them for you, but I already know I'm 100% atheist, so there's little point in me doing the research.
According to Islam there was a Prophet to all peoples, its all one God. :shrug:
So were you brought up atheist or Did your religious upbringing never affect you?