To All Atheists: What led you to atheism?

What did you believe before you came to atheism?

At an earlly age it was jus asumed that Jesus/God was good (he saved all the animals on the ark) an wooud send bad people to hell.!!!

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?

Prolly started aroun 8 an peerty well "convienced" by 18.!!!

What influenced you mostly about atheism?

When i was 8 i looked up at my sunday school teecher an ask if Jesus an God was the sam person... she jus looked at the other sunday school teecher an smiled but didnt answr my queston... an that was my firs clue i wasnt bein tolt the truth.!!!

An also at that age... we was tolt that if we cam to sunday school 6 weeks in a row wit-out missin we woud win a little white bible... an it was very perty an had a little gold strang hangin down from it an the pages had gold edges... so i went 5 weeks in a row wit-out missin but i got the chicken pox an mised week number 6... but i showed up the nest week when i was healed an ask for my little bible... an she said i coudnt have it cause i missed the 6th sunday... an i tol her i was sick or i woud have been here but she said no... that i woud have to start over an not miss for 6 weeks... well i didnt miss for the nest 6 weeks an she kep her word an gave me my little white bible an i never went bak... i quit the Baptist church an becam a medothest... lol.!!!

But until i was about 16 religion mostly wasnt a issue... however... when i was about 9 i herd sombody at sunday school say that people who didnt go to church was goin to hell... an mom an dad didnt go to church so i ask mom about it an she said only bad people go to hell so i was satisfied wit that... an anuther time when i was about 14 a guy on the shcool bus said that if you use Gods name in vane you woud go to hell... an lots of peoplel on the bus thout that was bs cause mos ever body on the bus an ther parents woud be goin to hell.!!!

An when i was about 16 i discovered that 2 of my frinds thout each other was goin to hell cause they thout each other was goin to the rong church... so i figered they mus surly thank i was goin to hell cause i didnt go to any chruch.!!!

I didnt thank any of us was goin to hell an i was beginin to strongly realize that religion was way screwed up.!!!

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?

When at about 21 i realized thaat ther was no such thang as free-will... an the hole Jesus jugment thang was fulla crap.!!!

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?

It allows me to not be a "hater"... an i dont thank that anybody deserves punishment... much less eternal punishment.!!!

How have people treated you since you became atheist?

It hasnt caused me a prollem wit the people ive discused it wit over the las 40 years (that i know of)... but im a bit selective wit who i let it be known to.!!!

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from all the atheists.

You welcom... i look forward to readin the other replys:)
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People who believed in gods were simply retarded.

...I mean, how the heck are you supposed to develop feelings of kinship and community with them?

Funy thang is... at 21 an 100% atheist... i marryed a church goin pennycost an we been marryed for almos 40 years:)
What did you believe before you came to atheism?
Nothing, really. The earliest discussion I can remember on the topic was my parents telling me that I was free to make my own choice.
How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?
I was never a theist, so there was no conversion.
What influenced you mostly about atheism?
I don't really understand the question. Atheism is simply an ontological position on god(s). It doesn't have any influence on me other than having one less place-holder in my ontology than some other people.
When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?
Again, it's not really a 'philosophy' per say. My epistemology and other outlooks are affected by the lack of god in my ontology, but it would be foolish to define my entire philosophical view as 'atheist'. That would be like calling a car a "piston". It's but one small component.
How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?
I never was converted, so it never changed my life from some other system.
How have people treated you since you became atheist?
With the exception of a few real hardcore fanatics, no one else has seemed to care or treat me any differently. As the grandchild of jews I get reminded by friends and family members that I ought to take the religion seriously and marry a jewish girl; the odd orthodox I meet who hears my last name (cohen) insists on taking me to sabbath; a few evangelical christians have tried to convert me. Honestly, I've received more shit for being a 'jew' than for being an atheist.
M*W: Congratulations on your long marriage.

Thanks... but the odds of it lastin wasnt wort spit... lol.!!!

I can imagine the interesting conversations you two have had on religion!

When we was datin (6 mounthes) we rarely talked about religion... but early on i was gettin realy attached to her... but i knew i coudnt live a church life an it was eatin me uup that i knew it wasnt gonna work out between us... i talked to my mom about it an she said somptin like... its up to you what you thank you need to do... so i desided to brake up wit my little pennycost... an when i did she said we coud still be frinds... an for som reason i liked that idea... an that very nite i tolt her that i woud go to church once a week wit her if we was marryed but that was it... an i hadnt even had a hint befor... but she said she didnt want to go at all an i coudnt beleive it... disaster had jus turned to gold an we was marryed about 2 mounthes later.!!!

An it surly wasnt wit "Gods" blessin... an luck is jus anuther thang i dont have beleifs in... but aparently it was in the cards that we was a good match... but for about 3 years after she left the church she woud somtimes have bad dreams that God type stuff was gonna get her... but lookin bak her only regrets is that she didnt brake away from that crap much earlier.!!!

Botom line... i saved her from Jesus:)