To All Atheists: What led you to atheism?

The way you worded the question was misleading, then.
What a strange thing to say. In another thread, when you posted some incomprehensible waffle and I asked you for clarification, you mocked me for having a learning difficulty. Can't you even be consistent in your application of ignorance and bigotry?

Stupid prick.!
M*W: I've told you the story of my conversion to atheism, and I would like to know yours. If you could answer some of the following questions, I'm sure we'd all like to hear your answers:

What did you believe before you came to atheism?

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?

What influenced you mostly about atheism?

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?

How have people treated you since you became atheist?

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from all the atheists.

~ M*W

In my case, I was in my teens and had just been "Confirmed." I had become fed up with Bible stories. My older brother was sceince-minded and in chemisty. I picked up science outlook from him and school as well as my parents who were rational, liberal in their faith.

So, I wrote a letter to my pastor explaining that I no longer beleved that stuff. He replied in a sort of regret but polite way. That was that. My parents accepted it and I have been an atheist all the rest of my adult life.

I have no problem with others because I do not broadcast my non-beliefs. I treat believers like any else but do not cater to them. If they try to influence me, I put a stop to it. I have talked about religion with Muslims and find it is possible to talk with reasonable people about religion if one is careful and respectful. In my writing, I am very objective but do not hesitate to say what a religion really is instead of the cloying respect most scholars give to all religions.

No, in my later years, I am not concerned about death except I am anxious to get all my work done before I get to old.

What did you believe before you came to atheism?

My beliefs have been pretty constant. I'm willing to try about anything, but lack of evidence turns me off pretty quick. I'm not so much an atheist as I am eminently aware that there are no more gods than there are unicorns and practices such as prayer fail to produce their claimed results.

The other questions didn't really seem applicable.
What did you believe before you came to atheism?

I believed there were ultra-sapient non-human life forms responsible for creating the universe, maintaining it, and judging human behavior.

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?

12 years.

What influenced you mostly about atheism?

Truth. Specifically, reality didn't match the way theism claimed it to be.

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?

I am not aware of an atheist philosophy... unless you consider valuing truth a philosophy.

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?

It has completely demolished many of my biases that would otherwise prevent me from understanding various aspects of reality.

How have people treated you since you became atheist?

With distrust.
What did you believe before you came to atheism?
I didn't particularly "believe" anything.
I just never thought about it.

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?
Not a clue. 15 seconds?

What influenced you mostly about atheism?
Atheism was never pointed out to me.

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?
There's a philosophy to it?

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?
Um, I wasn't "an atheist" and now I am?
It hasn't.

How have people treated you since you became atheist?
The same as they treated me when I stopped eating dates: it made no difference.
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What did you believe before you came to atheism?
Heaven and Earth and all that came in between. I never did quite get Adam and Eve and their children though. Something seemed not right in that State of Denmark.

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?
I would never view it as a 'conversion'. Atheism is not a religion that requires conversion.

What influenced you mostly about atheism?
Atheism is a matter of belief, or lack there of. I was not influenced by atheism as atheism is something that is personal and individual. There is no movement.

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?
When did I think I might be an atheist? Is that what you are asking? It seems akin to the kind of question one might ask a homosexual about when they knew they were attracted to the same sex, for example.

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?
Changed my life? Well it's given me my Sunday mornings again. And it has greatly reduced my Christmas Card send list.

How have people treated you since you became atheist?
Some like a pariah. Others like the lunatic in the family.
I was looking for God. And I found out the most complex structure of nature and realized that it was always all about nature, sun worship and astrological base to human brain. And the misunderstandings originated from the limited understanding of the same ideas about nature slowly gave way to religious stories and the idea of God.

But then am not an atheist. I will never be. To me what everyone labels as God is simply this nature and its discovered and unaccepted laws combined together. It doesn't listen to stupid human prayers or appeals. Doesn't give a flying fck about humans as we wish to imagine. It works on its own rules and we simply a part of it. The ones who don't adapt, gets eliminated. The species who fail to adapt also gets eliminated.
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Hehe! You asked this question when I was a theist. Now I can answer it:

Reason, facts, and bullshit from all Christians including Pastoral wrongdoings.
Hehe! You asked this question when I was a theist. Now I can answer it:

Reason, facts, and bullshit from all Christians including Pastoral wrongdoings.
M*W: It's a good feeling to know someone can break from the chains of delusion. I am happy for you on your enlightenment.
M*W: I've told you the story of my conversion to atheism, and I would like to know yours. If you could answer some of the following questions, I'm sure we'd all like to hear your answers:

What did you believe before you came to atheism?

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?

What influenced you mostly about atheism?

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?

How have people treated you since you became atheist?

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from all the atheists.

~ M*W

I never really believed any of it. One could say their attempts at indoctrination failed miserably ;)
I attended Christian schools until the age of 19. I went to church (forced) until I was about 8 I think.
I was always critical about the bible stories as a kid, and the church nor my school or parents could provide any convincing answers to my questions.
I finally refused to waste my Sunday mornings on church at age 8 (or thereabout, perhaps it was 7 or 9).
All my life I've never been comfortable with religion- I've always had a disturbing feeling about God and why we have to worship him. Well, I just gained courage and decided to become overtly atheist, and this was strengthened when I began reading philosophy books for leisure:).
What did you believe before you came to atheism?
I was always atheist
How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?
I live as though god does exist,just in case.. :D
not some evil jealous kristain dog but a "Righteous god" who would judge people according to their behavior,as that would be the only one to be worthy being called GOD.
so I guess am also an agnostic..
How have people treated you since you became atheist?
same as I treat them ;)
Atheists the unknown

M*W: I've told you the story of my conversion to atheism, and I would like to know yours. If you could answer some of the following questions, I'm sure we'd all like to hear your answers:

What did you believe before you came to atheism? of course atheists believes atheism.

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism? they are always atheists and no conversion is ever needed.

What influenced you mostly about atheism? atheists are influenced about the objectionable "objective evidence" which is always a self-defence of atheism.

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you? Atheists have no philosophy because they can't define "love" and "wisdom" because they are invisible.

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems? Atheists always want to be righteous so why should they change?

How have people treated you since you became atheist? Atheists are normal people and they like to celebrate what others also do celebrate like thanksgiving on novermber.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from all the atheists. No problem. You are always thanking people even if you don't know them.
M*W: I've told you the story of my conversion to atheism, and I would like to know yours. If you could answer some of the following questions, I'm sure we'd all like to hear your answers:

What did you believe before you came to atheism?

Roman Catholicism, thru parents. For the record, I'll "label" myself agnostic, but I wanted to answer the questions anyway :cool:

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?

Exactly 2 minutes and 14 seconds. It took one sanctimonious, idiotic, bull-headed speech by a priest to make me realise he and his ilk was spouting crock forever, and the extra 14 seconds was me witnessing the entire congregation nod in unison; enthralled by his drivel.

I think that answer was best for humorous effect, however it IS 80% of the story :) The doubt was building before that time.

What influenced you mostly about atheism?

Live and let live

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?

Still a learning experience

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?

I honestly think that I live with more stress right now, but because I'm surrounded by bible thumpers. If it weren't for them I'd be sitting pretty I guess :)

How have people treated you since you became atheist?

Mom tries gently to get me back in the fold. Dad just accepts it. Close friends don't really mind. I don't really share religious conversations with most other people (acquaintances/work colleagues) because they are undeveloped and cannot accept non-religious views.

Indeed, people assume I AM religious simply because I look like a bookish type. I recall one incident during a lunchtime conversation that a colleague was dumbfounded when I mentioned casually that I followed no religion. Of course he followed that up with the typical "where did the trees and sky come from?" crap questions...I let the convo drop when I realised that the religious zealots started circling eager to spread their miser-eek! oops I mean messages.
What did you believe before you came to atheism?

Nothing applicable in the religious or spiritual sense.

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?


What influenced you mostly about atheism?


When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?

See question #2.

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?

It hasn't.

How have people treated you since you became atheist?

Not applicable.
As a young child sitting through sunday school the bible stories were contradictory and impossible to believe. I have always been an aethist.
I figured out Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny when I was about seven. Rejection of gods came shortly after. This was only reinforced after researching the many different religions around the planet.