To All Atheists: What led you to atheism?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I've told you the story of my conversion to atheism, and I would like to know yours. If you could answer some of the following questions, I'm sure we'd all like to hear your answers:

What did you believe before you came to atheism?

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism?

What influenced you mostly about atheism?

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you?

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems?

How have people treated you since you became atheist?

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from all the atheists.

~ M*W
I never needed to be led to it. I never felt the need to believe in a God in the first place.

The real world is magnificent enough. I don't need the concept of a God to make it complete.
'logic' led me to atheism. but later it led me to some kind of... theism.

M*W: You have an interesting god!

The Christian God probably leads many people to Atheism because many people think that the Christian God is illogical, cruel, strange, or whatever.
M*W: I've told you the story of my conversion to atheism, and I would like to know yours. If you could answer some of the following questions, I'm sure we'd all like to hear your answers:

What did you believe before you came to atheism? I was a Christian. A fairly devout one. Attended a Berean church. I went to Bible Camp, church 3x a week, virginal, etc.

How long of a process was your conversion to atheism? I tried for a long time to have faith, but being told "Because that's what the Bible says", "Have faith". etc and never meeting a true good honest Christian kind of made it easy to fall away from it once I moved away from home.

What influenced you mostly about atheism? Common sense.

When did an atheist philosophy become clear to you? A philosophy?? I never made it harder than what it is.

How has atheism changed your life or belief systems? I'm less judgmental. I have to have my own reasons for what I believe (I don't have a rule book anymore) so I think about everything. I examined my life.

How have people treated you since you became atheist? I heard a girl say jig-a-boo at work and went to tell my boss. I told her how offensive it was. She said "well, don't you think your atheism is offensive to us?" I don't tell people anymore.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing from all the atheists.

~ M*W

and it was as easy as that. My son figured it all out a lot quicker than I did. My daughter is only 10. She still believes.
and it was as easy as that. My son figured it all out a lot quicker than I did. My daughter is only 10. She still believes.

I remember in school when I was about 10 the teacher asked us what we believe in. I think most people said God or Jesus (which seems a little strange) but I said that I believe in "Big Bang", lol. everyone was like "wtf? big bang, that's wierd"
I'm probably not supposed to be here, but I'll throw my two-cents in anyway. Lack of answers led me all the way to atheism. The rest of the story belongs in another thread.
'logic' led me to atheism. but later it led me to some kind of... theism.

The Christian God probably leads many people to Atheism because many people think that the Christian God is illogical, cruel, strange, or whatever.

M*W: You think?