Tired of Sex?

Tired of it? Yes. The cure? Get my wife (of 20yrs) to invite some highschool and young college girls over for a "party". My apathy will disappear in about one microsecond! (I am a bad person. Sue me...).
You are right, Superluminal. I don't know whether to say "Don't let your wife find out," or, "Is your wife in the know?" I think that the latter would be hot as hell. :m:
I wouldn't exactly say I'm tired of sex, but it HAS lost most of it's charm and excitement. I won't say that I'd rather read a good book instead of have sex, but ....well, on second thought, if it's a good Robert B. Parker novel, I might!! ..LOL!

Baron Max
I've never read any of Robert B. Parker's books, but I bet they would be more fulfilling than tedious sex.
Try him out, Cotton, ...the Spenser series is best. Spenser is a PI and he has a really great friend whose black and he's almost my hero! You'll like the novels, I'll just bet.

Baron Max
I was tired with it for a while, then I started going without, and now I miss it and wish it would come back to me.
Tired of sex? You've either been married too long or look at too much internet porn.

- N
Humans are not monogamous. Male or female. Different positions? Bah. Neildo hit it on the mark. Married too long. I love my wife. 20 years makes for a very strong bond. But sexual drives are not aware of this. Evolutionary biology tells us this:

1) Life long pair bonding occurs in many species but covert sexual encounters outside of the pair happen regularly.

2) Males require far more diverse partners than females. A male can inseminate many females, but the female must devote much time and effort to the offspring. This explains the imbalance in desire for sexual diversity between males and females.

I would never leave my wife, but I would love to have lots of risk free (from a relationship point of view) sex with different women. Alas, our civilized nature rules this out. Ya win some, ya lose some...
Cottontop3000 said:
I'm not married. Internet porn is better than the real, nasty, smelly thing.

Then you don't like sex, or you're having it the wrong person. Yikes! Nasty and smelly? Maybe that partner had some kind of medical problem. Either that, or you are extremely fastidious. In either case, while porn may be entertaining, it is far removed from physical interaction. I hate to get all psychological, but maybe you have intimacy issues. I'm not saying that all physical contact has to happen within the confines of a 'relationship', but if you've found it tiresome or boring in all contexts, than maybe you should dig deeper into your feelings about sex in general.

COTTONTOP – How old are you? Are you tired of sex in general, or are you in a relationship?
Oh, Lucidgirl, don't start with all of the overworked psycho-babble bullshit! Sex is just like everything esle ...the anticipation is almost always more excitiing than the real thing! So quit with trying to psycho-analyze it.

Even when I was young, the anticipation of sex was better than the actual sex ...and it had nothing to do with "dirty, nasty, sweaty,...." or any of those other adjectives. And now that I'm old, fucking a old, wrinkled bag of meat n' bones is just about the last thing I would consider as exciting. A good blowjob is okay sometimes, but only if the old broad wears a sack over her head to hide all the wrinkles!!

Sex is so over-rated. In fact, the reason Internet sex sites do so well is that the anticipation and voyeurism is sooooooo much better than real sex!

Baron Max
superluminal said:
I would never leave my wife, but I would love to have lots of risk free (from a relationship point of view) sex with different women. Alas, our civilized nature rules this out. Ya win some, ya lose some...
I second that :D
Even when I was young, the anticipation of sex was better than the actual sex ...and it had nothing to do with "dirty, nasty, sweaty,...." or any of those other adjectives. And now that I'm old, fucking a old, wrinkled bag of meat n' bones is just about the last thing I would consider as exciting. A good blowjob is okay sometimes, but only if the old broad wears a sack over her head to hide all the wrinkles!!

Sex is so over-rated. In fact, the reason Internet sex sites do so well is that the anticipation and voyeurism is sooooooo much better than real sex!
I think you've been missing out. If anything is better than sex than you're doing it wrong IMO. I can't get enough of course :D