Tiger Woods Groveling on Every Channel

I agree with this statement. His sexual habits in no way alter his ability to hit a small white ball accurately. All the rest is no one's business but his own.

Part of being a boss, role model and all around business man is being trustworthy. If he lies outright to a person he says he loves the most, what does that say? He knew he was jeopardizing his entire operation and all the people that counted on it. No one's business, sure. But he does have to look these folks in the eye and go back to work and he knows what a fool they think he is. It's in his best interest to apologize....Whether he meant it is for them to judge.
I guess you have NEVER made any errors in judgment in YOUR life for you are quick to judge others for their problems aren't you while forgetting about your own. Everyone makes mistakes even though you think they shouldn't. He has done what he can and continues to try and get help unlike many others who only decline further down the wrong path.

This isn't about me. It is about the fraud known as Tiger Woods.
But if my 100million dollar endorsements had image clauses, I'd be scarred to death to screw that up.

When you are ALREADY have 1 billion, 100 million here or there doesn't really count....

Also, sex, hunger, thirst are very powerful desires...Way more powerful than logical thinking...

And any of you tried to play golf full of sexual frustration? Believe me, you ain't gonna be a champion...
hear hear, FINALLY someone said the truth. shorty (feel free to aplie this to any of the rest of you) have you every cheated on your partner? has he ever cheated on you? IS IT ANY OF MY GOD DAM BUINESS? NO its not, nor is it anyone elses wether he slept with every women in the US except for his wife, them and there partners (if they had them). The rest of you should GET A LIFE and stop reading trashy womens magainzins
Part of being a boss, role model and all around business man is being trustworthy. If he lies outright to a person he says he loves the most, what does that say? He knew he was jeopardizing his entire operation and all the people that counted on it. No one's business, sure. But he does have to look these folks in the eye and go back to work and he knows what a fool they think he is. It's in his best interest to apologize....Whether he meant it is for them to judge.

So Boses need to apologize to their employees if they cheat on their spouses? And a bad husband, father, or freind can't run a business or do business with people?

About role models, they usually don't claim to be role models. Instead, they are made into role models by the media and public. Unlike preists and such, they don't ask for the reponsibility of being role models, and they don't deserve it.

Tiger Woods doesn't owe an apology to the public. He needs to apologize to freinds and family that he has deliberatly lied to - and he should make those apologees privetely with each individual.

The thing that upsets me most is when I hear people commenting on how bad they feel about Tiger's "deception". Or analyzing whether he REALLY meant and was sincere in his public apology. To think that some people (or rather many people) attach themselve emotionally to the private lives of complete strangers - so much so that the feel they need an apology - is absolutely mind bogling to me.
Woods is a fraud with no credibility. He should just go away and not come back. He is an abomination.
I could say the same about you, at least he can play golf, there is no fraud about that. I blame religious morality for forcing him into a situation he was obviously discontented with.
I could say the same about you, at least he can play golf, there is no fraud about that. I blame religious morality for forcing him into a situation he was obviously discontented with.

Who are you talking to? Me? I am no fraud. I am the real thing. And that makes liberals/atheists cringe.:D You blame religious morality for his being an alley cat in heat? That's the best one I've heard all day.:D There was NOTHING religious about him, his marriage, or his life. He is a fraud.
I see that as yet no one is bringing up the women that knew he was married and yet let their moral values erode away by going out with Tiger. Just think if none of the women would have accepted Tigers advances, as they really should not have, none of this would have ever happened. I blame those women just as much as Tiger.
bells, heres a point. If you dont belive you have done anything to feel sorry for how can your apology BE sincere? Wether he is or isnt sorry to his wife and kids is one thing but why exactly does he owe ANYONE else an apology? and im sure he knows that too.

Its like bill clinton's lie, if he should never have been asked the question why should he have an compuntion about lying?
hear hear, FINALLY someone said the truth. shorty (feel free to aplie this to any of the rest of you) have you every cheated on your partner? has he ever cheated on you? IS IT ANY OF MY GOD DAM BUINESS? NO its not, nor is it anyone elses wether he slept with every women in the US except for his wife, them and there partners (if they had them). The rest of you should GET A LIFE and stop reading trashy womens magainzins

It isn't anyone's business in that they should not hound his wife and their children. They are the innocent parties in all of this.

We aren't talking about just a fling here and there. The man actively sought to cheat on his wife, while hypocritically saying that his family comes first in public. I'm sorry, but having multiple affairs is not putting one's family first.

IN his last interview, recorded before his string of affairs made international headlines, Tiger Woods portrayed himself as the typical family man.

The golfer told Sky TV in New Zealand that his family is his number one priority.

When posed the question "Family first then golf second; always been like that?" Tiger responded with the one-word answer, "Always," and the all-American grin recognized around the world.


It's stuff like this that makes him a hypocrit and a liar. The apology.. honestly.. what the hell was that? .. was his bid to clean up his public image and try to regain the sponsors that have head for the hills.

The man is a selfish bastard who cares nothing for his children. What kind of man carries on with that many affairs while saying that his family comes first to the general public? What kind of example is he setting for his own children? How is he going to face up to his own children when they get older and how is he going to explain his own behaviour to them? Yes, that is private and something that is between himself and his children and wife.

As for the notion that he should somehow get a bit of a break because he cheated on his wife and eveyone else should butt out.. Maybe, but you should consider the following. He has pushed his image of a good family man and good person to the public.. he forced that outside of the private realm and pushed it into the public realm, because it helped his image. Now that the public knows that he is not a good family man or a good person, his affairs should suddenly now only be considered private fodder?
bells, heres a point. If you dont belive you have done anything to feel sorry for how can your apology BE sincere?
The man isn't sincere.

The only thing that matters to him is himself. If he cared about his family, if he was sincere, he would not have done it.

Wether he is or isnt sorry to his wife and kids is one thing but why exactly does he owe ANYONE else an apology? and im sure he knows that too.
Possibly because he portrayed himself as someone he was not to the public and had the public buy into his image and his ideals..
Part of being a boss, role model and all around business man is being trustworthy. If he lies outright to a person he says he loves the most, what does that say? He knew he was jeopardizing his entire operation and all the people that counted on it. No one's business, sure. But he does have to look these folks in the eye and go back to work and he knows what a fool they think he is. It's in his best interest to apologize....Whether he meant it is for them to judge.

It may be in his best financial interests, because his sponsors care about his public image. IMO, as wealthy as he already is, he could easily do without any additional endorsement money. He is far more than wealthy enough to live without ever working again for the rest of his life.

It's easy to be virtuous when temptation doesn't present itself. There is absolutely no danger at all of my ever having a beautiful wife, while at the same time having the most beautiful women in the world making it plain they would like to sleep with me. About the only way that would be possible is if a disease swept the planet, and killed all of the men but me. Were I ever to be in that position, I might very well behave as badly as he has.

He should play golf if he wants to, and live like Hugh Hefner if he wants to.
He should play golf if he wants to, and live like Hugh Hefner if he wants to.

Indeed. I don't disagree.

But what he should not do is lie about living like Hugh Hefner. At least Hefner is honest about himself and his life and lifestyle.
He has pushed his image of a good family man and good person to the public.. he forced that outside of the private realm and pushed it into the public realm, because it helped his image. Now that the public knows that he is not a good family man or a good person, his affairs should suddenly now only be considered private fodder?

He's a pro golfer. That's why he's popular. Who made him a moral authority? - The Public who decided to invest (and attach) their emotions in a stranger's private life. Again, you DO NOT PERSONALLY know this fucker. So why do you sound upset or decieved? He is, to you and me, only a great golfer who is exciting to watch. Why are people interested in his family and personal life?
He's a pro golfer. That's why he's popular. Who made him a moral authority? - The Public who decided to invest (and attach) their emotions in a stranger's private life. Again, you DO NOT PERSONALLY know this fucker. So why do you sound upset or decieved? He is, to you and me, only a great golfer who is exciting to watch. Why are people interested in his family and personal life?

I personally find the game boring as hell and don't care one bit for Tiger Woods. My comment is mostly for those who are part of the "leave Tiger alone" brigade.

The man pushed his family and personal life into the limelight. When said limelight comes and bites him on the arse when he is found to be an arse, he should not be complaining.
I personally find the game boring as hell and don't care one bit for Tiger Woods. My comment is mostly for those who are part of the "leave Tiger alone" brigade.

The man pushed his family and personal life into the limelight. When said limelight comes and bites him on the arse when he is found to be an arse, he should not be complaining.

I suppose that's another reason I can't get too worked up about it. I don't care for golf, and only know about him and his accomplishments through osmosis. Even if you're utterly indifferent to the game and it's stars, you cannot avoid hearing about it to some degree. I wasn't even aware that he portrayed himself as some sort of role model family man. He needs to get in touch with Charlie Sheen I suppose.