Three Experiments Challenging SRT

Lobbyists are not interested in new scientific knowledges.
Lobbyists are not interested in the truth.
Lobbyists are not interested in the answer to a complex question.
Lobbyists interested in only a personality of who is right.

Lobbyists impose policy in science, impose PR and haggling to us.

Stagnation in science arose because the scientist be obliged spend their time and life-energy not to fight incomprehension of new knowledge, not to what order to get that knowledge.
Scientist spends his life to fight the lobbyists, who put obstacles to new knowledge, if the author of this knowledge is not a member of their exclusive club.

As long as the scientific community did not get rid of the lobbyists in the sciences, in science will not be Science!
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Lobbyists are not interested in new scientific knowledges.
Lobbyists are not interested in the truth.
Lobbyists are not interested in the answer to a complex question.
Lobbyists interested in only a personality of who is right.

Lobbyists impose policy in science, impose PR and haggling to us.

Stagnation in science arose because the scientist be obliged spend their time and life-energy not to fight incomprehension of new knowledge, not to what order to get that knowledge.
Scientist spends his life to fight the lobbyists, who put obstacles to new knowledge, if the author of this knowledge is not a member of their exclusive club.

As long as the scientific community did not get rid of the lobbyists in the sciences, in science will not be Science!

Again, lots of accusations and no evidence. You sound like a broken record at this point.

This is ridiculous. As I have pointed out, there is significant evidence for SRT, much of it from accelerator physics, and you have ignored most of it. SRT doesn't need lobbyists. It only needs people to care about evidence and bother to learn mainstream theories.

SRT is a symmetry. As I have explained before, "master theory" is not. That makes SRT the simpler, better defined, and more workable theory by default, even if the evidence for both were the same, which it is not.

If all you can do is repeat the same accusations over and over again, no matter what anyone tells you, then discussion with you is absolutely pointless and you are really not worth anyone's time.
SRT is a symmetry.

Master Theory (formally) has a difference in the relativistic cross-scale.

All scales (longitudinal and cross) to multiply by $$\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$ extra.

$$x'\ \sim\ (\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2})^2$$

$$y'&z'\ \sim\ \sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}$$

It cannot do an influence the symmetry of the equations.

Relativism not directly related with real coordinates .
In addition: the coordinates of MT divided into: a visual and real.
Lorentz transformations in MT for visual coordinates only.

Relativistic effects in MT like effects in a curved mirror.
It cannot do an influence the symmetry of the equations.

False. Common example in physics: the Klein-Gordon wave equation,

\nabla^{2} \Phi \,-\, \mu^{2} \Phi \,=\, 0 \,,

where $$\nabla^{2} \,\equiv\, \frac{1}{c^{2}} \, \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial t^{2}} \,-\, \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}} \,-\, \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial y^{2}} \,-\, \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial z^{2}}$$ is the d'Alembert operator.

Lorentz transformations are symmetries of the Klein-Gordon equation because they map $$\nabla^{2} \,\rightarrow\, \nabla^{2}$$.

Multiplication of coordinates by a scalar factor $$(ct,\, x,\, y,\, z) \,\rightarrow\, \lambda (ct,\, x,\, y,\, z)$$ is not a symmetry because it maps e.g. $$\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \,\rightarrow\, \frac{1}{\lambda} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}$$, so $$\nabla^{2} \,\rightarrow\, \frac{1}{\lambda^{2}} \nabla^{2}$$.

Because of this, your "masterov transform" is not a symmetry of the Klein-Gordon equation because $$\nabla^{2} \,\neq\, \frac{1}{\gamma^{2}} \nabla^{2}$$.

Relativism not directly related with real coordinates .

"Chickenfeed". Relativity is concerned with coordinate transformations which are symmetries of physics equations.
It is not necessary and (therefore) does not prove anything.

It proves that your "masterov transformation" is not a symmetry of a common equation appearing in quantum field theory, while the Lorentz transformation is.

In general, you will find that the "masterov transformation" can only be part of a symmetry group that contains both Lorentz transformations and scaling. Because scaling is not a symmetry we see in nature, your "masterov transformation" cannot be a symmetry of physics. That is a problem because the physical significance of Lorentz transforms in relativity stems from the fact that it is a symmetry of theories (electromagnetism, relativistic mechanics, the Standard Model) that are widely believed to be correct based on the experimental evidence in support of them. Your "masterov transformation" cannot be attributed a similarly simple significance to physics. Your transformation is just a bunch of equations with no explanation of how they are relevant to physics.
In Master Theory relativistic effects are visual.
"Masterov transformation" for the visual effects are required.
przyk, just leave him. He's got paranoid conspiracy theories, no grasp of SRT, poor communication skills (even allowing for English not being his native language) and has no interest in discussing things. You've done what needed to be done, to demonstrate the nonsensical nature of his claims, should someone else read the thread. Masterov is barely even lucid, no one is going to take him seriously unless they are just as wacko.
przyk, just leave him. He's got paranoid conspiracy theories...
You impose "conspiracy theory" to me.

SRT-lobby (in USSR) not speak scientific argumentations in support of his ideas, do not realization of scientific experiments to do scientific argumentations, but used method "conspiracy theory" often:

SRT-lobby accused a scientist into that he never did (in promoting a idea of the "conspiracy theory"), and then declare him insane and placed in a psychiatric hospital, where doctors-sadistic to change this scientist into madman.

AlphaNumeric in this forum to press for accusations to me in to propaganda a idea of the "conspiracy theory" and to declare me to crazy (to paranoiac) by the same method, which uses the SRT-lobby in Russia. This uniformity leads one to suspect that such the practice of protection SRT (and other pseudo-scientific theories) is used not only in Russia.

I am confident that the OPERA-experiment group has been destroyed by similar to it dastardly method.
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You impose "conspiracy theory" to me.
You believe there's a vast set of people deliberately trying to suppress evidence against special relativity. You might not have called it a conspiracy but that is what you are claiming exists.

SRT-lobby accused a scientist into that he never did (in promoting a idea of the "conspiracy theory"), and then declare him insane and placed in a psychiatric hospital, where doctors-sadistic to change this scientist into madman.
For which you have no evidence.

AlphaNumeric in this forum to press for accusations to me in to propaganda a idea of the "conspiracy theory" and to declare to crazy by the same method, which uses the SRT-lobby in Russia. This uniformity leads one to suspect that such the practice of protection SRT (and other pseudo-scientific theories) is used not only in Russia.
No, people keep calling you nuts and paranoid because you claim conspiracies exist without having any evidence, you make up claims about scientists and you don't know any relativity. People say those things to you not because there's a conspiracy but because you keep claiming there is in a way which makes you appear paranoid and delusional. The common factor in all of this is you.

The scientific method is about presenting evidence for claims. You don't present evidence for yours. This is ironic given you claim special relativity doesn't have evidence. You demand people provide evidence for their claims but you will not provide evidence for your claims. That's dishonest, stupid and trolling.
You impose "conspiracy theory" to me.
You believe there's a vast set of people deliberately trying to suppress evidence against special relativity. You might not have called it a conspiracy but that is what you are claiming exists.
There are people who have a lot of money, and who are interested in promoting the SRT.
These people pay for the work that you do.

This can not be called a conspiracy.
This is called - lobbying.
There are people who have a lot of money, and who are interested in promoting the SRT.
These people pay for the work that you do.

This can not be called a conspiracy.
This is called - lobbying.
Masterov, can I ask?
What is it you wish to acheive here at sciforums?
SRT-lobby accused a scientist into that he never did (in promoting a idea of the "conspiracy theory"), and then declare him insane and placed in a psychiatric hospital, where doctors-sadistic to change this scientist into madman.
For which you have no evidence.

Necessary to carry out an investigation to obtain evidence.

I do not have possibilities and do not have the legal rights to conduct for such an investigation.
But it does not deprive me of the right to accuse the scoundrels in their crimes.

Necessary to carry out an investigation to obtain evidence.
So how can you claim people are being locked up under false accusations of insanity when you admit you have no evidence? Why are you making claims you admit you have no evidence for? You complain people who support SRT have no evidence and are frauds yet when you make claims for which you have no evidence it is okay?

And you expect people to take you seriously?

I do not have possibilities and do not have the legal rights to conduct for such an investigation.
So how did you come to think some people who deny relativity have been locked up in hospitals and declared insane?

But it does not deprive me of the right to accuse the scoundrels in their crimes.
Actually, accusing people of committing a crime when you have no evidence, ie it is in bad faith, is a crime because it's slanderous/libellous. If I wrote in a national newspaper "Masterov is a murderer" then you could sue me for deformation of character if you can prove I made it up or I knew it to be false. You're accusing people have orchestrating the unlawful imprisonment of SRT deniers. You have a right to accuse people if you have just cause, ie evidence, but you do not have a right to accuse people when you have no evidence or worse, know of evidence to the contrary.

If you admit that you have no evidence then you do not have the right to accuse people of crimes. One of the people you're accusing would be within his rights to take you to court on grounds of deformation of character. Fortunately you're so insignificant and incoherent that no one believes you anyway so what you complain about wouldn't impact said peoples' images anyway.