Three Experiments Challenging SRT

Bertozzi not put scientific experiments.
Bertozzi made laboratory-scale plant to demonstrate for students to demonstrate the relativistic effects.
Report Bertozzi is not a report about a scientific experiment.
Report Bertozzi was justification to dean of university.
Report Bertozzi justify the cost of establishing a laboratory-scale plant.
Report Bertozzi written half a century ago in the heyday of radio tubes.
Bertozzi report could not be regarded as a scientific foundation 50 years ago.
Bertozzi report could not be regarded as a scientific foundation today.
Bullshit. You wanted an experiment that did essentially the same thing as Liangzao Fan? You got one, and now you're inventing excuses to ignore it just because you don't like the results.

You are so obviously grasping at straws now.
Experiments Bertozzi is very inaccurate and have been made ​​fifty years ago.
Bertozzi experiments were to be repeatedly delivered as a scientific experiment.
Measurements were to be executed with the utmost precision.
Each year, the measurement accuracy should be increased.

But none of that.

At the foundation of science shoved questionable results that were obtained in a student lab half a century ago.

To build on this foundation of science is impossible.

Necessary to repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN with maximum precision today.

Why not publish today?
It is irresponsible to build modern science in such a rotten foundation.
No, it is irresponsible to build modern science on such a rotten foundation as a single badly written unpublished paper reporting results that contradict what everyone else doing experimental work with relativistic particles is seeing. That's why modern scientists won't listen to you.
I do not think so.
I take you at your word, where the language issue is involved.

Accepting that, it seems unfortunate that the great volume of information on the GPS system, is likely not easily available in Russian. The way I read the information available, all of your objections to the involvement of both SR and GR, are addressed.

The GPS system requires real time adjustments to compensate for the effects of both SR and GR time dilations.

The USSR conspiracy and suppression issue, while it may have been and likely was to some extent real, and you may have lived through it, is also long in the past. The USSR has not existed for a long time now.

Try researching the information available on the GPS system and approach the information you get in translation, with the knowledge that native English speakers, do read this information as including both SR and GR time dilation effects.

When "we" read the openly available information, though we sometimes argue over what it all means, we can also all agree that both SR and GR time dilation is involved.

If the GPS system did not compensate for both, everyone with a car in the USA would be in Russia by now, or more like on the sea floor just off the US shore line, since cars don't float.
This text is difficult for me.
I could not figure it out.

Please write by short sentences.
Please write your ideas separately.
Russia has implemented its own satellite navigation system (GLONASS).
We used the experience of GPS.
In the relativistic correction of GPS time is blocked.
Our satellites also show no relativism.
Source for this?

Our dispute about such a controversial (due to their complexity and lack of access to classified information) objects, which are satellite navigation systems is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
The results collected over the last several decades in high energy physics are not classified. Why don't you take that into consideration?

In these experiments measured the distance and did not measure time.
Muons may be fly at a speed that exceeds the speed of light.
Not realistically. Particle accelerators accelerate charged particles using a series of alternating voltages which are precisely timed to the theoretically expected acceleration. They only work well if the particles move as fast as they are theoretically expected to.

Our dispute about such a controversial objects, which are muons is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
No. You don't get to dismiss anything that's not by Liangzao Fan as "controversial" just because you don't want to deal with it.

But I was talking about calibrating calorimeters.
You are not going to be able to explain the difference between 255 MeV and 45 GeV as "calibration error".

Incidentally, I happen to know that calibration of detectors is at least partially done with already studied events. For example, I was told that the detectors on the LHC were calibrated on the Z boson production peak. So the people at CERN can easily see how much more powerful the LHC is compared with previous accelerators.

Our dispute about such a controversial objects, which are calorimeters is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
Same pattern again. You don't want to deal with it, so you call it "controversial". The reality is that work in high energy physics routinely appears to confirm STR, and you're going to have to deal with that in some way other than ignoring it.

Similar experiments were carried out earlier.
Hundreds of such experiments are implemented out earlier.
Why are none of them has not been published.
How do you know these hundreds of experiments were actually performed? How do you know they weren't published? After all, you didn't seem to know about Bertozzi's experiment. Neither did Liangzao Fan.

The guy worked in the laboratory at Einstein in 1917 and published a paper that refutes SRT.
What paper?

Experiments Bertozzi is very inaccurate and have been made ​​fifty years ago.
We put men on the moon forty years ago. We blew up two cities with atomic bombs nearly seventy years ago. Don't dismiss the capabilities of past science so quickly.

Bertozzi's experiment claims an accuracy of about 10% in the experimental results. That might not seem very accurate, but it is more than enough for the test in question. The difference between STR and classical physics is much more than 10% at the velocities investigated, so you don't get to shrug that off so quickly.

Incidentally, the paper by Liangzao Fan didn't perform any statistical error analysis as far as I could see.

At the foundation of science shoved questionable results that were obtained in a student lab half a century ago.
No. The foundation of science is the collection of all the results we've been obtaining over the last several decades. Relativity is not founded on one single experiment. The best evidence for STR nowadays probably comes from accelerator physics. Any criticism of STR that seeks to ignore that is automatically suspicious.
Russia has implemented its own satellite navigation system (GLONASS).
We used the experience of GPS.
In the relativistic correction of GPS time is blocked.
Our satellites also show no relativism.
Source for this?

Our dispute about such a controversial (due to their complexity and lack of access to classified information) objects, which are satellite navigation systems is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
The results collected over the last several decades in high energy physics are not classified. Why don't you take that into consideration?

In these experiments measured the distance and did not measure time.
Muons may be fly at a speed that exceeds the speed of light.
Not realistically. Particle accelerators accelerate charged particles using a series of alternating voltages which are precisely timed to the theoretically expected acceleration. Accelerators only work well if the particles move as fast as they are theoretically expected to.

Our dispute about such a controversial objects, which are muons is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
No. You don't get to dismiss anything that's not by Liangzao Fan as "controversial" just because you don't want to deal with it.

But I was talking about calibrating calorimeters.
You are not going to be able to explain the difference between 255 MeV and 45 GeV as "calibration error".

Incidentally, I happen to know that calibration of detectors is at least partially done with already studied events. For example, I was told (by someone involved in the CMS experiment a few years ago) that the detectors on the LHC were calibrated on the Z boson production peak. So the people at CERN can easily see how much more powerful the LHC is compared with previous accelerators.

Our dispute about such a controversial objects, which are calorimeters is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
Same pattern again. You don't want to deal with it, so you call it "controversial". The reality is that work in high energy physics routinely appears to confirm STR, and you're going to have to deal with that in some way other than ignoring it.

Similar experiments were carried out earlier.
Hundreds of such experiments are implemented out earlier.
Why are none of them has not been published.
How do you know these hundreds of experiments were actually performed? How do you know they weren't published? After all, you didn't seem to know about Bertozzi's experiment. Neither did Liangzao Fan.

The guy worked in the laboratory at Einstein in 1917 and published a paper that refutes SRT.
What paper?

Experiments Bertozzi is very inaccurate and have been made ​​fifty years ago.
We put men on the moon forty years ago. We blew up two cities with atomic bombs nearly seventy years ago. Don't dismiss the capabilities of past science so quickly.

Bertozzi's experiment claims an accuracy of about 10% in the experimental results. That might not seem very accurate, but it is more than enough for the test in question. The difference between STR and classical physics is much more than 10% at the velocities investigated, so you don't get to shrug that off so quickly.

Incidentally, the paper by Liangzao Fan didn't perform any statistical error analysis as far as I could see.

At the foundation of science shoved questionable results that were obtained in a student lab half a century ago.
No. The foundation of science is the collection of all the results we've been obtaining over the last several decades. Relativity is not founded on one single experiment. The best evidence for STR nowadays probably comes from accelerator physics. Any criticism of STR that seeks to ignore that is automatically suspicious.
Our dispute about such a controversial (due to their complexity and lack of access to classified information) objects, which are satellite navigation systems is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
The results collected over the last several decades in high energy physics are not classified. Why don't you take that into consideration?
I am looking for a few years the results of experiments similar Liangzao FAN's experiments.
Except highly questionable data Bertozzi, other - do not exist.
In these experiments measured the distance and did not measure time.
Muons may be fly at a speed that exceeds the speed of light.
Not realistically. Particle accelerators accelerate charged particles using a series of alternating voltages which are precisely timed to the theoretically expected acceleration. Accelerators only work well if the particles move as fast as they are theoretically expected to.
The decay of the target substance can not be generate a particles whose velocity is greater than the speed of light.
Always generate particles, the speed does not exceed the speed of light.
But if these particles are unstable, their decay can lead to the production of particles that move faster than light.
That is, particles whose velocity exceeds the speed of light are produced as a result of cascade decays.

Muon could be born not in the target, but at some distance from it.
Our dispute about such a controversial objects, which are muons is unproductive. Would be simpler repeat the experiments Liangzao FAN, who will answer all uncertainty.
No. You don't get to dismiss anything that's not by Liangzao Fan as "controversial" just because you don't want to deal with it.
Liangzao Fan's experiments simple and obvious.
These experiments have minimum of uncertainty.
Analysis of GPS and muons are too difficult to make definite conclusions.
There is a lot of uncertainties.
But I was talking about calibrating calorimeters.
You are not going to be able to explain the difference between 255 MeV and 45 GeV as "calibration error".
Error may be of any value.

There have no answer to the question: target's temperature increases in proportion to the potential difference of the accelerating field, or ceases to grow at a rate of electrons?
Experiments Bertozzi is very inaccurate and have been made ​​fifty years ago.
We put men on the moon forty years ago. We blew up two cities with atomic bombs nearly seventy years ago. Don't dismiss the capabilities of past science so quickly.

Bertozzi's experiment claims an accuracy of about 10% in the experimental results. That might not seem very accurate, but it is more than enough for the test in question. The difference between STR and classical physics is much more than 10% at the velocities investigated, so you don't get to shrug that off so quickly.

Incidentally, the paper by Liangzao Fan didn't perform any statistical error analysis as far as I could see.
At the foundation of science shoved questionable results that were obtained in a student lab half a century ago.
No. The foundation of science is the collection of all the results we've been obtaining over the last several decades. Relativity is not founded on one single experiment. The best evidence for STR nowadays probably comes from accelerator physics. Any criticism of STR that seeks to ignore that is automatically suspicious.
A strange argument.
Let's look at the airport through binoculars.
We will see how airliner doing park, but hear the sound of its engines on approach to the airport.
We are not surprised that we have two types of coordinates: the ones that we see, and those that we hear.

Let's look at the stars through a telescope.
We know that the light from these stars came to us many years (maybe - a thousands years).
We understand that the star we can see where she was a year ago (or - for a thousands years ago).
That is again: we have two types of coordinates: the coordinates of the real and visible.

In Master Theory are two types of coordinates: the coordinates of the real and visible.

Actual coordinates an object take dictation to Galilean transformations, and not depend the properties of the electromagnetic wave.
The real coordinates can be computed as a result of double integration of acceleration of the object over time.
The acceleration in the Master Theory is absolute.

Visual coordinates an object arise when they are determined by analyzing the electromagnetic waves, which radiated by this object.

I did find an error.

Your equations are not LT.

LT does not presume to know the measurements in the other frame.

That is why you are in error.
I did find an error.

Your equations are not LT.

LT does not presume to know the measurements in the other frame.

That is why you are in error.
Lorentz's error

Lorentz's relativism is based on the formula:$$x^2-(ct)^2=(x')^2-(ct')^2$$
But this formula is lying.
The correct formula is as follows:$$x^2-(ct)^2=(x'-vt')^2-(ct')^2$$

Why not?

I'll give the answer below:

I remind to you of a school-task about the two foot-passengers and the dog:

1. Two travelers go on the road with the same velocity ($$v$$) at a distance ($$L$$) from each other (one behind the other).

2. A dog runs between travelers (at velocity $$c$$).

QUESTION: how long time the dog ran ahead, and how long - ago.

Every schoolboy knows the answer to this ask: ldog's time will be different because:

1. When the dog runs back (to meet to lagging-traveler) - the dog's time will be the lesser: $$T_1=L/(c+v)$$.

2. When the dog runs forward (to rush to the advance-traveler) - the dog's time will be the greater: $$T_2=L/(c-v)$$.

Let the two mirrors will be in place of travelers.
Let the photon will be in place of dog.
So as it shown in this picture:

Please note: photon's time are different.

These two values are the roots of the equation:
for $$x=\pm L$$

Einstein, Lorentz, Minkowski argued that dog's times (on both sides) is the same:


In the problem of the two travelers and the dog: L '= L.
This little problem only shows that dog's times (in different directions) will be different:

In the problem (with two mirrors, with a photon and with a moving observer) times will be different too, but to this added to the visual relativistic effect: the distance between the mirrors will become smaller (visual). Therefore:



$$t'_1+t'_2=L(1+v/c)/c+L(1-v/c)/c=2L/c=t_1+t_2$$ - is true!
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Lorentz's error

Lorentz's relativism is based on the formula:$$x^2-(ct)^2=(x')^2-(ct')^2$$
But this formula is lying.
The correct formula is as follows:$$x^2-(ct)^2=(x'-vt')^2-(ct')^2$$

Why not?

I'll give the answer below:

I remind to you of a school-task about the two foot-passengers and the dog:

1. Two travelers go on the road with the same velocity ($$v$$) at a distance ($$L$$) from each other (one behind the other).

2. A dog runs between travelers (at velocity $$c$$).

QUESTION: how long time the dog ran ahead, and how long - ago.

Every schoolboy knows the answer to this ask: ldog's time will be different because:

1. When the dog runs back (to meet to lagging-traveler) - the dog's time will be the lesser: $$T_1=L/(c+v)$$.

2. When the dog runs forward (to rush to the advance-traveler) - the dog's time will be the greater: $$T_2=L/(c-v)$$.

Let the two mirrors will be in place of travelers.
Let the photon will be in place of dog.
So as it shown in this picture:

Please note: photon's time are different.

These two values are the roots of the equation:
for $$x=\pm L$$

Einstein, Lorentz, Minkowski argued that dog's times (on both sides) is the same:


In the problem of the two travelers and the dog: L '= L.
This little problem only shows that dog's times (in different directions) will be different:

In the problem (with two mirrors, with a photon and with a moving observer) times will be different too, but to this added to the visual relativistic effect: the distance between the mirrors will become smaller (visual). Therefore:



$$t'_1+t'_2=L(1+v/c)/c+L(1-v/c)/c=2L/c=t_1+t_2$$ - is true!

Look you said, $$x^2-(ct)^2=(x'-vt')^2-(ct')^2$$

Therefore, since you agree c, $$x^2-(x'-vt')^2=(ct)^2-(ct')^2$$

So, $$x^2-(x'-vt')^2/(t^2-t'^2)=c^2$$

So, $$c = sqrt{x^2-(x'-vt')^2/(t^2-t'^2)}$$

So, can you prove this freak formula?

That is your task otherwise, you are a crackpot.