There was no Sun worship

I suggest you write important posts in a word redactor program first, and only then paste to browser. Has happened to me too, so I now apply that method.
Thanks. Usually i just copy the text (ctrl-C) and have it there if i need to ctrl-v but what happened this time is i got logged off by a mod who is out to get me and when i hit the back button it was gone for ever. Too bad because i was going to share profound information, and the best part is it is all free. Very intense, i was reticent to post it because it is either something realllly big or just way out there.

Ah, REALLY i just got timed out and for some reason it went blank white, THAT has never happened to me so i was like whoa- he he. Somehting new in the last few months.

ANYWAY and relating to this thread: NOTE: This is NOT my original post, that was BIIIIGGGGG and could effect civilisation to the extent that i just am not willing to live with, and why should i?

If we look at a new born infant, there is a look they get when they see another human, you see it in their eyes, their face, there is no lying, pure, innocenct, no deception, no animosity - LOVE in the truest sense. They are not looking at an object, the identify with humans explicitly. The Sun is just a big warm ball in the sky, i know that this carries on throughout life and has not changed since the first humans were put here...however many they may have been. This is not to say there was no assumptions and fantasy related to the sun just that as humans we would never give into this object completely. I am not one to accept things at face value and to reiterate much more is made of this phenomenon then we have been led to believe. This is not to say initially it was good intentioned but....No smoking gun, not by a long shot.

I rest my case and feel vindicated AND will accept all apologies.
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ANYWAY and relating to this thread: NOTE: This is NOT my original post, that was BIIIIGGGGG and could effect civilisation to the extent that i just am not willing to live with, and why should i?
-You just leave us guessing then, hmmmmmm. Well, its your choice and right.

If we look at a new born infant, there is a look they get when they see another human, you see it in their eyes, their face, there is no lying, pure, innocenct, no deception, no animosity - LOVE in the truest sense. They are not looking at an object, the identify with humans explicitly.
-I agree

The Sun is just a big warm ball in the sky, i know that this carries on throughout life and has not changed since the first humans were put here...however many they may have been. This is not to say there was no assumptions and fantasy related to the sun just that as humans we would never give into this object completely.
-Well they did sacrified fellow HUMANS to some God, was is sun or what, but the point remains, they put the fear of God over fellow humans life.
Quite powerful fantasy I may add.

I am not one to accept things at face value and to reiterate much more is made of this phenomenon then we have been led to believe. This is not to say initially it was good intentioned but....No smoking gun, not by a long shot.
-I dont get this part

I rest my case and feel vindicated AND will accept all apologies.
-I´m sorry that your first post get screwed.

Every time i post things reltating to the supernatural i get flamed. If you dont mind me asking, what country are you from?
I´m from Finland. Where are you from ?
Flamed ? How ? I thought we were having meaningful discussion after sticky start.
Dont mind the ones flaming, in this forum there always will be flamers.
Finland, thats cool. yeah, its been an interesting discussion...maybe a little confusing. The lines are becoming somewhat blurred.

I am from U.S.

-I thought about this over and decided to go to first post.

First we need to cosider the fact that without the Sun there would be no life, this is a simple fact of nature. However, this can be said about many things such as water, throughout human history we have always been very aware of this. Yet we dont claim that water was once worshipped,
-There is big difference with water and sun in that sense, you cant touch sun, you cant even watch it, you have no control over sun what so ever, that could not be said about water. It was the other way around, the sun did have control over man.

for anyone to say 'Sun, Sun why have you forsaken me' at the moment of death is far fetched and would indicate very low IQ. As a matter of fact it is hard to believe a human under any circumstances would say such a thing. It is like looking at an egg and saying 'why have you forsaken me'.

-I wouldnt mix IQ with religion, its easy to say that now since we know things like big bangs, black holes and so on, if the sun was taken as God back then, there was nothing strange in hes word.

Humans identify with humans and to a lesser extent other living creatures. The Sun is an object but has no characteristics humans would identify with. I doubt that the Sun was ever worshipped at all, more than likely this stems from a misunderstanding of ancient people and ancient art which draws some amazing conclusions. We can look at artifacts and can claim to know more from them but we dont, whatever makes us feel better i guess.
-The fact that sun has no characteristic of human makes it nonhuman, God ?
-Only thing we can relay on issues like this is what they have left behind and how that is relating to now days, everybody is free to make their own conclusions, mine is that the sun was presented as God in many religions.
I really wonder your doubt that sun wasnt worshipped AT ALL, not in any religion ?

The moral of the story is just because we read about things and see it in movies does not make it true. Of course i am fairly certain i know why it was said but our civilization is not ready to know this- absolute truth. I just dont know what kind of effect it would have.
-This is the part that I dont fully understand, what truth, the truth that we are worshipping false images ? The truth of God and who/what he/she/it really is ? The truth that there is no God ? Can you specify this, I´m confused.
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Suit yourself then.

-I wouldnt mix IQ with religion, its easy to say that now since we know things like big bangs, black holes and so on, if the sun was taken as God back then, there was nothing strange in hes word.

Oh really, and what do we know? The big bang, more like the big guess. I have never known an explosion to do anything particularly useful let alone create remarkably distinct spheres all on its own. Usually explosions destroy, they dont create much. Hell for all i know then maybe there is some old guy up there with a white beard. And why an explosion anyway?

"This means there are at least 100 billion stars with planets in our Galaxy," Lineweaver said. "With about 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, our result suggests that there are at least 10 trillion planetary systems in the Universe."
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Suit yourself then.
Oh really, and what do we know? The big bang, more like the big guess. I have never known an explosion to do anything particularly useful let alone create remarkably distinct spheres all on its own. Usually explosions destroy, they dont create much. Hell for all i know then maybe there is some old guy up there with a white beard. And why an explosion anyway?

"This means there are at least 100 billion stars with planets in our Galaxy," Lineweaver said. "With about 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, our result suggests that there are at least 10 trillion planetary systems in the Universe."

-Lets look what I said:
-I wouldnt mix IQ with religion, its easy to say that now since we know things like big bangs, black holes and so on, if the sun was taken as God back then, there was nothing strange in hes word.

-I doubt that they did have the same knowledge about universe than we have now, we have telescopes like hubble and so on, replace the words big bang with; pulsars, neutron stars...
-I dont have no interest start arguing what is big bang or even that is that theory right, it dont have much relevance to the topic at hand, there is better suited sub-forums to do that in this site...