RoyLennigan, excellent post. I think much has been taken out of context though.
I haven't read the whole thread (so forgive me if this has already been raised), but what about Amaterasu, the Shinto sun goddess? She's still worshipped by many Japanese (that sun symbol on their flag...her position in the Shinto religion is why its there). I guess human nature really hasn't changed.
You also say:
Since there are a variety of religions that worship invisible or at least unseen beings, and a few that worship no specific beings but merely revere particular concepts, I'm going to have to disagree. They can't *all* be right, so someone is worshipping something that cannot respond in any way whatsoever, because it's a fiction.
Are you mad?
Not only the Sun but the Moon.
And even the Stars...why do you think the Pyramids were built.
Even so that qualifies for silliest thread of the year so far...even though I've only been here a month, I cant believe theres a sillier thread.
Obviously you have not read this entire thread or the one that preceeded it. I did not start this thread but it is fine with me that it is here.
My initial intention (in the first thread) was to answer M*W's observation that a man, Jesus Christ or any person hanging from a cross, would ask the Sun why it had forsaken him- I am pretty sure that is what she had implied. Whatever did happen and what was actually said can be debated, this does not change the fact that it is far fetched to believe that a person at that time would make a statement like that unless they had the intelligence of a child.
Intent plays a big part of this thread, often times it is inferered that if people worshipped the Sun GOD\CREATOR (implied) it is equally ridiculous to worship any god because we all know now that the Sun is not a god and we would NOT attribute it with CREATION. My response is that this was NEVER the case.
Sun gods, water gods, fish gods do not matter, the point is weather the Sun was viewed as the creator of life - not if the sun was an attribute, like everything else we live with, of a supreme being or entity. So the answer to this is 'they saw the sun make their crops grow...' but as i have stated before they also saw their children being born in the dead of night so they would know the sun was NOT a direct requirement for life, it sustains life but so does eating and many other things. Read the whole thread and this becomes clearer. Sure without it there would be no life, no life equals death but that can be said about any requirement of living organisms. So what are we left with? The god of fish? Now it is obviously assumed that these people knew for a fact if the sun did stop generating heat (glowing) that life would stop, we know this now and what enormous effect it would have but was this always known? As a matter of fact, I would think that primitive people may have thought they can live without it, just in darkness. If we are going to make assumptions then why wouldn't we assume that primitive people senn that they can hunt at night, they can reproduce at night etc. so maybe it would be cooler but not the end of the world if it was no longer there.
Also it has been said (by a minority)that all religions are derived directly from sun worship, i have shown this to not be the case and maybe you would see that if you had read the thread.
People can worship a coke bottle, big f'ing deal, people CAN worship the sun in a way to look up and say 'please, please let my crops grow, but it is a mistake to assume that it was ever viewed as an entity solely responsible for creation of the planets, the stars, the moon and all life. If you have proof that this was the case then come up with it now or keep you comments to yourself. I can insult many people in a big way, but i am not going to do that because what would be the point.
All this does is prove my point, which is exactly what i intended to do by making the initial statement. I just see too many people making assumptions that do not logically seem accurate. Using Amaterasu as an example and from everything i have seen so far there was always human attributes added, given that information we can assume that ancient people fully believed there was something more, something not seen- A SUPREME BEING - NOT THE SUN but one who CREATED THE SUN.
I haven't read the whole thread (so forgive me if this has already been raised), but what about Amaterasu, the Shinto sun goddess? She's still worshipped by many Japanese (that sun symbol on their flag...her position in the Shinto religion is why its there). I guess human nature really hasn't changed.
For the last time, the sun was viewed as a magnificent attribute, a miracle and proof of GOD. As far as the Japanese flag, it looks cool and is easily copied.
What you have to do know is prove i am wrong. That is all, should be easy, i have seen just as much data as anyone else here and it is a matter of what we have been led to believe with alot of stuff added after the fact that can very well not be accurate at all.
Here are your sun gods: gods&FORM=BIRE
Do you see a common theme?