There is absolutely NO contradiction whatsoever between religious faith and science

Slight bias here. :D

Hey I'm nuetral :shrug: some Christians follow the right path but some are insane and follow false teachings, Like how some muslims are just the same and have been taught wrong teachings that somehow their Imams justified blowing themselves up killing innocents and commiting suicide which the quran does not permit. Like how Catholic priests molest young children I call out and speak out against all of those things, Judging people by their religion and ethnicity is wrong, Judge people by their actions as individuals.


Because then god turns out to be an unnecessary "step". If science can work out how and why everything occurs then what requirement is there for god? He's done nothing, isn't required and has no influence. Might as well not exist. Oh, wait...

This only applies to people whose lives are entirely based around pursuing the knowledge of everything. If you can find such persons let me know.

Untrue. If god exists there is no free will, likewise if there is free will then god is not (cannot be) god.
See here and the follow-up here.

Insufficient, and limited reasoning.

In short none of your statements are relative to day to day life.

This only applies to people whose lives are entirely based around pursuing the knowledge of everything. If you can find such persons let me know.
How do you work out that it "only applies" to people like that? If that truly IS the case then I am such a person, since "god" plays no part in my life.

Insufficient, and limited reasoning.
Well you would say that, since, in the latter thread particularly, YOU had to resort to lies, back-pedalling and obfuscation and still failed to make any point other than "if it's god your logic doesn't count".

In short none of your statements are relative to day to day life.
On the contrary, it applies to MY everyday life and those of my friends and family.

As usual you fail entirely to support your point. Or even make one.
God is wrong/ contradictory since there's no need for him. A totally extraneous element.

You're pretending that science has everything figured out. As long as there are significant fundamental questions that we don't have answers to, God remains a possibility, even if it's an unpalatable one.
You're pretending that science has everything figured out. As long as there are significant fundamental questions that we don't have answers to, God remains a possibility, even if it's an unpalatable one.
Agreed. God of the gaps.
And the gaps are getting smaller.

But Post 5 (not by me) assumed that we would, at some, get all the answers.
I've never been able to understand why people consider science and God at odds with each other. If science finds a lawful answer for every aspect of the universe, why does the Creator of those laws become excluded?

That was the tenor of my comment.
I probably needed pulling up before I went off on a rant. :D

How do you work out that it "only applies" to people like that? If that truly IS the case then I am such a person, since "god" plays no part in my life.

My point was your statement was completely baseless, and pointless.
Now it seems you have changed the emphasis to your personal opinion, the truth is, you think God does't play a part in your life as you do not know everything.

Well you would say that, since, in the latter thread particularly, YOU had to resort to lies, back-pedalling and obfuscation and still failed to make any point other than "if it's god your logic doesn't count".

Which thread would that be.

On the contrary, it applies to MY everyday life and those of my friends and family.

So you're saying there are people live their lives in pursuit of knowing everything there is to know, in the knowledge that God plays NO role in their life?
Apart from being weird, don't you find that contradictory.

As usual you fail entirely to support your point. Or even make one.

You believe God is unecessary, while believing God does not exist.
What is your point?

My point was your statement was completely baseless, and pointless.
Your point was in error.
Now it seems you have changed the emphasis to your personal opinion, the truth is, you think God does't play a part in your life as you do not know everything.
No. The truth is that, despite your opinion that god plays a part in my life you cannot show that this is so. In other words you're introducing needless "features".

Which thread would that be.
And an early start to the obfuscation. You usually save that until you're really losing. One more time: the second of the two which were linked to the word "here" in the post you quoted.

So you're saying there are people live their lives in pursuit of knowing everything there is to know, in the knowledge that God plays NO role in their life?
Apart from being weird, don't you find that contradictory.
I see you fail, as usual, to read what is in front of you.
You claimed that my statements didn't apply to everyday life:
you said:
In short none of your statements are relative to day to day life.
I simply pointed out that they in fact are.

You believe God is unecessary, while believing God does not exist.
What is your point?
There is, so far as we can tell, no need for god. And no evidence that he exists. It's that simple.
No, but Truth cannot contradict Truth.
Which means what, exactly?
Or are you claiming that only "the majority" have the truth?
In which case which particular "truth" are you talking about?
The Christian "truth"? The Moslem "truth"? The Mormon's "truth"? Etc. etc...

Or are you claiming that "the majority" actually decides/ defines what is true?

Both of these claims fail.
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I see you didn't bother to read past that word in post 3.
God is wrong/ contradictory since there's no need for him. A totally extraneous element.
Everything in science only serves to confirm God if you can only open your eyes and see it. God lays it all out in plain sight, but so many of us just can't see the forest for the trees.
Which means what, exactly?
Or are you claiming that only "the majority" have the truth?
In which case which particular "truth" are you talking about?
The Christian "truth"? The Moslem "truth"? The Mormon's "truth"? Etc. etc...

Or are you claiming that "the majority" actually decides/ defines what is true?

Both of these claims fail.
Assuming you are not a Christian, the truth does not apply to you, unless you are truly searching for the truth, it is revealed to you and you accept it by the grace of God.
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Everything in science only serves to confirm God if you can only open your eyes and see it.
You'll have to show that this is the actual case.
What, specifically, in science (any branch of science, pick one) confirms god?
Note that you'll have to show that god is actually required in this process and not just handwave with "god set it up" or "god ensures that it works" since these are unsupportable claims.

God lays it all out in plain sight, but so many of us just can't see the forest for the trees.
According to you, at least. But you can't demonstrate this, much less prove it.
Assuming you are not a Christian, the truth does not apply to you, unless you are truly searching for the truth, it is revealed to you and you accept it by the grace of God.
Ah I see.
Another of these baseless self-supporting circular "arguments".
In other words you're falling back onto belief and not rationality or reason.

What, exactly, is "truth"?
Other than your insupportable belief (which cannot be shown to be "truth" by the way).
Ah I see.
Another of these baseless self-supporting circular "arguments".
In other words you're falling back onto belief and not rationality or reason.

What, exactly, is "truth"?
Other than your insupportable belief (which cannot be shown to be "truth" by the way).
Everyone here who is a Christian knows what the truth is, maybe this question came up for those who don't know, so why doesn't someone just say it instead of beating around the bush, for we all know who is "The Truth, The Life and The Way".
I don't understand sometimes why we don't call a spade a spade and go on with life.
Everyone here who is a Christian knows what the truth is
Incorrect. What you actually mean is "Everyone here who is a Christian believes they know what the truth is"

so why doesn't someone just say it instead of beating around the bush, for we all know who is "The Truth, The Life and The Way".
The reason no-one says it is because it isn't true. You don't know, you simply believe.

I don't understand sometimes why we don't call a spade a spade and go on with life.
Because your spade isn't a spade. You can't even show that it exists.