Theory Of Everything Cracked!

Okay. Same deal: why.

(I don't mean, why want a Unified Theory of Everything - I just mean, why does you're theory qualify as such?)
Mosheh Thezion said:
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''logical to consider that the atom must consist of forces that reflect what we commonly refer to as charge… where positive can be treated as an outward force and negative could be treated as an inward force and or vice versa and what’s more we now have symbiotic forces and or means of how mass is possible without worrying about charge, we can even convert a magnetic field to these basic fundamental forces.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

OH PLEASE.. tell us of this inward and outward force.. is it cyclic??? back and forth??
or is it balanced? does it meet in the middle over any given distance?

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''getting back to treating charge at some velocity, we even have the means as to how valences are possible and why they behave they way they do''''''''''''''''''''

what valence are you talking about? specifically???

Remember a previous post, where I asked if you ever considered what a particle consists of? serioulsy!??? what forces define a particle? is a single field of force that defines it or do you think via results from smashing particles into each other there could be two symbiotic forces that contain themselves untill the point of impact?

Have you even considered what is force?
How does force exert itself?

My definition of force is the result of a single direction of a given field at a given velocity where if it is met with an opposing veloctiy of a given field and where a change of velocity and direction is the outcome of these fields, this change is deemed by me as force.

when I refer to a valence I refer to in general to all shells and or valences of all Atom that have them.
Mr Anonymous said:
Okay. Same deal: why.

(I don't mean, why want a Unified Theory of Everything - I just mean, why does you're theory qualify as such?)

It gives us the means to work with Gravity and Quantum Mechanics with each other, and this is because electromotive forces can be converted to the same forces that define the velocities that suggest gravity, or if we wish we can convert velocities that suggest gravity to an electromotive force to explain why gravity or the velocities that suggest gravity is percieved as being able to bend or influence the propagation of Light.
superluminal said:
Yes. How does LB's theory account for the spectral features of "green"? Its energy/wavelength? Emission by certain excited atomic states? What about coherent green laser light? How does the LBTOE explain coherence without QM? There are many interesting questions about the color green.

There you go! What more need I add about the electromagnetic spectrum that pertains to green unless a large body of mass is interacting with it in some way?
Mosheh Thezion said:
but what is the field composed of???

you cant just say forces.



A defined field is merely a portion of the universe. where we may be observing an area that is defined by surrounding areas of varying velocities where given areas may be at an outward unifying trajectory and the containment force/s are opposing inward trajectory from other nearby unity trajectories, much like an atoms true form or definition.

Almost forgot to mention that the whole Universes field consists of the same substance with varing densities through out it.
LaidBack said:
It gives us the means to work with Gravity and Quantum Mechanics with each other, and this is because electromotive forces can be converted to the same forces that define the velocities that suggest gravity, or if we wish we can convert velocities that suggest gravity to an electromotive force to explain why gravity or the velocities that suggest gravity is percieved as being able to bend or influence the propagation of Light.

So, basically you're saying - everything, every last little thing - particles, mass, space, gravity is all one thing. Something akin to an electromagnetic field?
Mr Anonymous said:
So, basically you're saying - everything, every last little thing - particles, mass, space, gravity is all one thing. Something akin to an electromagnetic field?

And what better way to ingrain this concept to a deeper understanding than to ask the following...

Consider a particle or sub atomic particle, and as we do - Contemplate what forces define it and its boundries?

At this point it should be noted science, and in particular Quantum mechanics has some catching up to do with respects as to how one deals with uncertainty and the very reason why we could only come up with some probability, but lately uncertainty is over come by morphing and or stretching the area of uncertainty as if it is a single field that encases all probabilities and it is then calculated via field theorem rather than via to an uncertain point with a high probability.

Moving on back~ We use Particle acclerators to smash particles into each other and the resulting measurements and observations give us the indication that something defines them and what better way than treating them as an area that is at a momentum that is caused and defined by its imediate environment "a field is the result", but what is its environment and what does it consist of? More fields with a given velocity and or momentum?

Well yes~ indeed! And we now must note, we are delving into what was the partial cause of the standard table of sub atomic particles, and if one refers to this table one can get a clearer picture of the momentums and or forces that have been detected and what has thus far been conjectured as possible but yet has not been detected, and the race to detect these forces "fields" is still ongoing.

Anyway getting back to the fact that no matter where we measure an area in our Universe there is always a momentum or velocity of some sort from some field which itself is gaining and losing momentum via "electromagnetic forces"light"", be it cold dark matter that is essence just a field with a vast span that is extemely close to unity or an area that is still somewhat compressed and consisting with concentated forces, and through all these fields electromagnetic waves and or momentum is propagated, and if one considers that the speed of light is actually hindered by Areas that are defined as Atoms being of close proximity to each other "solids", then it should be obvious then, That where the Atoms distance to another should give clear insight, that if the atoms field or span is still exchanging energy via a vast span via their respective fields the propagation of light of course is going to be propagated a damn sight faster! and whats more if we consider the maximum distance from any atom to any other this reflects as to how and why "c" is the limit.

So yes! no matter where and how we measure our whole universe it consists of the same old same old, And what defines one given area as different to another is dependant on whatever momentums and or velocities one is met with.
Mr Anonymous said:
So. That would be a yes, then?

Laidback who is somewhat taken aback said:
So yes! no matter where and how we measure our whole universe it consists of the same old same old, And what defines one given area as different to another is dependant on whatever momentums and or velocities one is met with.
:confused: yes.
:) .... Excellent! I knew I could get you down to a one word answer. It just takes patience.

So. Everything is much of a muchment then, in terms of what it is made of, how about momentum though? How do you attribute the thing which gives everything its momentum - that which binds and holds things together - force, in other words.

Would you attribute it to attractance or absolute mutual abhorrence as being the single, unifying force?
LaidBack said:

A defined field is merely a portion of the universe. where we may be observing an area that is defined by surrounding areas of varying velocities where given areas may be at an outward unifying trajectory and the containment force/s are opposing inward trajectory from other nearby unity trajectories, much like an atoms true form or definition.

Almost forgot to mention that the whole Universes field consists of the same substance with varing densities through out it.

ok... you didnt just say forces.... now you said velocities..
with trajectories....

ok, ill bite.. the basis of my proposed field theory which you have repeatedly insulted....

is based on one dimensional lines of spatial tension, as the fundamental particle...

which in various forms... states... is gravity, electric fields, electromagnetic energy, rolled up into electrons and all matter.

and so, i feel for alot of what you have said..

but that part about velocities and trajectories.. AND PUSH PULL.... is nonsense.

if tyour taking about fields of electrostatic energy which either colide and add forces... or oppose and reduce and alter them...

then say so... all you keep doing is explaining what may be common knowledge, in some wierd psuedo science kind of way.

your like a politician,.... using alot of words, and saying very little of any argueable substance....

so how can we object??? we dont know what your talking about.

Mr Anonymous said:
:) .... Excellent! I knew I could get you down to a one word answer. It just takes patience.

So. Everything is much of a muchment then, in terms of what it is made of, how about momentum though? How do you attribute the thing which gives everything its momentum - that which binds and holds things together - force, in other words.

Would you attribute it to attractance or absolute mutual abhorrence as being the single, unifying force?

Aborrence? :confused:

Its way to hard to explain without some sort of model and or calculus, so what we need to do is to diagram two circles as if we are to depict a donut, and we further proceed to draw two lines from the outer circle to the inner circle as if they were cutting marks to remove a portion.

Now lets state that those two lines define a field with a density with lines of forces that are the result of two equal velocities that are opposing each other, so for this purpose we have two fields that are meeting and applying forces to each other giving them their combined definition of donut, while this stand off exists and should we consider one body or field is experiencing a little more force on its outer surface than the smaller portion so lets depict this as the larger portion has an outer surface in contact with another surface from another field with a momentum that is clockwise, and because of this the two portions that represent the donut shape would have an anti clock wise spin that has a changing rotational velocity, this change in velocity is due to the smaller portion being of a velocity that opposes or has a velocity to an opposite direction to the larger portion so when its surface that meets with the outer surface that is cause for spin it actually changes the spins velocity to reflect this somewhat, Put simply if we stroked the donuts surface the whole donut should spin, but if we removed the smaller portion and resumed to cause spin and as we stroke the portion or area that is removed we would have cause for magic should it somehow spin.

So if we observe the donut "two circles consisting of two portions" from above the larger portion as it gains a velocity as a result from other exertions it rotates “ our fingers velocity” the whole donut or the other portion by a push pull relation ship also is given a velocity, now if we consider these fields that make up a donut to actual reality and we entered way down to where particles and space are seen as fields, we would see areas of the field that are availed trajectories that allow for areas of one field to amalgamate with other fields that are of the same velocity and as long as another area avails another fields velocity to keep everything in equilibrium, "keep in mind the whole Universe consists of just these fields as this happens" Now lets imagine as a neighbouring field is infringed by a field that lets say has been infringed by some higher velocity so it has increased its velocity and spin, to which it then at almost the same time releases this infringing higher velocity equally to all of its neighbouring fields as well, to which we could concede we just witnessed a model that could represent electromagnetic wave and or propagation if we followed this wave of increased velocity beyond our model of a donut.
LaidBack said:
Aborrence? :confused:

Absolutely. It's even simpler to explain. There are no attractant forces present in the Universe whatsoever. Everything, down to its last fundamental, is so exactly alike in its nature nothing can physically abide being anywhere near any other bit of it - all everything wants to do, fundamentally speaking, is establish as much physical distance as it possibly can away from the vicinity of its nearest neighbour and maintain that state of affairs absolutely. Forever.

One, single, unifying force. Abhorrence.
Mr Anonymous said:
One, single, unifying force. Abhorrence.
Hmm... So "Frightful. And British" is the theory of everything, then?
Mr Anonymous said:
Absolutely. It's even simpler to explain. There are no attractant forces present in the Universe whatsoever. Everything, down to its last fundamental, is so exactly alike in its nature nothing can physically abide being anywhere near any other bit of it - all everything wants to do, fundamentally speaking, is establish as much physical distance as it possibly can away from the vicinity of its nearest neighbour and maintain that state of affairs absolutely. Forever.

One, single, unifying force. Abhorrence.

Ahh~haaa~ Err~ Yeah~ the outwards momentum or velocity towards equilibrium.
Mosheh Thezion said:
ok... you didnt just say forces.... now you said velocities..
with trajectories....

ok, ill bite.. the basis of my proposed field theory which you have repeatedly insulted....

is based on one dimensional lines of spatial tension, as the fundamental particle...

which in various forms... states... is gravity, electric fields, electromagnetic energy, rolled up into electrons and all matter.

and so, i feel for alot of what you have said..

but that part about velocities and trajectories.. AND PUSH PULL.... is nonsense.

if tyour taking about fields of electrostatic energy which either colide and add forces... or oppose and reduce and alter them...

then say so... all you keep doing is explaining what may be common knowledge, in some wierd psuedo science kind of way.

your like a politician,.... using alot of words, and saying very little of any argueable substance....

so how can we object??? we dont know what your talking about.


Please go over all my posts, and note they were not dumping on all of your work it was merely suggesting much more data is needed, and yes I would agree my explanations and constructs aren’t any better perhaps, and well I think they are pretty good since I am suppose to be dyslexic.

And yes I must admit I was extremely annoyed about your introduction of an unknown input to a closed system, as this would suggest the universe is sort of holy and open for magic to be possible and this is simply not possible!

All Physics points to our Universe being closed to any further influences, NO IFS! NO BUTS! And the main physical reasons are because we still have momentum no matter where and how far back we observe and along with this we have stable and reliable unchanging constants that can give us extremely accurate predictions based on their properties.

As for Push Pull :rolleyes: yeah I agree, perhaps a somewhat bad analogy, never the less I am sure you know what I meant by my reference to the smaller portion of the donut experiencing it being pushed at one end whilst being availed an opportunity to a higher velocity to unity at the other end to a direction or trajectory towards the back end area of the larger portion or field that is currently at various area's of velocities that is also towards some sort of unity if it were not for the smaller portion exerting its field behind it so it seems all the portions have a momentum in Unisys em in an anticlock wise manner.

BTW let me suggest that the whole universe is made up of Atoms and there respective fields that have been defined by science as charges and it should be noted that charge can be treated as a field with a given force, we could also define positive charge "proton" as some unifying “outward” force and we could also define the negative charge as an inward trajectory of force, in fact if we treat charge as a force from the resulting velocities we can get a far better understanding of the actual dynamics of the respective fields be they at a trajectory that is inward or a trajectory that is outward or where there are two fields enmeshed with complex lines of trajectories and forces gives us areas we can define as the neutron because velocities cancell each other out, in fact if we compare the ammount of Protons and Electrons to a given atom and then count the neutralized areas or fields one should see this actually agrees with how many neutrons one would expect for a given Atom!
im sorry... your diluted with alot of bias... and absolute assurance in your beliefs.

'all of physics says the universe is closed...' thats bullshit and its pouring out of your mouth like dhairea.... and it disgusts me.

draw me a picture, other wise... using your form of language, it will be impossible for you to convince me of anything....

all youve said so far is..

"protons emit.. a force... it flows out...'
'the electron obsorbs this line of force.... converts it into velocity'

yeah.. dah... everyone knows this... and we dont need a paragraph of strange description to tell us that... i did it in 2 lines.

Mosheh Thezion said:
im sorry... your diluted with alot of bias... and absolute assurance in your beliefs.

'all of physics says the universe is closed...' thats bullshit and its pouring out of your mouth like dhairea.... and it disgusts me.

draw me a picture, other wise... using your form of language, it will be impossible for you to convince me of anything....

all youve said so far is..

"protons emit.. a force... it flows out...'
'the electron obsorbs this line of force.... converts it into velocity'

yeah.. dah... everyone knows this... and we dont need a paragraph of strange description to tell us that... i did it in 2 lines.

I diluted with alot of bias... and absolute assurance in my beliefs because ALL my data is backed by every field of science!, all I have done is redefined charge to a given force which is simply a result of a given fields dynamics.

As for the universe being closed, all physical evidence backs it all up! all we need do is to turn ones attention to everyday constants that science relies on a day to day basis. :rolleyes:

If the uiverse was open to changes then this would reflect on every single constant, giving us reason that there must be more! And what's more if the universe was open to changes from beyond all that is possible the laws of Physics simply could not be relied upon untill we discover why everything just doesnt work or make sense, in fact we wouldnt exist to a given certainty until some stability was established.

BTW I would be looking upo the following definitions so that you understand their exact meaning and how they are derrived..

Velocity to me equals a distance of a given path and or trajectory divided by a given ammount of time.

Trajectory to me is a little more involved because it gives for considerations for changes that may influence a given path of momentum, and if not considered by breaking up said given path to allow all directions that could have been traversed or if we were to predict a projected trajectory, we will never attain accuracy if all possible directions were not considered.

As for expressing anything complex by ommitting important details and or data I have to say is simply ridiculus!

Exercising this sort of practice doesnt cut it when we are dealing with REAL facts, it only works if one is messing around with bullshit such as religious explanations where its best to be as vauge as possible by using minimum sentences, in fact I think your one of those individuals that is trying to puzzle some religious bullshit with REAL reality, and thats why the need for an open universe.. :mad:

BTW.. I stand by my conviction, I think you could have been quite brilliant had you not allowed your self to be tainted with some brainwashing, and one can only hope you begin to disband anything that is holy Err~ I mean data that is full of holes and or without any basis.