Theory Of Everything Cracked!

Well, it looks red...
Ah! Yes! Looks red! A short sentence - but is it?!

Now, if we juxtapose this central core idea with Schroedinger's views on Ikea, what do we find - or, more importantly, what don't we find?

Exactly - a screw missing!!!!

That's a very pretty elephant by the way. Does she have a sister at all, do you know?
Well, they're pretty. I should imagine that's why they paint them that colour and why you collect 'em. I believe it may have some association with a given deity, also. The painting them red thing, not the you collecting them part.
A closed system is just that! It is closed to all influences beyond it! And that is our Universe! Got that!

the earth is a closed system... but energy comes in... just as over time... gases bleed out... that is what i mean by a closed system universe.... only able to take in energy... and spits it back eventually. got that!

Wrong! the earth is not a closed system! a closed system means just that! it is closed to ALL influences beyond it!.

Enough is enough! I was wondering why there were so many niggly points of your theory that wasn’t making any sense, and well I now understand why!
It’s not because of missing data! Its simply because its all muddled with bullshit! and grossly lacking details and depth of constructs! Just like some persuado science that usually comes from a religious mind!

niggly points??? why dont you try 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8....... and i will show you clearly.. that there is nothing niggly about it. got that!

First of all~ You cant get Something from Nothing! Energy can not be be created or destroyed! so what precedes your 1?

Our universe is Everything that is possible, thats EVERYTHING! and if you think there is anything that anyone or anything has ommitted then that too should have been included untill there is nothing possible beyond our Universe!

This is what any sane physist would consider our universe as a truly closed system as there is nothing to add because it is all part of the universe already and or there is no means of subtracting and placing it beyond as a some seperate part of the universe, because it simply isnt possible to place it anywhere that is not the Universe!

Our universe is closed! Because EVERYTHING POSSIBLE is part of the Universe! Got that!

Anything that does not conform within the laws that define our universe is Bullshit! And is totally impossible! Because it simply doesnt have a means of conformance with any REAL Reality and or conformance to laws of what is possible!

Therefore when anything occurs in our universe - EVERYTHING else that defines our universe must conform to this change! Got that! we simply cant have zero plus 1 equals 2 or zero plus zero eqauls one! thats Bullshit! got that!

Everything that is possible can be defined with a quanta or quantum! and because we are capable of calculating every thing it has to be always the result of a rigid and unchanging quanta or quantum that reflects how energy can not be created or destroyed but rather only divided and or shifted around so that the sum of it always is true!

All calculus must always sum up to prove this quanta has not changed because the universe is just that! it is closed to changes! GOT THAT!
'''''''''''''Our universe is Everything that is possible, thats EVERYTHING! and if you think there is anything that anyone or anything has ommitted then that too should have been included untill there is nothing possible beyond our Universe!

This is what any sane physist would consider our universe as a truly closed system as there is nothing to add because it is all part of the universe already and or there is no means of subtracting and placing it beyond as a some seperate part of the universe, because it simply isnt possible to place it anywhere that is not the Universe!

Our universe is closed! Because EVERYTHING POSSIBLE is part of the Universe! Got that! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


your not prepared to go over the evidense.

your mind is made up.

you could never be a cosmologist... because you understand it all.

you have no doubts or questions.... your figured it all out.

welll thats fine for morons like you... but myself and hawkings, and fermi, and einstein,, and tesla... and newton... and galileo... kepler... maxwell... thomas, rutherford, pascal,.... and even plank.... all know...

and know clearly.. that what we know... is very small...
in fact what we 'dont' know... far exceeds what we 'do' know.

and to presume... or in your case... assume... that there is nothing beyond our universe, simply because we cant see it.... is what stupid people do.

im sorry..... BUT ITS TRUE.

Mr Anonymous said:
Very well: What colour is Green?

Attention everyone!

Please refrain from the usage of questions that exude as if one is some moron..

I was under the impression this was a serious forum with individuals with some degree of intellect backing them.

As such.. I am seriously contemplating on reporting all such posts! that dont conform to some sort of respect
LaidBack said:
Attention everyone!

Please refrain from the usage of questions that exude as if one is some moron..

I was under the impression this was a serious forum with individuals with some degree of intellect backing them.

As such.. I am seriously contemplating on reporting all such posts! that dont conform to some sort of respect


you used alot of disrespectful language at me.
so if you want too whip someone... start with your own back side.

and ... by the way... there are alot of smart people around.
and then there are those, who dont want to try that hard, and only want to have fun.
there are more of those than intelectuals..
so if you cant stand the dumb jokes..... you might have a problem.

Mosheh Thezion said:
'''''''''''''Our universe is Everything that is possible, thats EVERYTHING! and if you think there is anything that anyone or anything has ommitted then that too should have been included untill there is nothing possible beyond our Universe!

This is what any sane physist would consider our universe as a truly closed system as there is nothing to add because it is all part of the universe already and or there is no means of subtracting and placing it beyond as a some seperate part of the universe, because it simply isnt possible to place it anywhere that is not the Universe!

Our universe is closed! Because EVERYTHING POSSIBLE is part of the Universe! Got that! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


your not prepared to go over the evidense.

your mind is made up.


Evidence and calculus simply backs up everything 100%!
And yes you’re right! My mind is made up based on this evidence!

What in the universe made you think other wise, GOD? :rolleyes: especially when one considers this thread is holding the Title "Theory Of Everything "TOE" Cracked"

By applying one self to the calculus what else is there?

Besides if we learn anymore to or about our Universe, it still is part of our possible Universe! <shakehead>
LaidBack said:
Attention everyone!

Please refrain from the usage of questions that exude as if one is some moron..

I was under the impression this was a serious forum with individuals with some degree of intellect backing them.

As such.. I am seriously contemplating on reporting all such posts! that dont conform to some sort of respect

My word. I must say, you certainly are living up to you're user name there old man. Any chance, possibly do y'think, of not being quite so laid-back as to bite a fellows head off just for asking a simple, pertinent question?

I'm not sure if you've actually read at all you're opening proposition - I certainly have. That's why, when you made the call for "some serious questions now?" I had actually presumed you to be being, indeed, actually serious - hence the posit of my question: What colour is Green?

I'm somewhat taken aback as to you're reaction. I would have thought it a somewhat obvious question to ask, given the thrust of you're initial posting - you have actually read what you've written haven't you?
LaidBack said:
Evidence and calculus simply backs up everything 100%!

This is the kind of statement that gets you into the crackpot club LB. Even QM and Relativity are always under scrutiny. If your theory is so profound and accurate, you could easily derive, say, classical probability from it? Or show that QM and Relativity are a subset of it? Which they would have to be, just like Newtonian physics is a subset of General Relativity.

Claiming 100% certainty without decades of results and peer review is very crackpottish.
Mr Anonymous said:
hence the posit of my question: What colour is Green?

I'm somewhat taken aback as to you're reaction. I would have thought it a somewhat obvious question to ask, given the thrust of you're initial posting - you have actually read what you've written haven't you?
Yes. How does LB's theory account for the spectral features of "green"? Its energy/wavelength? Emission by certain excited atomic states? What about coherent green laser light? How does the LBTOE explain coherence without QM? There are many interesting questions about the color green.
Mr Anonymous said:
My word. I must say, you certainly are living up to you're user name there old man. Any chance, possibly do y'think, of not being quite so laid-back as to bite a fellows head off just for asking a simple, pertinent question?

I'm not sure if you've actually read at all you're opening proposition - I certainly have. That's why, when you made the call for "some serious questions now?" I had actually presumed you to be being, indeed, actually serious - hence the posit of my question: What colour is Green?

I'm somewhat taken aback as to you're reaction. I would have thought it a somewhat obvious question to ask, given the thrust of you're initial posting - you have actually read what you've written haven't you?

My apologies, in answer to your question MY green is equal to Your green is this in agreement? which should be pretty close to errr~??? :m: ;)
superluminal said:
Yes. How does LB's theory account for the spectral features of "green"?

:) .... Well, I was rather hoping LB could answer that. However...

LaidBack said:
My apologies, in answer to your question MY green is equal to Your green is this in agreement? which should be pretty close to errr~???

That's very gracious of you LB, however I can assure you, I knocked the :m: on the head a good while back now. Let me put it this way:

Cut to the chase, one sentence: what exactly does your theory of everything add up to. No math, no this, that or the other - with precision boil it down to the absolutely communicable. One sentence.
LaidBack said:
Evidence and calculus simply backs up everything 100%!
And yes you’re right! My mind is made up based on this evidence!

What in the universe made you think other wise, GOD? :rolleyes: especially when one considers this thread is holding the Title "Theory Of Everything "TOE" Cracked"

By applying one self to the calculus what else is there?

Besides if we learn anymore to or about our Universe, it still is part of our possible Universe! <shakehead>




you got it all worked out.. wonderful...

good for you.


if you were at all... competent.. you would have argued.. not agreed.

hahahahaha... is all i can say...

superluminal said:
This is the kind of statement that gets you into the crackpot club LB. Even QM and Relativity are always under scrutiny. If your theory is so profound and accurate, you could easily derive, say, classical probability from it? Or show that QM and Relativity are a subset of it? Which they would have to be, just like Newtonian physics is a subset of General Relativity.

Claiming 100% certainty without decades of results and peer review is very crackpottish.

Well we need to start somewhere! and we should note the reason we have Probability is because of how current fields of science treat an Atom, in particular by how we manage the electron and its given point of presence at any given moment in time by treating it as a particle, it just doesn’t work without probability.

But if we forego our current view or constructs of an Atom to one where we only deal with a given velocity or momentum that defines a given area we don’t have to consider probability, but rather we can use field theory.

Lets elaborate on why we can treat a particle as if a field, Put simply if we consider that a given particle must consist of a field of force we must concede this force is either an outward force which opposes other forces to its definition "other mass or velocities", to which we must also concede that if this force was allowed to traverse its given trajectory it would destroy the given area that was once defined it as a particle, so therefore it is logical to consider that the atom must consist of forces that reflect what we commonly refer to as charge… where positive can be treated as an outward force and negative could be treated as an inward force and or vice versa and what’s more we now have symbiotic forces and or means of how mass is possible without worrying about charge, we can even convert a magnetic field to these basic fundamental forces.

Anyway getting back to what constitutes a particle while one field of force exerts outwardly the other force/s must be a field of inward velocity and where they meet and clash we have areas that we commonly know as a neutron thats of course if we are dealing with the atom via charge, getting back to treating charge at some velocity, we even have the means as to how valences are possible and why they behave they way they do, and on smashing particles into each other we can even predict how long each sub atomic particles fields of force/s will take to accelerate away at the onset of being smashed!

So having converted electromagnetic forces into manageable fields of forces we now can apply it to proper time refrerences, so it should be noted I really havent changed much, in fact all I have simply done is converted charge/s to fields with a velocity or momentum "force"to them.
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''logical to consider that the atom must consist of forces that reflect what we commonly refer to as charge… where positive can be treated as an outward force and negative could be treated as an inward force and or vice versa and what’s more we now have symbiotic forces and or means of how mass is possible without worrying about charge, we can even convert a magnetic field to these basic fundamental forces.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

OH PLEASE.. tell us of this inward and outward force.. is it cyclic??? back and forth??
or is it balanced? does it meet in the middle over any given distance?

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''getting back to treating charge at some velocity, we even have the means as to how valences are possible and why they behave they way they do''''''''''''''''''''

what valence are you talking about? specifically???

Mr Anonymous said:

Cut to the chase, one sentence: what exactly does your theory of everything add up to. No math, no this, that or the other - with precision boil it down to the absolutely communicable. One sentence.

:eek: :confused:

Its a means to calculate and predict and or manage anything in our universe at any level, Most importantly it amalgamates Newtonian with Quantum Mechanics, Oh! And once and for hopefully bins Probability.
I simply cant stand it :mad: