Theory Of Everything Cracked!

Mosheh Thezion said:
this is entirely my theory, and while, people should be intrigued, they usually arent.
Can your theory predict experimental results correctly in cases where current theories don't work?
Mosheh Thezion said:
study... along electromagnetic lines.... will only get you confused... since magnetic flux literally... goes in circles... as you will be... if you allow yourself to believe that electromagnetic energy is fundamental....

no... it is a construct... constructed out of electric fields by electrons...... period.

in photons... it is true.. that an oscillatory cycle takes place with both electric and magnetic halves.... such.. is not what I discussed in the lasts posts.

c the speed of light... is such, simply because space itself is moving at that speed...
and loose. .. un attached electromagnetic and electric fields are immediately given motion by this spatial motion.

that is why a photons energy is not dependant on speed... but is instead dependant on frequency.

Maxwell... showed it good in his book, a treatise on electric and electromagnetic fields... or something.

photons.... twist to the right.... all of them... and have magnetic cycles.

there is something also note worthy... inductive fields... generated by the passage of electrons in conductors.... all twist to the LEFT.

this is fundamental, and points to the nature of the electron... which can and will on one hand.. emit a right spinning photon.... can also emit a left spinning inductive field....

meaning... that since electrons... are a polar thing... perhaps they are physically so... and if so... what might the composition and shape of things, as an electron be?????????? how would it function?
and why?

I have also explained this.

as you can see... I propose quite literally.. Those electrons.. are in some way made of.... made of literally... an electric field line of force...
and that... it... the electric field.. whatever it is... tension... a line..
it rolls up and forms the electron due to some natural pattern.

the electron I propose is the shrunken result,, of a neutron spinning and emitting its top most layer of densely packed electric field energy, and emits it do a distance sufficient to allow its collapse... which then forms the electron.
the pattern of the electron then... is representative of the actual patterns of energy in the proton and neutron masses of the cores....

this pattern... is polar.. and serve the function of adding a higher dimension to the line of force being emitted... this addition of dimension, may come at a price of energy, resulting in limited sized electrons, which on their surface, emit a twisting field coil... loose.. and it can emit energy and absorb it, and emit it as either right twisting photons... or left twisting inductive fields...

its emission then... is based on the polarity of the electron at the time of emission.

i.e.. in wires... all electrons are pointed at the pos source... and only when slowed down.... do they emit fields in the same direction of motion... a left twisting field.

but when orbiting atoms... the emission.. is always... in the opposite direction.

yielding a right twisting photon.

this is entirely my theory, and while, people should be intrigued, they usually aren’t.


Oh Happy Days :) Thankfully~ much of the above gives me a greater insight of where I have taken your previous data incorrectly..

Mosheh Thezion, May I ask if you have ever pondered over the basic forces that define a given particle? "ANY PARTICLE” including a sub Atomic component that are the result of high velocity impacts in an electron accelerator, when I mention this I am referring mainly to what momentum and or velocities are occurring that facilitates the force/s of what one may be measuring and or observing should we be capable of doing so.. I have envisioned how if an inward/outward force that defines said particle were disrupted, I envision how each force or momentum would gain a freedom destroying the definition.

Obviously there are a few possibilities, and what’s important to note is that whatever force/s are giving whatever definition it must also be responsible for the same areas when we deal with momentum in the macro world..

I must admit for a very long time I was dealing with our universe as if some creation process had taken place, and much of this was caused by the big bang Theory.. Over twenty years ago I decided I would try and work out what event was the first event...

It begins!...

If we use the Big bang Model we end up with more or less a singularity of a beginning and well we now still have the universe albeit in a much simpler form or definition, where there still has to exist some momentum “ANY MOMENTUM” that may give rise to what exists today.. If I am correct and grasping your data and constructs your data points to much the same reasoning..

Am I correct?

Let me say I find it refreshing that much of your reasoning is based on sound reasoning and perhaps “You”, “Like Me” are even currently treating the whole universe consisting strictly of areas “fields” and densities” of differing momentum and or velocities that result for our current constructs of Gravity, Magnetic/Electrical poles and respective constructs of spin “orbits”, Positive and Negative charges where theses various velocities that enmesh gives us the resulting constructs of neutrons that separate the valences in the atoms structure and further more defines one Atom from another, or if treated properly as neutralized areas which really are complex lines of force and or momentum where quantum theory is still grappling with the complexity of these uncertain areas, let alone still to this day omitting to treating the span of atoms fields in where they span to the next Atoms field of momentum which BTW is responsible for the propagation of light, which further more gives us the maximum span that exists from any given atom to any other that gives us the constant “c”, and if the universe was expanding one must concede the Atoms area or field in the near vacuum would span and increase and eventually would effect “c” and along with it “Permittivity” would have to change, another consideration would be our near unity figures would also be effected, but Most importantly we would also have to concede that at a certain given inward momentum “Gravity” would become null and void at a given velocity dictated by this expansion rate where the two momentums and or velocities were at some opposing equilibrium.

Moving on~ This is why I have come to the conclusion that our universe is not expanding and therefore the big bang theory is incorrect, My conclusion is that our Universe and all momentum has always been and it always will be, and what’s more if we base the universe on a Klein Bottle Model, it becomes obvious its own destruction is what creates its own beginning, and this point in time when this is occurring is what is causing the universes existence.

If we observe every orbital plane of every galaxy which BTW defines a further time reference, “and yes every galaxies orbital plane points to some other time reference” we have enough models to work with that prove that as each Black hole in every centre of every galaxy strips mass into them, they eject data back to the universe via the galaxies poles, now if we concede that our area is indeed with an inward velocity “shrinking” and with a momentum or velocity towards the centre of our galaxy we would perceive and measure areas that are not effected by “our time reference” as actually at a velocity of increasing distance and mass to ours, Via “Redshift”, As disastrous as this sounds it must be noted that for all we know most of our galaxy or local area exists already as part of the black Hole, in fact it may be as much as 90~99% of it, or because of lacking data I have to admit, it may even be the other way around and we may have already traverse through the neck and are at a velocity and spin away from the time reference.

Anyway~ whatever direction our local area is heading we are either shrinking and or expanding at a different rate to distant Areas which is giving us this resulting Redshift.
1) the unverse was created by the application of pure energy of a specific quality unto a transindental fluid wich condesends to obey certain natural laws.
laws set forth... by the quality of the applied energy.
quality of the applied energy should be representable by a number of equations in some form of mathmatics... dimensional progressive mathmatics, which i have yet to invent.
2) this applied energy, was manifested as increasing levels of stored potential energy as levels of dimensional states on that transindental fluid, called the spatial Ether.
3) this energy obsorbtion, manifestation pattern... we can see might follow a simple dimensional progression.. which in turn leads to the idea of a natural further progression beyond what we call 3D space.... i.e.. 4 and then 5 and 6...

these dimensions... are not as some theorists like to say, down deep in the small pockets of space foam.....

but are the aspects of space and matter themselves... itself...


1d, 2 d, 3d.... space...
4d.. two way motion(time) and original particles= tension= gravity pure.
5D.. curves up all the lines of tension, into twisting photon like things with more potential...
6D again... adds vector force.. bending and twisting all the photons.. in some way.
7D at last, is a reverse vector, bending all the twisted up dimensionaly energized spatial tension into one ball of energy, that gets tighter and tighter... until it shrinks down to the size of one giant nucleon. matter is the maximum minimum for this compression of the original spatial tension... tension which now emits from atoms as.. electrons.. positive electric fields.. and gravity.

this nucleon.. is the one that explodes in 8D.. and is the big bang.
the 8D motion was two directional... just as the 4D rise was.. as 0D was..
as 12 D will be... and 16D if at all....

each 'first motion' in each 4 90 degree angles circle rises... is always two directional.
while the 3 dimensions that follow, follow some form of progression as far as the exact quality of the transitions from one vector to two and three.
the effect of this, on a universal scale, is to manifest what might be seen as blossoming of the energy inputed.. by cycling threw these processes of outward expansion... 0D to 3D... to inward compression... 4D to 7D..
to expansion again.. starting at 8D... with the big bang..
where the original mass.... broke down into smaller pieces.

in this way... we can explain for the positions.. motions.. and spiral aspects of all the heavenly bodies... and explains the black hole at the center of all galaxys, and black holes in general.. and explains were all the dark matter is.

space is not expanding.... and fusion... probubly will never work.

Mosheh Thezion said:
1) the unverse was created by the application of pure energy of a specific quality unto a transindental fluid wich condesends to obey certain natural laws.
laws set forth... by the quality of the applied energy.
quality of the applied energy should be representable by a number of equations in some form of mathmatics... dimensional progressive mathmatics, which i have yet to invent.

Invent? :eek: whoa! whao~Hold on there! :bugeye:
I have been there and done that! :D

Lets take this slow...

Now~ where you claim, " The universe was created by the application of pure energy of specific quality " I agree this is ok and that’s fine by me! But where and how did this pure energy of specific quality come about?

This sounds like the moment before the big bang problem...
Sadly this means it is NOT a Theory Of Everything as you have omitted how this energy was created or what caused it, yes I know you mentioned following certain laws but what defined those laws..

Let me suggest you read one of my my previous posts again where the universes existence is clearly explained in where its own destruction is actually its ongoing creation via plotting the universes dynamics somewhat to a Klein Bottle model.

Let me also suggest by starting off with as a simple model as one can..

If we start with a shapeless form representing the universe we have something, and this something is the same throughout inside and out.. But with out time or change it simply does not exists to anything else. So therefore in order for anything to exist to something else we need something else "and anything else will do", but with out some exchange we still really have nothing but a stagnant state, but with change and or momentum we have facilities that form laws of conformance for some existence and what’s more we now can apply calculus to these changes, and what better quanta could we interject than if we were to apply time and or change?

Now if we look at the very basics one must concede that all the laws of Physics are the result of these two basic fundamentals at the very least and if these two quanta’s at the very least don’t exist - then nothing can exist! we simply have no means to calculus either!

So if we research Physics intimately this suggests it’s an all or nothing deal, and therefore the only possible scenario is that the Universes destruction governed by current laws is what is responsible for its own ongoing creation. Put simply, existence has always existed if we note energy can not be created or destroyed...
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Mosheh Thezion said:
and fusion... probubly will never work.


Say whahhh? surely you jests right! :rolleyes:

phwerrrt.. As if our sun or any star doesn’t exists, and yeah right! we don’t have nuclear power stations.. :D Nuclear fusion doesnt exist <h~heh!> good un Mosheh!
fission... works fine.... fusion.. has yet to produce any energy.

and... un.. energy?? its source??

would be from outside the universe... so it doesnt violate anything.

and as such... i could not tell you about said source.

but if we contemplate the input of energy to a closed system universe, then suddenly it all can make clear sense.... and follow a clear progressive time line.

a beginning and eventual end.

its nice to propose endless space or endless time... or cycles of bang and colapse.
but they are always as theories.... full of major holes.

God theory... has no holes..

i know.. your an atheist... thats to bad.

because the idea of applied energy... and natural progressive patterns..
fits perfectly with Moses Genesis....

which is the basis of my newly founded religion.... a religion of science.

Mosheh Thezion said:
... God theory... has no holes...-MT
Standard reply: And where did God come from?
Extended reply: Why not universe from there too?

Is God just some sort of "delivery boy?" (bringing universe from there?)

Must be as we are supposed to tip him/her every seven days.
Holy crap!

If you shift you frame of reference and avail yourself of common sense.. you will arrive at the (not-so) startling conclusion that...


It must be great fun to prop up your nonsense by posting jibberish to yourself under different names in a vain effort to rehash non-sensical theories and thrust them into public view... again and again and again.
sleeper555 said:
Holy crap!

If you shift you frame of reference and avail yourself of common sense.. you will arrive at the (not-so) startling conclusion that...


It must be great fun to prop up your nonsense by posting jibberish to yourself under different names in a vain effort to rehash non-sensical theories and thrust them into public view... again and again and again.

My vote is that they are distinct nuts, but in the same sac.
Just like two peas in a pod. Or should that be...

Two cracks in a pot?
Two cranks on the rounds?
Two bees in a bonnet?
Two bats in a belfry?
Two nuts on a job?
Mosheh Thezion said:
fission... works fine.... fusion.. has yet to produce any energy.

and... un.. energy?? its source??

would be from outside the universe... so it doesnt violate anything.

and as such... i could not tell you about said source.

but if we contemplate the input of energy to a closed system universe, then suddenly it all can make clear sense.... and follow a clear progressive time line.

a beginning and eventual end.

its nice to propose endless space or endless time... or cycles of bang and colapse.
but they are always as theories.... full of major holes.

God theory... has no holes..

i know.. your an atheist... thats to bad.

because the idea of applied energy... and natural progressive patterns..
fits perfectly with Moses Genesis....

which is the basis of my newly founded religion.... a religion of science.


A closed system is just that! It is closed to all influences beyond it! And that is our Universe! Got that!

Enough is enough! I was wondering why there were so many niggly points of your theory that wasn’t making any sense, and well I now understand why!
It’s not because of missing data! Its simply because its all muddled with bullshit! and grossly lacking details and depth of constructs! Just like some persuado science that usually comes from a religious mind!

So heres something to mull over, that will hopefully break you free from what’s brainwashed you!

Ask your self what state would H2o be without Light, take a trip to one of our poles where we have around 23 hours of darkness and keep your feet in a vessel of water for at least 24 hours! Now! if there were no electromagnetic waves and or forces, and having observed water changing states to Ice with only 23 hours of lacking light, read the first page of the bible "Genesis" where it clearly states H2o being in the state of water not ice but water before light was commissioned! Does this sound like a statement coming from some one who knows intimately the Physics of everything let alone responsible for the creation of it?

Ponder over what the solar planets were orbiting before the source of light was commisioned? In fact what the hell is responsible for their definition when an important part of physics is not possible! remember "No Light or electromagnetic forces" have been defined thus far!

Ponder over how water could in fact exist if part of the physics that defines it doesn’t exist.. And make note of the two different orders of creation this shiesta states!
Why would any one state two different orders of creation when only one oder can be possible?

Please dont tell me you still are going to insist this shiesta is responsible for something it doesn’t even understand to the same standard of an average shmo’s understanding of our universe!

Sadly I have to say what a waste of a mind, such a waste to allow your self to be brainwashed with utter bullshit! Let me say you sicken me! To allow one self to be brainwashed and robbed from being possibly known as a brilliant mind!

Just think what you could achieve if your mind wasn’t cluttered with bullshit that needs large lashings of bullshit just so it conforms to some sort of truth!

God theory has one mother of a Hole just like the Big Bang theory has!
Can you give constructs to what created god and what’s more! What data is responsible for its Intelligence!???? what faciltates its functions?
How could anything be above and beyond time and yet be bound by a 7 day creation? Huh?
swivel said:
My vote is that they are distinct nuts, but in the same sac.

In other words, it’s all way above you’re league, and therefore <LOL> one simply dissmisses it as Crack Pot constructs, which is fine by me as long as you’re not a Lecturer who is responsible for shaping our future scientists, I seriously doubt it though, as thus far admittedly my given constructs have been overly simplistic and rightfully should have beckoned certain questions by those working in these fields…

You haven’t addressed any expected questions, so yeah~ Who are you to define who I am? unless your shifting your definition around by swiveling the table.
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Billy T said:
Standard reply: And where did God come from?
Extended reply: Why not universe from there too?

Is God just some sort of "delivery boy?" (bringing universe from there?)

Must be as we are supposed to tip him/her every seven days.

when i use the term GOD.... i mean 'the mysterious unknown source of the energy applied in creation'... and thats it.

i did not say jehovah.... or elohiem... or rah... etc...

i just mentioned that my theory isnt new.. moses said the same thing.

sleeper555 said:
Holy crap!

If you shift you frame of reference and avail yourself of common sense.. you will arrive at the (not-so) startling conclusion that...


It must be great fun to prop up your nonsense by posting jibberish to yourself under different names in a vain effort to rehash non-sensical theories and thrust them into public view... again and again and again.

EAT MY SHIT... sleeper555

i have never used any other name... so go to hell.

if some other person said similar things... good for him.. too bad for you.

sleeper555 said:
Holy crap!

If you shift you frame of reference and avail yourself of common sense.. you will arrive at the (not-so) startling conclusion that...


It must be great fun to prop up your nonsense by posting jibberish to yourself under different names in a vain effort to rehash non-sensical theories and thrust them into public view... again and again and again.

Ok having established I am a crackpot lets all attack my given constructs..

Or are you all going to take the safe road and insist with the quip to me being a crack pot without trying to understand what calculus we need to apply!

Surely no one here fears that their question may make one look foolish!

So in order to ease the situation let me state, I "myself" have difficulty when working with calculus, and I am sure I am no more capable than anyone else here!

Ok can we move on and get with some serious questions now? :bugeye:
LaidBack said:

A closed system is just that! It is closed to all influences beyond it! And that is our Universe! Got that!

the earth is a closed system... but energy comes in... just as over time... gases bleed out... that is what i mean by a closed system universe.... only able to take in energy... and spits it back eventually. got that!

Enough is enough! I was wondering why there were so many niggly points of your theory that wasn’t making any sense, and well I now understand why!
It’s not because of missing data! Its simply because its all muddled with bullshit! and grossly lacking details and depth of constructs! Just like some persuado science that usually comes from a religious mind!

niggly points??? why dont you try 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8....... and i will show you clearly.. that there is nothing niggly about it. got that!

So heres something to mull over, that will hopefully break you free from what’s brainwashed you!

I am self taugh... i wash my own brain.. who was it that filled your head with bias????

Ask your self what state would H2o be without Light, take a trip to one of our poles where we have around 23 hours of darkness and keep your feet in a vessel of water for at least 24 hours! Now! if there were no electromagnetic waves and or forces, and having observed water changing states to Ice with only 23 hours of lacking light, read the first page of the bible "Genesis" where it clearly states H2o being in the state of water not ice but water before light was commissioned! Does this sound like a statement coming from some one who knows intimately the Physics of everything let alone responsible for the creation of it?

Are you an idiot??? you did not even read my last page on genesis did you??? because only morons stick to the 1500 year old interpretation of genesis...... i have re-interpreted it.
and low and behold... it works fine.. but in verse two.. when it says the spirit of GOD moved apon the face of the waters, it is discussing the universe... space.. as a transindental FLUID... which is the best way to describe space, especially if your a prophet 3000 years ago. dah.

Ponder over what the solar planets were orbiting before the source of light was commisioned? In fact what the hell is responsible for their definition when an important part of physics is not possible! remember "No Light or electromagnetic forces" have been defined thus far!

why are you mentioning electromagnetics and light..?
re-read the last picture... and look at the picture.. in it.. you will see the verses... laidout.. as part of that time line... and it all fits.
dont try and argue with me, if you dont study the material. got that!

Ponder over how water could in fact exist if part of the physics that defines it doesn’t exist.. And make note of the two different orders of creation this shiesta states!
Why would any one state two different orders of creation when only one oder can be possible?

this nonsense.. you spew... is due to your tatal misunderstanding... and as such. doesnt need a reply.

Please dont tell me you still are going to insist this shiesta is responsible for something it doesn’t even understand to the same standard of an average shmo’s understanding of our universe!

shmo maybe about right... it seems.

Sadly I have to say what a waste of a mind, such a waste to allow your self to be brainwashed with utter bullshit! Let me say you sicken me! To allow one self to be brainwashed and robbed from being possibly known as a brilliant mind!

you are a fucking idiot.. my god.
just because i mention GOD... suddenly you become a close minded moron.... thats so sad.
I am self taught... i ihave over 7000 pages in hand written notes develped over 10 years in developing this theory... all by myself.
and if you dont like the way ive brain washed my self, then you can also eat my shit.

Just think what you could achieve if your mind wasn’t cluttered with bullshit that needs large lashings of bullshit just so it conforms to some sort of truth!

now... im really mad..

we are going to have to go over all the fucking evidense.

God theory has one mother of a Hole just like the Big Bang theory has!
Can you give constructs to what created god and what’s more! What data is responsible for its Intelligence!???? what faciltates its functions?
How could anything be above and beyond time and yet be bound by a 7 day creation? Huh?

how long is a day to god?? moron.

you havent actually understood... that is the problem.

if your up to it... lets start with the fucking evidense.

all of it.
